What is considered low cholesterol on food labels

How to Read a Food Label

You’ve seen nutrition labels on food packages. They can help you manage your weight and conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

You just have to know what to look for and what all those numbers mean. Get started with this quick and easy guide to knowing what’s what.

Serving Size

All the information listed on a nutrition label is based on the listed serving size. Don’t assume one box, carton, or bottle equals one serving, even if it seems small. If you eat or drink more than the serving size, you'll need to recalculate.


Always check the calories to make sure you're keeping to your daily calorie budget. That will depend upon whether you're trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight; how active you are; and other factors. If you're not sure how many calories you should get per day, ask your doctor or a dietitian.


Carbs give your body energy faster than protein or fat does.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you need to know the amount of carbs in a food so you can manage your blood sugar level. Ask your doctor how much you need per meal. The number depends on your age, how active you are, how many calories you get, and any medications you’re taking.


Most people get too much sugar, so just about everyone should cut back. If you're on a special diet because of a health condition, follow the guidelines your doctor gave you.

The "Total Carbohydrate” amount includes sugar, even though sugars are also broken out separately. If you’re counting carbs because you have type 2 diabetes, you don't need to count the grams of sugar separately. You will need to check the ingredients list to see what types of sugars are in the food.

The American Heart Association recommends that everyone limit sugar to no more than 6 teaspoons or 100 calories a day for women, and no more than 9 teaspoons or 150 calories per day for men. Those numbers include sugar from all sources, not just what you add to your meal.

Sugar Alcohols

You may see these reduced-calorie sweeteners (which include sorbitol, xylitol, and erythritol) in products labeled “no sugar added” or “sugar free.” They have fewer calories than “real” sugars, and they don't contain the kind of alcohol you drink.

Your body doesn't absorb sugar alcohols completely. If you’re sticking to a certain amount of carbs each day, you can estimate that you'll absorb half of the sugar alcohol grams.


You get fiber from whole grains, beans and other legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and other plant foods. It helps you feel full and slows down the rise of blood sugar. If you have diabetes and are counting carbs, you can subtract this number from the “Total Carbohydrate.”

Men should get 38 grams of fiber each day, 30 grams if you are over age 50. Women should get at least 25 grams of fiber per day, or 30 if you are on the DASH diet or have high blood pressure. Women over 50 need about 21 grams a day.Most people get only about half that amount of fiber. When adding more fiber to your diet, it's a good idea to do it gradually so your digestive system has time to adjust.

Fat and Cholesterol

Saturated and trans fats make heart disease more likely.  No more than 5%-6% of your total calories in a day should come from saturated fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthier choices, since they actually lower or don't affect cholesterol levels. Follow the guidelines your doctor gave you about how much and which types of fat are OK for you. A registered dietitian can give you more information and ideas for meals and snacks that fit those guidelines.


Many people get far too much salt, or sodium. Most of it is in packaged foods and restaurant items. Limit salt to 2,300 milligrams (about 1 teaspoon) daily. If you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, or diabetes, or are African-American or older than 51, your daily limit is lower: 1,500 milligrams.


Protein should make up about 10% to 35% of your total daily calories. If you have kidney problems, you may need less. Ask your doctor about that and follow their advice. Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, nuts, or low-fat dairy products.

Net Carbs

Some food packages list “net carbs,” “impact carbohydrate,” or “digestible carbohydrate,” but the FDA hasn't defined those terms. If you have diabetes, don't rely on them, since you could misjudge how a food affects your blood sugar. Focus instead on a food’s “Total Carbohydrate.” You should have carbs as 45 to 65 percent of your daily diet.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that is produced in the livers of animals (including humans).

The word "cholesterol" is often used to describe two unique concepts: 1) blood cholesterol, and 2) dietary cholesterol.

Blood Cholesterol

The bloodstream contains two main types of cholesterol: Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), known as "bad" cholesterol, and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), known as "good" cholesterol.

LDL ("bad") cholesterol can accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, which over time can cause a narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels — a condition called atherosclerosis. This process can cause serious medical complications like strokes, chest pain, heart attacks, and severe leg pain. Consequently, atherosclerosis is a leading cause of death.

HDL ("good") cholesterol can carry LDL cholesterol to the liver, where LDL is broken down in preparation for removal from the body. As a result, HDL helps limit the negative effects of LDL.

Dietary Cholesterol

Dietary cholesterol is found in animal-based food products.

Track Cholesterol with MyFoodDiary

How much dietary cholesterol do I need?

None. Your body produces all of the cholesterol it needs.

How much dietary cholesterol is too much?

For decades, most health organizations recommended consuming no more than 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day. However, due to a lack of scientific data supporting a specific limit on cholesterol, many organizations (including the American Heart Association) no longer recommend an upper limit. Many experts still encourage people to moderate their cholesterol consumption, but more research is needed to determine precisely how much cholesterol is too much.1

How much dietary cholesterol are you eating? Keep a food diary and find out. Track cholesterol!

Which foods are high in dietary cholesterol?

FoodQtyChol. (mg)
Beef Liver 4 oz 311
Extra Large Egg 1 egg 208
KFC Fried Chicken Breast 1 breast 120
Lobster 4 oz 81
Ground Beef (80/20) 4 oz 80
Atlantic Salmon 4 oz 72

How can I improve my blood cholesterol levels?

Several factors have an impact on your blood cholesterol levels, including your intake of fats and fiber, your exercise level, and the use of cholesterol-lowering medication.

Fat TypeEffect
Artificial Trans Fats Very negative. Increase LDL & decrease HDL
Saturated Fats Debated. See Saturated Fats.
Polyunsaturated Fats Positive. Increase HDL & decrease LDL
Monounsaturated Fats Positive. Increase HDL & decrease LDL
Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber binds to dietary cholesterol in our intestines and prevents the body from absorbing it. Foods rich in soluble fiber include:

  • Beans (black, lima, kidney)
  • Vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes)
  • Fruits (avocados, apples, pears, prunes)
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds)
  • Whole grains (wheat bread, oat bran, oatmeal)

Studies have shown that exercise may increase HDL ("good") cholesterol levels in the body — lowering your risk for heart disease.2 These benefits are more pronounced if you can routinely engage in high-intensity activities for long durations. Endurance activities, such as running, cycling, rowing, and swimming, are great ways to help increase HDL cholesterol levels.


Statins are a class of medications taken by millions of people to lower their LDL levels and increase their HDL levels.

Additional Resources

  • National Institutes of Health: Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol With TLC
  • Harvard School of Public Health: Fats and Cholesterol
  • Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Cholesterol
  • American Heart Association: Cholesterol


  1. New federal guidelines may lift dietary cholesterol limits. American Heart Association.
  2. Kokkinos PF, Fernhall B (Nov 1999). Physical activity and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels: what is the relationship?. Sports Medicine, 28(5):307-314.