Oral surgeons for wisdom teeth near me

Oral Surgery in Kennewick, WA

Our surgeons at Columbia Basin Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons offer many services to care for patients with a variety of oral health conditions. From replacing missing teeth to complex facial reconstruction, you can depend on our team to handle all of your unique needs with a great level of compassion and skill. Dr. Todd C. Cooper, Dr. Tyson Teeples, Dr. Ryan M. Toponce, Dr. Brandon W. Reddinger, and Dr. Matthew K. Black are dedicated to providing every patient with a comfortable, positive, and beneficial oral surgery experience. We treat our patients like we treat our family, and we look forward to improving the oral health and confidence of you and your loved ones through oral surgery excellence.

Our office is located in Kennewick, WA, and is outfitted with the latest 3D scanning equipment. With this technology, our experts can diagnose complex oral and maxillofacial conditions and design detailed treatment plans with a great level of precision. We offer many oral surgery services for children, teens, and adults, such as dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, jaw surgery, full-arch restoration, facial trauma treatment, and much more. Schedule a consultation with one of our oral surgeons today and start your journey to a healthier smile.

Dental Implants in Kennewick, WA

If you have one or more missing teeth or teeth that are beyond the point of saving, dental implants are the ideal solution to restore your smile. Dental implants feel and function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat and speak comfortably and without any moving parts. Your oral surgeon will insert the dental implant post into the jaw bone, creating a solid foundation that supports the replacement tooth. Because the implant post fuses to the jaw, dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that prevents jaw bone loss.

Our oral surgeons can place a single implant to restore one missing tooth or use several implants to support a fixed denture. Replacing your removable dentures with an implant-supported denture will provide you with more comfort and restore oral function. Implant-supported teeth stay in place and do not require special care beyond regular brushing and flossing. When cared for properly, your dental implants can last for a lifetime. Contact our oral surgery practice today to learn more about dental implants in Kennewick, WA.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Kennewick, WA

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are an extra set of molars that can cause a number of oral health issues if they are left untreated. Because the average person's mouth does not have room for these extra teeth, dental experts recommend having wisdom teeth extracted as soon as they begin to develop. This is during the late teens or early twenties for most people. While it's ideal to have wisdom teeth removed early, our surgeons perform wisdom tooth extractions for patients of all ages.

Wisdom teeth have large roots that can damage other roots or facial nerves. They can push against adjacent molars to try and make room in the dental arch, which can push the rest of your teeth out of alignment. Impacted wisdom teeth, or those stuck beneath the gums, grow sideways into nearby molars and require surgical removal, as they cannot erupt naturally. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are more prone to infection because they easily trap bacteria. This can lead to cysts or tumors forming around the tooth, as well as tooth decay, chronic bad breath, and more. You can avoid these problems and protect your oral health by having wisdom teeth removed at Columbia Basin Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for wisdom teeth removal in Kennewick, WA.

About Our Practice

Siouxland Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery proudly serves Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Brookings, and Yankton, SD, as well as the surrounding areas, with the full range of oral and facial surgery services. Our oral surgeons, Denis Miller, DDS, MBA, Louis T. George, DMD, and Jason R. Leet, DDS offer tooth replacements through dental implant procedures, wisdom teeth removal, general tooth extractions, orthognathic surgery, TMJ disorder treatment, and more.

Having four convenient locations allows us to help more patients from the greater Siouxland region, and our staff is dedicated to providing top-quality service to every patient that comes to our practice. If you are looking for oral health solutions for missing teeth, dental infections, wisdom teeth problems, oral or jaw pain, or other issues, Dr. Miller, Dr. George, or Dr. Leet can evaluate your condition and begin forming a treatment plan that works for you. Feel free to contact one of our offices for more information about our practice and the procedures we offer.

Permanent Denture Replacement With Dental Implants

Full-Arch Restoration is an excellent solution for patients who wear dentures, but who desire a more secure and healthy option for tooth replacement. Traditional dentures often cause discomfort and oral sores when not professionally fitted. Although cheaper upfront, dentures must be replaced every few years, which can become expensive over time.

Dental implants are an investment in your smile. Several implant posts can support a fixed denture, providing you with a natural-looking arch of teeth that allows you to eat and speak comfortably. The implant posts prevent jaw bone loss, which preserves your facial structure. If you wear dentures and are ready for a better tooth replacement solution, contact our office to learn about denture replacement in Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Brookings, and Yankton, SD.

What do you call a doctor who removes wisdom teeth?

If a wisdom tooth doesn't have room to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), resulting in pain, infection or other dental problems, you'll likely need to have it pulled. Wisdom tooth extraction may be done by a dentist or an oral surgeon.

How long does wisdom teeth removal take?

Your surgery should take 45 minutes or less. You'll get one of these types of anesthesia so you don't feel pain during the removal: Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a shot of local anesthetic such as novocaine, lidocaine or mepivicaine.

What is oral and maxillofacial surgeon?

Maxillofacial surgery is a special type of dentistry. It involves operations to correct diseases, injuries and defects of your face, jaw or mouth. Maxillofacial surgeons are advanced specialists who diagnose and treat problems with: Bones and tissues of your jaw and lower face (maxillofacial area).

What do oral surgeons do?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon specializes in oral surgery, removing impacted wisdom teeth, difficult teeth extractions, placing dental implants, bone grafting, and much more.