How long after wisdom teeth removal do the stitches dissolve

Dissolvable stitches are made of sterile, absorbable compounds and materials that eventually disintegrate over a period of time inside the body, helped by the body’s normal immune system response to foreign materials. They are used to close internal, surgical openings and incisions, such as in wisdom teeth removal. Dissolvable stitches are helpful when getting your wisdom teeth out because the level of care after such a procedure is usually minimal; in other words, you don’t need to see your doctor afterward except for a quick checkup – unless complications arise with the healing process.

When can you expect your stitches to dissolve?

Dissolvable stitches, as in the name, are designed to dissolve on their own without any intervention from oral surgeons. Though the stitches dissolve, it takes time for this process to occur. There are a few things that affect how long the stitches will take to dissolve, including:

  • The size of the stitches – larger stitches may take a longer time to dissolve than smaller stitches.
  • The ingredients the stitches are made of – some stitches are designed to last a longer period of time for wounds that may take longer to heal.
  • Type and size of incision – larger incisions may require more stitches or larger stitches, which will likely take longer to disintegrate.
  • The location of the stitches – certain locations produce different conditions for stitches to dissolve within, such as in the mouth where wisdom teeth were extracted – the stitches will likely affected by the moisture surrounding the area.

All of these factors are important to consider when it comes to understanding how long it will take for your own wisdom teeth stitches to dissolve. In some cases stitches take only several days to dissolve, whereas in other cases it may take up to a few months. Usually stitches that are used after wisdom teeth extraction will take a couple weeks to disintegrate.

How to care for your stitches after wisdom teeth removal

Properly caring for the incision site after wisdom teeth removal is essential to your recovery and proper healing. Though complications are rare, wisdom teeth removal can pose challenges for some individuals. When it comes to your stitches specifically, it’s not uncommon for them to bother some people – especially if a stitch becomes loose or pokes out inside your mouth. No matter what, it’s important that you follow these specific guidelines:

  • Don’t try to pull out your stiches
  • Let your oral surgeon be aware of your concerns or any changes in your healing
  • Inform yourself of what you can expect with your own healing process
  • Don’t use straws, chew gum, or other especially chewy or hard foods
  • Keep your mouth clean, and try not to disturb the incision area

Signs of complications to be aware of

The good news is that dissolvable stitches are not likely to cause many complications, including infection. However, as with any surgical procedure, no matter how simple, there are always complications you can run into that pose a threat to your recovery. Besides following the above guidelines to help prevent complications, you should also be aware of the potential signs of complications in case you experience them yourself. Here are a few signs to look out for which indicate you need to contact your oral surgeon right away:

  • Excessive pain that does not subside with mild painkillers
  • A raised body temperature or fever
  • Irritation or redness around the incision area
  • A swollen incision area
  • Any fluid excretion from the incision area

These symptoms indicate that your wisdom teeth incision area is not

How long after wisdom teeth removal do the stitches dissolve
healing properly, and you may be dealing with an infection. Don’t panic, this situation is highly treatable; however, the longer you wait to have the problem addressed the more serious it can become and the more strenuous the interventions will be.

How we can help you

Having your wisdom teeth removed can be a little daunting, and it’s understandable that you probably have plenty of questions and concerns about the procedure. Here at the Dental Group of Simi Valley in California, we have helped countless individuals successfully get through the process of wisdom teeth removal. If you’d like to learn more about the process or how we can help you, please call our office directly.

If you ever undergo wisdom teeth extraction, expect incision and stitches. Stitches are also known as sutures, and they attach back the cut gum tissue layer to preserve it.
Stitches assist in the healthy recovery of incision and also keep the surgery area safe from infections. After the wisdom teeth removal, you can ask your dentist the type of stitches they used.

Keep reading to find more about wisdom teeth stitches, their types, and aftercare tips.

How long do wisdom teeth stitches take to dissolve or fall out?

The types of stitches oral surgeons use for wisdom teeth extractions are dissolvable stitches. The reason is that these stitches break down on their own.

