Thank you message to god for my birthday

Thank you message to god for my birthday

Birthday prayers for myself are so unique that they make us feel closer to God. Whenever someone from our family or friends celebrates their birthday, we always want to wish for something pleasant. However, we often forget that we need to congratulate ourselves on our birthday, thanking God for the life that he gave us. Here are some 'thankful for another birthday' quotes, messages, and prayers for your special day.

Thank you message to god for my birthday
Inspirational birthday prayers for myself. Photo:, (modified by author)

It's crucial to take time on your birthday and the birthdays of others you care about to thank the Lord for all that he has given you and look forward to all the good things that are still to come.

These birthday prayers and blessings should be the first things you say on that particular day.

  • God, you gave me a life that day I was born, and I hope I will spend all my life and do as much as I can to show you my love and gratitude!
  • Through all these years, God, I feel your love and care. I hope that today you look at me and feel my love.
  • I have become wiser, and now I know that was a part of a miracle done by you, God. Bless me and let me live happily, feeling your love and care.
  • Glory to you, my Lord. Praise for all miracles you have shown in my life. On my birthday, I pray to you and ask you to forgive me all my sins. Amen!
  • God, you have granted me health and happiness. Help me achieve all my goals in life. I dedicate all my wins to you, my Lord.
  • Dear God, you have given me all I need: health, a sharp mind, and a happy family. Thank you, God!
  • All years I have asked you, God, to stay close to me, take care of me and never forget about me. Please, God, protect me on all of life's paths; please let me be successful in my love to you. Amen!
  • As I celebrate my special day today, I pray that the creator of heaven and earth would bless me with all of the earth's riches, allowing me to shine as brightly as the sun.
  • I pray for long life and prosperity as I become a year older today.
  • As I become a year older today, I pray for God’s mercy and grace in everything I do. Amen.
  • As I start another year, send me helpers from above, dear Lord. Let me enjoy your love in my life all around. Amen.
  • I pray that this new year shall be the best year of my life and the ones following better, in Jesus' name. Amen.
  • As I grow older, I pray for incomparable wisdom in all that I set my heart to do. Amen.
  • As it’s my birthday, I pray, may I never stop experiencing the wonders of God in my life. Many happy returns of the day to me.
  • As I clock another year, Lord, I pray for you to guide me, love me, forgive me, and do what no man can do in my life. Amen.
  • Divine love and mercy is all I ask you, my dear God, on my birthday. Forgive my sins and let me live my life happily. Amen!
Thank you message to god for my birthday
An inspirational Christian birthday prayer. Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Birthday prayers for myself in Islam

Here are some adorable birthday prayers for yourself to Allah for your special day.

  • May Allah bless my family and me and grant me happy years in this world.
  • Bless me, Allah, with all your divine love on this day and all other days. Inshallah!
  • Please, Allah, grant my heart with your love and care. Bless me, Allah!
  • May Allah grant me his love and mercy on this day and all days after.
  • I thank you, Allah, for all the great miracles. On my birthday, I ask you to purify my thoughts and show me the right way in life! Inshallah!
  • Allah, may you grant me wisdom to understand your will, to see the power of your care and love on my special day! Inshallah!
  • Please, Allah, bless me today and grant me the strength to become the one you want me to be. I will follow your will and pray that I will never fail!
  • On my birthday, I pray to you, Allah, to stay close to me and make me wise and strong to follow my heart in this life. Inshallah!
  • Allah, thank you for this day that you granted me full of life and love.
  • Dear Allah, you see how many people came to wish me a happy birthday. Please grant us all your mighty love and care!
  • Seeing your kindness and love, you are the greatest gift I could ever receive, Allah. Inshallah!
  • May Allah fill my life with endless happy moments, countless wonderful surprises, and infinite success!
  • Allah has given me another year to share joy with everyone else.
  • Allah, may you grant me more years to live a life full of love and grace.
  • Thank you, Allah, for giving me another birthday to celebrate! May you continue to bless me with good health, safety, security and stability in all areas of my life.
  • Dear Allah, may I live in abundance and continuously blessings throughout the years ahead!
Thank you message to god for my birthday
Prayer to Allah. Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Biblical prayers to thank God for my birthday

Here are some birthday thank you messages to God.

