When is childrens day in korea

Almost every country has a holiday that celebrates children. Youngsters are a very important part of society and there are a lot of traditions all around the world linked to them. In Japan and Korea, however, Children’s day is more than just a day off – it is a reminder that children are the future of society, which is why they should be treated with unconditional love and respect. In this article, we are going to see why this holiday means so much for both Japanese and Koreans and also how it is celebrated.

History and origin

In both countries, Children’s day is celebrated on the 5th of May. In Japan, the 5th day of the 5th month has been a celebration since ancient times. Children’s day in Japan was originally called Tango no Sekku (端午の節句), usually translated as Boys’ Day, celebrated as the opposite of Hina Matsuri (Girls’ day, taking place on the 3rd day of the 3rd month). In 1948 the name of the holiday was changed to Kodomo no Hi (こどもの日), which translates to Children’s day, to include both girls and boys in the official holiday.

Children’s day in Japan is the finale in a string of holidays called the Golden week. Since all of these celebrations are at the beginning of May, the weather is perfect for different outdoor activities and as a result that is when the population of Japan “awakes” and starts being more active.

Children’s day in Korea has a rather politically inclined history. The holiday was firstly celebrated in 1923 as a result of a students’ movement to draw attention to their status and improve their situation. One of the main faces of the movement was children’s book writer Dr. Bang Jung-Hwan, who first started using the modern word for kids in Korean eorini (어린이). People still find wisdom in his words:

“Children are the future of our nation. Let’s show respect for children. Children who grow up with ridicule and contempt from others will become people who disrespect others, while children who grow up with respect from others will become people who respect others in turn.”

When is childrens day in korea
Historically, Japan also had an influence on the Korean festival. During the time Korea was under Japan’s rule, the Japanese tried to forbid this celebration as it could be used as a reason for activists to gather. However, the tradition remained and in 1945, after World War ll, the tradition was revived. In 1970 Children’s day in Korea was made an official holiday. Children’s day in Korea was initially taking place on the 1st of May but as it coincided with Labour day it was moved to the 5th of May.

Traditions. How do the countries celebrate?

In Japan, the holiday is still strongly associated with boys. A tradition that has remained from back then is for families that have a boy to fly carp streamers outside of their houses. Carp fish are believed to be strong and spirited fish that swim upstream and through powerful waterfalls. The carp or koi streamers also called Koinobori (鯉のぼり), symbolize the wish of the parents for their sons to become brave and strong.

Children’s day in Japan is usually accompanied by a lot of presents for the kids and various festivals. Places like museums, amusement parks, and zoos are very popular on this holiday. There are also some traditional dishes cooked specially for the celebration – mochigome, chimaki, and kashiwamochi.

The 5th of May is an official holiday in Korea and that is why a lot of people associate it with a day off. It is a very important holiday for kids – as significant as Christmas is to other countries. It is a day that gives parents the chance to get off their busy jobs and spend time with their kids, show them they love them by giving presents and visiting special places together.

Important holidays and their role in business

At 1-StopAsia, we explore the peculiarities of Asian life and traditions for you – to show you the beautiful and meet you with the educational. Having such information, however, can greatly help you in your business approach as well. Asians usually receive a great amount of pleasure when foreigners take an interest in their important celebrations and such holidays might turn out to be a great chance for you to show you care. Also, it is good to be aware that such official holidays usually mean a day off for employees. Having that in mind can also save you some trouble.

On Children’s Day, South Korea is alight with fun activities, lots of foot traffic, and smiling children. In this article, you’ll learn all about this festive Korean holiday and pick up some new vocabulary along the way.

Let’s get started.

When is childrens day in korea

1. What is Children’s Day in Korea?

Let’s begin with a little bit of Children’s Day history.

In the past, people had little concern over children’s rights or their place in society, which led to many Koreans foregoing a happy childhood. The novelist Bang Jeong-hwan saw this, and sought to create positive change in children’s lives. Thus, he worked to put together several organizations to help improve children’s lives and promote their rights. These organizations include The Rainbow Society and Cheondogyo Children’s Association.

Eventually, in 1923, Korea made Children’s Day an official holiday. During the Japanese occupation of Korea, celebrations for this holiday ceased for a while, but since its return, Children’s Day has been one of the most widely and fervently celebrated holidays in the country.

Today in South Korea, Children’s Day acts like a second birthday—one that all Korean children can celebrate at once!