Wisdom teeth stitches take around a few weeks to fall out, or sometimes they may take around a month to dissolve entirely. The falling out of wisdom teeth stitches depends on many factors such as:

  • the material of stitch used
  • type and size of stitch
  • the severity of tooth removal surgery

For some surgeries, the dentists may not use dissolvable stitches. In such a case, they will tell when to come back for the removal of stitches.

The stitches that don’t dissolve on their own are called removable stitches, and they are taken out around a week or 1 or 2 days more after the procedure.

For the first 24-48 hours, you may experience pain due to stitches. However, the pain wouldn’t be very different because your mouth will be sore for 7-10 days after the surgery.

How to take care of wisdom teeth stitches?

Following the wisdom tooth extraction, your oral surgeon will explain how to take care of the blood clots and keep your stitches free from infections.

Caring for the stitches and blood clots is necessary to avoid dry socket, which is a painful condition.

Every patient is different, and so is their surgery site; therefore, it’s important to listen to your doctor’s instructions.

Typical aftercare instructions

24 hours after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth with salty water. But please remember not to spit or swish, or it might dislodge the blood clot. Open your mouth and let the water fall out.

Sometimes dentists prescribe chlorhexidine solution, an antibacterial rinse, and it minimizes the risk of oral infection.

If your dentist prescribes you antibiotics, please make sure to complete the prescription for the best results.

For the first 5-7 days after removal, avoid using a toothbrush or flossing on the surgery site or what your dentist recommends.

Foods to avoid after wisdom teeth removal

For the first few days, only go with soft foods and drinks and avoid anything that might cause the stitches to come out. Here are a few things good for your mouth.

  • soup
  • smoothies
  • mashed potatoes
  • yogurt
  • scrambled eggs

Stay away from sticky, crunchy, and chewy foods, including:

  • fruits with tiny seeds such as raspberries, strawberries
  • nuts
  • popcorn
  • raw carrots
  • corn on the cob
  • steak
  • chewing gum

What else to avoid?

Avoid anything that might cause suction movement in the mouth as it can disrupt the stitches. Suction can also be damaging for a blood clot that is beginning to form over the extraction site.

Things to avoid are:

  • spitting
  • smoking
  • drinking alcohol
  • rigorous exercise
  • drinking hot liquids
  • drinking from a straw

Your oral surgeon can guide you on when you can get back to these activities.

My wisdom teeth stitches came out. What to do?

Sometimes you may notice that your loose stitch is coming out, or it may fall out completely. You shouldn’t worry too much until you have symptoms of infection or your wound has opened or is bleeding.

If your loose stitch is a source of irritation to the gums of cheeks, consult your dentist and let him know about your situation. Please don’t think about cutting, pulling, or removing a loose stitch without asking your dentist or oral surgeon.

Your wisdom teeth stitches should remain at their place until the wound closes. If you pull them out before the right time, it can deteriorate the healing process. Early pulling can also lead to infection due to the introduction of germs and bacteria into the extraction site.

How long does it take for wisdom teeth holes to heal completely?

After the stitches dissolve, you can go back to your regular menu. You’ll also be able to return to your flossing and brushing routine. But do keep in mind that recovering from a wisdom teeth extraction procedure is a time taking process. The empty tooth socket will take around 3 to 4 months to heal entirely.

How can you tell if your wisdom teeth stitches have an infection?

Infection after a tooth extraction is not very uncommon, but you can prevent that from happening by keeping your stitches free from germs.

Signs of infection include:

  • pain
  • Inflammation
  • redness
  • oozing of pus
  • fever
  • pus or blood in nasal discharge
  • bad taste in the mouth
  • Itching in the extraction hole

If you have a feeling that an infection might be lingering, immediately see your oral surgeon. Your doctor will most probably prescribe you some antibiotics. Since oral infections are really good at worsening quickly, don’t take too long to visit your oral surgeon and explain the symptoms you are experiencing.

If you’re looking for an oral surgeon in Houston, Texas, or nearby areas, head to Pearl Shine Dental. To schedule an appointment, call 281-477-7200. We would love to hear from you!