  • Thank you for safeguarding me since I was a small child, father. May you continue to guide me in every step I take as I become older, and may you bless me with many glorious years.
  • May your unconditional love be with me, and may you continue blessing me with more beautiful years ahead.
  • The Lord's grace made this birthday possible. Today is my birthday, and I'm really excited about it! Thank you for your unfailing love, God.
  • Thank you for all the past years' experience, for times of success, which will always be happy memories.
  • Thank you for always encouraging me to be the best version of myself and guiding me through life.
  • Thank you, God, for blessing me with another year in this new era. I'm hoping that this year will be marked by the many instances of your goodness in our lives.
  • Today, all I can think about is bliss. Lord, thank you for this gift.
  • Thank you for giving me all the joy I have ever had. It has been you all the way. As I turn a year older, may you continue to protect me from all the bad things.
  • Thank you, Lord, for letting me experience what I am experiencing now. I am incredibly fortunate. I am celebrating my birthday today!
  • The joy that comes with this life will descend upon me in this new age of mine; I am so lucky that the Lord has increased my wealth and health throughout the year. Thank you, God, for everything!
  • Father, thank you that you are always smiling, arms wide open, welcoming this sinner back into your embrace.
  • Thank you, God, for another birthday. May you bless me today and on all the days of my earthly journey.
  • I simply want to express my gratitude to God for blessing me with another great and healthy life. Please continue to reward me financially, with excellent health, and a long life so that I can do more good for others.
  • Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for another year and bless me today on my birthday and every day, and please always be by my side. Amen
  • Thank you, God, for giving me my life and my loved ones. May you be exalted, Amen.
  • Thank you, Lord Jesus, for another year of life. May God continue to bless me with lots of love and happiness. Happy birthday to me!
Thank you message to god for my birthday
A thank you prayer to God. Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Biblical quotes for my birthday

These prayer scriptures and quotes from the Bible aren't all about birthdays, but they may all be used to remind you and your family and friends of God's sacrifice.

  • For by me, your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to yourself. - Proverbs 9:11
  • May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. - Psalms 20:4
  • I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy. - Philippians 1:3-4
  • The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty. - Psalm 90:10
  • The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD smile upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. - Numbers 6:24-26
  • The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23
  • Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will do this. - Psalm 37:4-5
  • Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! - 2 Corinthians 9:15
  • For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. - 2 Timothy 1:7
  • The Lord, your God, is in your midst a warrior bringing victory. He will create calm with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
  • Even those who live many years should take pleasure in them all. - Ecclesiastes 11:8
  • Let's not get tired of doing good because, in time, we'll have a harvest if we don't give up. - Galatians 6:9
  • Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28
  • Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you. - Jeremiah 1:5
  • Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6
  • Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul. - 3 John 1:2
  • For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. - Psalm 91:11
  • Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. And be thankful. - Colossians 3:15
  • Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love. - James 1:12
  • Give thanks to the Lord because he is good because his faithful love lasts forever! - Psalm 107:1
Thank you message to god for my birthday
An inspiring bible quote. Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Birthday wishes for myself

It's your special day, and gaining a year adds worth and blessings to your life. So be inspired by these beautiful wishes.

  • Happiest and most loving birthday to me. I know I have had a positive impact on people's lives, and I hope to inspire many more.
  • I am officially one year older. Happy birthday to the great person I have become, and cheers to a new year ahead.
  • Everyone has a point in their lives when they try their hardest to hide their birthdays! That is why I wish myself a HBD in whispering voices, so no one else knows my true age!
  • It is beyond explanation how far I have come in life. I can't believe I am a year wiser, more beautiful, and richer today! To God be all the glory. HBD to me.
  • It is yet another beautiful day, for the love of God is with me. He has added me one more year to be grateful for.
  • As I commemorate the most important day of my life, I want to be grateful for a life lived in grace and favour. Therefore, I wish myself a HBD.
  • On special days like today, I am always at my best, happy, can dare any life troubles to come because I am always ready to face them head-on.
  • Today is special. I am a little stronger and wiser than the previous year. In this coming year, I promise to make the best out of it.
  • God's mercies are unfailing, and I pray that today, like the rain, may my life be saturated in God's overwhelming, never-ending love.
  • Growing up makes you realize the essence of living and enjoying life. I want to thank everyone who has been part of my journey. HBD to me.
  • Happy birthday to a self-willed, strong, and beautiful soul. Yes, you got it right! I am turning a year older today.
  • I'm excited today because it's my birthday. So today, I pray for happiness, peace, and prosperity. I know God will answer my prayers.
  • I am proud of what I have accomplished so far. It's wonderful to be me. I wish myself a happy birthday.
  • To me, it is not just a year older, but I consider it a year wiser. So, may I enjoy my birthday to the fullest today.
  • HBD to me! I’d like to wish myself a blissful year filled with love, joy, and divine blessings. I am truly blessed and highly favoured.
  • HBD to me! I am born again and blessed by the most high. It is a beautiful moment in my life.
  • As I celebrate today, I ask for God's unending love and power to be my guide. May his light shine brightly on me today and always.
  • On this day, the sweetest being on earth was born. HBD to me.
  • It is my birthday, and I have no doubt in my mind that this is nature's way of telling me to eat more cakes!
Thank you message to god for my birthday
A birthday wish. Photo: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Birthday prayer message for myself