2. When is Children’s Day Every Year?

When is childrens day in korea

Each year, Koreans celebrate Children’s Day on May 5.

    → Learn all about the Top 5 Korean Holidays with KoreanClass101.com!

3. Children’s Day Celebrations and Traditions

On Children’s Day, parents seek to give their child or children a full day of fun. Many children enjoy going to the 동물원 (dongmurwon), or “zoo,” and an 놀이공원 (norigongwon), or “amusement park.” Oftentimes, parents will often take their child out for a meal at a nice restaurant, or for a simpler picnic lunch.

In addition, parents usually get their children a 어린이날 선물 (eorininal seonmul), or “gift for the Children’s Day.” Traditionally, gifts usually included simple toys, special treats such as cookies or crackers, and the like. But today, more and more children ask for things like iPads or iPhones.

Of course, there’s bound to be at least a little bit of time spent relaxing at home (or so the parents probably hope!). On television, there are often 어린이날 특선 만화 (eorininal teukseon manhwa), or “special animations for the Children’s Day,” that kids will enjoy watching during their off-time.

What about Koreans who are single or don’t have children? Couples will often go out on a date together or stay home and relax; single people may go out and participate in activities, or also relax at home.

    → Check out our vocabulary lists on the Must-Know Words & Phrases to Use at an Amusement Park and the Top 10 Weekend Activities to pick up some useful vocab!

4. Bang Jeong-hwan

Children’s Day is only one of many contributions to children that Bang Jeong-hwan made.

His entire career was dedicated to children, with many of his writings dealing with topics related to childhood and the triumph of good over evil. He wrote children’s literature, and even started a children’s literary magazine that ran for over a decade. His goals included improving children’s lives and educating the Korean population of how important it is to cherish children, especially in hard times.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Children’s Day

When is childrens day in korea

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a list of the most important words and phrases for Children’s Day in South Korea!

  • 동물원 (dongmurwon) — “zoo” [n.]
  • 소풍 (sopung) — “picnic” [n.]
  • 초등학교 (chodeunghakkyo) — “elementary school” [n.]
  • 어린이날 (Eorininal) — “Children’s Day” [n.]
  • 행사 (haengsa) — “event” [n.]
  • 어린이날 선물 (eorininal seonmul) — “gift for the Children’s Day” [n.]
  • 방정환 (Bang Jeong-hwan) — “Bang Jeong-hwan”
  • 놀이공원 (norigongwon) — “amusement park” [n.]
  • 장난감 (jangnangam) — “toy” [n.]
  • 어린이날 특선 만화 (eorininal teukseon manhwa) — “special animations for the Children’s Day” [n.]
  • 행복 (haengbok) — “happiness” [n.]
  • 아이 (ai) — “child” [n.]

To hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Korean Children’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Children’s Day in South Korea with us, and that you took away some valuable information.

Is there a Children’s Day in your country? If so, how do people celebrate it? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

To learn even more about Korean culture and the language, check out the following pages on KoreanClass101.com:

  • 어버이 날: How to Celebrate Parents’ Day in South Korea
  • Gwangbokjeol: Celebrating Independence Day in Korea
  • 10 Korean Hand Gestures You Need to Know
  • Secret to Mastering Korean Slang and Abbreviations
  • 10 Most Highly Recommended South Korean Movies

The articles above are a great place to start, but for the full learning experience, create your free lifetime account with us today. By upgrading to our Premium or Premium PLUS plans, you can unlock even more exclusive content to help you learn Korean faster.

Good luck learning, and Happy Children’s Day! 🙂

When is childrens day in korea

Is there children's day in Korea?

Children's Day is a national public holiday in South Korea that is observed every year on 5 May. It reflects the high value that families in Korea place on children and the fact that they are the future leaders of the country.

What is children's day called in Korea?

What's so great about Children's Day? Children's Day is known in Korea as orininal (어린이날). Orini translates to 'children' and nal translates to 'day'. Legend has it that the date was set as May 5th because 5/5 is easy for children to remember!

Is June 1 children's day?

Celebrating Children International Children's Day, which is not the same as Universal Children's Day, is celebrated annually on June 1. Although widely celebrated, many countries do not recognize June 1 as Children's Day. In the United States, Children's Day is typically celebrated on the second Sunday in June.

Why is May 27 called children's day?

May 27 was set aside as a holiday for children In Nigeria in 1964. The day draws attention and brings to the fore awareness on problems faced by children. Children's Day brings together a pot-pourri of activities, across different segments of the Nigerian society.