Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf

Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf
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February is finally here which means my Advocare 24 day challenge is officially completed! I wanted to do a little recap for anyone wondering what the challenge is, what I ate, and answer any questions you might have. (The first part of this post I’m just going to explain what the 24 day challenge is, so if you already know what it is, feel free to skip over)!

What is the 24 day challenge:

(This is from Advocare’s website):The 24 Day Challenge is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program designed to give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals. There’s something for everyone – whether you are looking for weight management, energy, overall body composition or overall wellness. Now in my words: The Advocare 24 day challenge is a bundle that you buy – full of several different vitamins, meal-replacement shakes, a fiber drink, an energy drink called Spark (AKA MY LIFELINE), and more.

For the first 10 days of the challenge, you’re in the “cleanse phase”. You take 3 products during days 1-10. These products, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, help to rid your body of waste and prepare your body to better absorb nutrients. This isn’t the kind of cleanse where you drastically reduce calories or consume only liquids – this is the beginning of a healthier lifestyle! During this phase, you just eat really clean. Try and not eat desserts or consume alcohol. Eat lean protein, veggies, fruit, and you can still have carbs! Just pick good ones – sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, etc.

Phase 2 (days 11-24) is called the Max phase. You still eat the same way – limit sugar and alcohol and dairy (you can still have some dairy, but in moderation). But you take 3 different products during this phase. These three products work together to provide you with sustained energy, appetite control, core nutrition and overall wellness.

My thoughts/experience on the challenge

Ya’ll, I cannot say enough good things about this challenge. I didn’t necessarily do it for weight loss, but rather to just establish healthy eating habits and get rid of bad eating habits (ie: eating dessert 7 days a week, and having wine at least 4 nights a week). I went 24 days without dessert and without alcohol and that alone was just empowering for me. It helped me think of food in a new way – as fuel for my body and not as a stress release.

The physical results I got from this too were amazing. I took before and after pictures and can now see so much more muscle tone + definition. My clothes fit SO much better. My skin looks healthier, and overall I just have way more energy! It’s still been a challenge to not slip back into old habits, but even now that I’m technically “off the challenge”, I still eat very similarly to how I ate during those 24 days.

What I ate on the challenge

For breakfast most days, I ate scrambled egg whites with bell pepper and spinach. I ate this either with half a grapefruit, or whole wheat toast with avocado. Sometimes I might do it with sautéed sweet potatoes instead of the bread. A few days I had oatmeal with almond butter and half a banana. (On the “max” phase of the challenge, you’re supposed to have the meal replacement shake every morning, which I actually loved! It seriously tastes like a chocolate shake).

For lunch, I had a number of different things. One of my go-to’s was tuna on a bed of spinach leaves with tons of chopped veggies, avocado, and balsamic dressing. Or I would do tuna on a piece of whole wheat toast with avocado, then with either fruit, or carrots + hummus. A lot of times for lunch I would also just do leftovers from dinner the night before. Another favorite lunch was an open-faced turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with spinach, tomato, and avocado. I’d do this with a side of steamed broccoli or kale chips.

For dinner, here are a few recipes I made (that were also husband approved):

  • Clean turkey meatloaf
  • Guacamole deviled eggs
  • Herbed baked butternut squash
  • Crockpot balsamic pork roast
  • Tomato, kale, and chicken sausage quinoa bake

I also did really simple things like baked tilapia and did it with sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. Or, oven baked chicken fajitas. Michael had his in tortillas and I just did mine on a bowl of black beans + lettuce.

For dessert, I would make baked cinnamon apples or chia seed pudding. For snacks during the day I would have an apple with almond butter, grapefruit, a rice cake with avocado on it, carrots and hummus, almonds, celery with almond butter…it’s really important that you eat 6 times a day, so I always had snacks (and TONS of water) with me!

But, on the advocare 24 day challenge website, they give you tons of recipe ideas! I was never short on ideas for what to make. Their website makes it super easy!

My advice for anyone considering the 24 day challenge

  1. It’s not easy. You definitely need to do your research beforehand and plan out what you’re going to eat. Don’t let yourself not plan and then be hungry, and then you cave. Tell your friends + coworkers + spouse that you’re doing the challenge, and have people who will hold you accountable! Michael was so great about saying no to chuy’s when I was begging him (on some of my weak days). He would remind me that it’s only 24 days, and I can stay committed. I would usually try and make my grocery lists and plan out our dinners on Sunday, and then grocery shop for the week.
  2. It’s worth it. If you feel like you’re in a rut with bad eating habits, or can’t seem to lose that last 5 pounds, or just need something to jumpstart a more healthy lifestyle…you will love this challenge. It’s not easy and it’s not cheap – but I promise, you will be so happy with the end result and with the healthy habits you formed!
  3. Don’t let yourself cheat! I don’t know about you, but I am so all or nothing. So I knew if I caved on day 4, I would not stick with the rest of the challenge. It’s only 24 days! You can make it 24 days without sugar or alcohol – I promise! If you do happen to cheat though, know that it was just one day (or one meal) and you can start fresh and keep making healthy choices with your next meal.

If you’re not interested in doing the 24 day challenge, but are interested in Advocare products

here’s what I take on a daily basis:

  • Catalyst – supplement for muscle tone and development
  • Spark – energy/focus drink. I drink this 15 mins before every workout, and/or whenever I hit that 3pm slump. Gives you so much focus + energy!
  • Meal replacement shake (chocolate peanut butter is my FAVORITE) – delicious protein shake with tons of vitamins + nutrients. Great for when you’re on the go but still want to be healthy.
  • Omegaplex – Omega3 fatty acid dietary supplement – because omega3’s are essential!
  • 02 gold – I take this 45-60 minutes before every workout. It heps you maintain good oxygen levels and gives you that extra boost of energy you need to push yourself.

I hope this answered most of your questions about the 24 day challenge! If you have ANY more questions at all, please feel free to ask in the comments! Here’s a link to buy the challenge if you’re interested. Happy Friday!

xo Lauren

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Advocare 24 day challenge meal plan pdf

What do you eat during the AdvoCare 24

Eat lean protein, veggies, fruit, and you can still have carbs! Just pick good ones – sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, etc. Phase 2 (days 11-24) is called the Max phase. You still eat the same way – limit sugar and alcohol and dairy (you can still have some dairy, but in moderation).

What can you not eat on AdvoCare 24

No dairy, whites (bread, potatoes), coffee, candy, fried foods – none of the obvious. No alcohol, especially during the 10-day cleanse.

What do you do after AdvoCare 24

Following the Cleanse Phase is the Max Phase, for the remainder of the 24-Day JumpStart. Again, you start off the day with Spark and an MNS pack (Omni or Delta, depending on your goals). Then you wait 30 minutes, followed by breakfast, which is a Meal Replacement Shake.

What do I eat on AdvoCare?

Try to stick to lean meats and fish (wild caught seafood and free-range chicken/eggs), whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats like avocados and nuts or seeds. Try to buy as much of this from the organic section as possible to avoid lingering pesticides, antibiotics, and chemicals.