Tea tree oil good for fungus nail

Nail fungus — known by the scientific name of onychomycosis — is a fungal infection of the nail. It can occur on the toenail or fingernail but is most common on the toes. It causes whitening and yellowing of the nail in the early stages. Later on, it may cause the nail to thicken and crumble. 

Several organisms cause toenail fungus. The most common one is a dermatophyte — a specific type of fungus that feeds on keratin, a protein that is found plentifully in nails. However, yeast or mold can also cause toenail fungal infections. 

You may be at higher risk for toenail fungus if you:

  • Sweat a lot from your feet
  • Have athlete's foot
  • Walk barefoot in communal showers or swimming pools
  • Have a nail injury
  • Have a skin injury near your nails
  • Have diabetes
  • Have poor circulation
  • Have a weakened immune system

Toenail fungus can start as a case of athlete's foot, and then spread to the nails. People who are older are at higher risk. As you age, circulation gets worse, leading to more brittle toenails. They can crack, allowing the fungus to grow. As you age, your nails have also had more fungus exposure and grow more slowly.

This type of fungal infection is usually minor. The main issue people have with it is the way infected toenails look. It may cause embarrassment to show the toenails or wear sandals. 

Remedies and Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Over-the-Counter Antifungals

Antifungal remedies help to stop the growth of the fungus. Over-the-counter options do not claim to cure toenail fungus, but they can help to improve the look of the affected nail. These products do not work as well as prescription medications. To cure toenail fungus, a remedy has to penetrate the nail and nail bed. Most over-the-counter remedies for nail fungus are topical and do not penetrate deeply enough.

Trim, Buff, and Thin the Affected Nail

Keeping your nails trim, buffed, and clean helps to prevent the spread of the fungus to other nails. Additionally, buffing the nail can allow topical antifungals to penetrate more deeply. Make sure to wash your hands promptly after touching the affected nail, especially before touching other nails.

Vicks VapoRub

Vicks VapoRub is a product marketed for people with coughs. However, it may also be effective against toenail fungus. One small study showed that after applying it topically each day for 48 weeks, 27.8% of participants fully cured their nail fungus — and 55.6% of participants saw partial improvement. However, more study is needed. 

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil comes from the Australian tea tree. It is an essential oil traditionally used as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Early research shows that it may help with nail fungus when used topically. However, more research is needed. If you do use tea tree oil for toenail fungus, only use it topically.

If ingested, tea tree oil is toxic and can lead to:

  • Confusion
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Breathing problems
  • Coma

When to See a Doctor

You should see a doctor if your nail fungus is distressing to you, or if your symptoms worsen over time.

People who have diabetes or a suppressed immune system should address minor cases of toenail fungus right away. In these situations, nail fungus can lead to more serious health issues like cellulitis or systemic fungal infection.

Your doctor may recommend medicated nail polish or cream. These products may take up to a year to work.

The most effective solution for the majority of people is a prescription oral antifungal that you take for six to 12 weeks. However, these medications may affect your liver, so you need to have blood tests periodically while you are on them. They are not recommended for people who already have certain health issues, like liver disease.

If you have a severe and stubborn fungal nail infection, your doctor may recommend surgical removal of the toenail. 

Tea Tree Oil is a volatile essential oil derived from the native Australian plant  Melaleuca alternifolia.

If has been used by native Australians for centuries and was discovered in the 1920’s to have antiseptic properties. This house hold essential oil is classified as a schedule 6 poison in Australia.

Tea Tree Oil has been used in the treatment of fungal skin infection and fungal nail infections. This is because Tea Tree Oil is an inexpensive alternative treatment options to  other forms of anti-fungal treatments.

But should Tea Tree Oil be used on fungal nails?

Tea Tree Oil has 15 components that are potential skin irritants. These irritants increase in strength with exposure to air and light. This means the risk of allergic reactions increases when the bottle is being constantly opened for daily application.

The essential oil needs to be kept in a tightly sealed dark bottle and kept away from heat and light. Bottles should also be disposed of after 12 months from opening.

A study by (Rutherford et al 2007) found that dermatitis and allergic responses occurred when using concentrations of 10%, 25% and 50%. The results strongly discouraged the use of Tea Tree Oil in preparations stronger than 5%.  This is particularly concerning when data shows that preparations under 10% are ineffective.

It should also be noted that studies showing anti fungal properties of Tea Tree Oil have almost always focused on the fungal infection, Candida albicans. This is despite the fact that the most common source of fungal skin and nail infection is Trichophyton dermatophytes.

Although there is a lot of data supporting the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties there is still a lack of clinical evidence to show its efficacy against bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

In summary Tea Tree Oil should not be used for the long term use of fungal infections.  This is because preparation under 10% are deemed ineffective and preparations over 10% have caused dermatitis and allergic responses.

If you are experiencing fungal infections on your feet,  Well Heeled Podiatry can assist you in choosing the right treatment. We are trained and highly experienced in the treatment and management of fungal skin and nail conditions.

Can you apply tea tree oil directly to toenails?

A 1994 study found that tea tree oil applied directly to toenail fungus is as effective as clotrimazole cream. Clotrimazole is an antifungal cream available on prescription or from a pharmacy.

How long does it take for tea tree oil to work on toenail fungus?

According to a 2013 study, tea tree oil was effective in reducing growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum in nail infections. T. rubrum is a fungus that can cause infections such as athlete's foot and nail fungus. Improvements were seen after 14 days.

Does tea tree oil cure toenail fungus?

Tea Tree Oil It is an essential oil traditionally used as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Early research shows that it may help with nail fungus when used topically. However, more research is needed. If you do use tea tree oil for toenail fungus, only use it topically.

What is the best oil for toenail fungus?

The best essential oil for toenail fungus.
almond oil..
apricot kernel oil..
argan oil..
blackseed oil..
coconut oil..
grapeseed oil..
jojoba oil..
olive oil..