Every moment in our life is a result of God's love. Turning a year old is always a blessing, and we should always appreciate it. Have a look at these collections of birthday prayers.

  • All I ask on this particular day is that you keep a constant eye on me, bless me, and keep me healthy for the rest of my days on earth.
  • I am blessed to see another year. May the love of God always be with me as I grow older.
  • Jehovah Almighty, I pray that no matter how great I become – when my prayers are realized, and dreams come true – I never fail to give you my allegiance and appreciation.
  • I thank you, Lord, for the people that stood by me this last year. But, most especially, I thank you for blessing me with another year.
  • May the faith that I have in me continue to grow, that I may willingly accept the trials, that I may not have control of. Remind me to look back and remember you Oh Lord, that you are just behind me waiting to be asked to take charge.
  • Thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope that all my wishes will come true. In Jesus' name. Amen.
  • It’s my birthday, and so I want to thank God for another year. I pray that sickness, failure, and death depart from me as I celebrate. May the sound of laughter forever fill my mouth!
  • As I grow another year older on this wonderful day, I pray that the almighty Lord grants me more years so that I may live a long life.
  • God be praised. I am plus one today, and I pray that the Lord bless me with more success and inspiration to live a better life than ever before.
  • May I never remain like the shadow of my past; I pray that as I celebrate my birth that there will be a renewal of my strength and abundant growth in everything that is mine.
  • Thank you, Lord, for every single day of life. I pray that you may bless me on each day of my life, for I turn a year old again.
  • Dear heavenly redeemer, I come before you with a humble heart to thank you for allowing me to celebrate yet another year of my life.
  • Thank you, God, you are so good to me; you are everything in my life. Without your love and grace, I don’t anywhere I would be now.
  • Father, thank you for your unfailing love. It feels great, and there's no better feeling than loving and praising you, my father.
  • On this very special day I was born, I ask the Lord to shower me with an endless blessing and grant me all of my heart desires.
Thank you message to god for my birthday
A special birthday prayer. (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Use these birthday prayers for myself to praise the Lord on that special day. Congratulate yourself on your birthday and be thankful to God for giving us life and filling it with meaning.

READ ALSO: Eid al-Adha 2021: unique greetings, quotes, and messages recently published an article on the 2021 Eid al-Adha festival. It is an anticipated religious festival for all Muslims worldwide, also referred to as the festival of sacrifice.

Have a look at some of these Eid al-Adha quotes, messages, and greetings to send to your family and friends, wishing them a blessed celebration.


How can I say thank you to God for my birthday?

Thank you, God, for another birthday. May you bless me today and on all the days of my earthly journey. I simply want to express my gratitude to God for blessing me with another great and healthy life.

What is my bible verse for my birthday?

Psalm 139:13-14 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Birthdays are a time to celebrate life, and this verse celebrates life.

How do you say thanks to God for everything?

A Simple Prayer of Gratitude Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life. You have provided me with more than I could ever have imagined. You have surrounded me with people who always look out for me. You have given me family and friends who bless me every day with kind words and actions.

What should I pray for my birthday?

May God bless you on your birthday, and always. Happy birthday to you! Today I celebrate the life that God has given you, and give thanks to Him for the many blessings you bring to my life. May the LORD bless you on your birthday, and may your day be filled with joy and your year full of many blessings.