How to get your girlfriends instagram password

The INSIDER Summary:

  • Unlike more than half of internet users who are in relationships, I don't believe in sharing passwords with your partner. 
  • I think it's overly controlling and gives a false sense of security. 
  • I think it can also lead to hurt feelings and miscommunication. 

You know that nervous feeling you get when someone uses your phone? What could they click on? Will they accidentally see a private photo or text they weren't supposed to? 

What if you had that feeling all of the time? 

The New York Times published a piece saying that teenagers are giving each other passwords to their social media and the passcode to their phones as a sign of their devotion to each other. It's a sort of modern-day giving of a class ring, if you will.

Those teens are not alone: 67% of internet users who are married or who are in relationships have shared passwords with their partners.

Let me be as kind as I can: I think I would rather be disemboweled than give my boyfriend my Twitter password. And I don't want his either. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything to hide. I freely show my boyfriend my Twitter messages and use his computer to look things up. There is very little secrecy with us, but if my boyfriend asked for the passwords to my social media accounts, I would laugh in his face. 

I don't share passwords because love does not mean controlling or spying on another person. 

I put very few limits on my relationship. My boyfriend, unlike some people I know, can freely dine with his friends of all genders. I trust him enough not to get a Tinder account on the side or be gross to women on Twitter. As long as he tips me off to his general plans, I have no problems. 

I don't ask for his password or read his texts for the same reasons why I don't forbid him from hugging women he knows or texting with attractive friends: He is a grown man. As a grown man, he should know that part of us being people who are in a committed, monogamous relationship is that he cannot cheat. 

You may have different comfort levels than I do and that's okay. But it's important that you don't try to control your partner. I love and respect my boyfriend, and know that spying and putting unfair limits on him isn't healthy.

As much as you may feel like you hold the power by holding a password, unfortunately you don't. If people really want to cheat, they will find a way. The best way to prevent cheating is to talk about it with your partner. Set your boundaries — and vice versa — by being honest about your personal definition of cheating.

Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

I also won't be giving my password out to anyone because I'm protecting myself.

And you should protect yourself, too. Imagine for a moment that things went south with your partner. Would you really want your ex to have access to thousands of photos, conversations, videos, and more that they could use against you? Me neither.

Not only that, but my friends often send me sensitive information that I keep private. If I give my password to my partner, I put them in danger, too. 

I encourage everyone to be with someone they trust enough not to do something awful to them, but I also encourage everyone to be smart and keep yourself as safe as possible.

Trust aside, one of the biggest reasons why I don't want my boyfriend to have my password is simply because ignorance is bliss. 

I'm not the type of person who would want to know what other people are saying about me. With the wealth of technology we have, there are very few moments when we are truly alone. Conversations that may have been casually thrown out during dinner are now preserved in pixels forever. 

As someone who speaks in exaggerations, I would never want my boyfriend to be able to snoop through my texts or vice versa. Having greater access to someone's thoughts and conversations can also mean greater access to their uglier side. Some things may be taken out of context, while other messages may have been sent in the heat of the moment. It's way more hassle than it's worth to find out which is which. 

I love my life with my boyfriend and I don't need to know his social media passwords to protect that.

But his Amazon Prime and Netflix passwords? Yeah, I'll keep those!

Sometimes trust can feel like an elusive concept. Throughout our lives, we receive a lot of incorrect messages about what trust should look like in a romantic relationship. This unfortunately leads to many of us learning unhealthy behaviors that we think help us build trust, when really they do the opposite.

First, let’s get on the same page about what trust means. Trust is built when partners communicate openly and honestly with each other, and their words match their actions. Trusting someone is a choice; a decision. We trust that our partner is being open and honest, and we believe what they say.

It’s THAT simple.

We can trust someone whether they’re right next to us or far away. When we trust someone, we don’t require any kind of “proof.” Trust isn’t about checking in on someone constantly, or always being around to see and know what they’re doing. Trust isn’t about controlling who someone talks to or what they wear. When there is trust, we don’t feel a need to do that. It’s a lack of trust which makes that feel necessary. When we trust someone, we’re believing that no matter what our partner does, with or without us around, they will honor the boundaries of the relationship that we’ve agreed upon.

If it is that simple, why can trusting someone feel so hard?

Well, sometimes a lack of trust comes from an external factor, like a change in a partner’s behavior that leads us to wonder if they’re cheating. Maybe our trust has been broken in the past.

What if the lack of trust is due to an internal, personal factor, like a personal insecurity? If that’s the case, then it is important to remember that your partner is not responsible for mitigating your trust issues. It’s totally okay and normal to have insecurities, but it’s not okay to allow these normal feelings to turn into controlling, hurtful, or abusive behaviors in your relationship. Maybe you were hurt in the past, and that’s leading to insecurities now, or maybe you’re just nervous or insecure in many areas of your life and that’s bleeding into your romantic relationship. Whatever the case may be, having feelings like anxiety, jealousy or anger are totally normal, but it’s your responsibility to handle them in healthy ways. Hurting or controlling your partner is not a healthy way to cope with these emotions.

Through reflection, you may decide that these personal issues need to be worked out before you’re ready to be in a relationship. If that’s the case, that’s totally fine! We must first be healthy as an individual before we can contribute to a relationship in a healthy capacity.

If your lack of trust is due to something your partner is doing or has done in the past, it is okay to talk with them in a respectful way about your concerns, and ask them if they are being honest with you and upholding the boundaries of the relationship. If, after you have talked with them, you feel like their answer didn’t help you feel any better about the situation, that likely means that trust isn’t there.

At love is respect, we often see this result in people feeling like they have the right to demand to see their partner’s messages, snoop through their phone when they’re not looking, or secretly do some digging on social media to find answers.

These behaviors are not ever acceptable, even if you suspect cheating.

If you snoop and do find proof that your partner was being unfaithful, that does not change the fact that you behaved in an unhealthy (and possibly abusive) way.

It’s okay if you don’t want to or are not able to trust this person, but it’s not okay to continue a relationship that is not based in trust, or resort to violating your partner’s privacy because trust is lacking. When people continue in a relationship that has no trust, that often leads to paranoia, trying to control the other person in some way, and/or general unhappiness. Without trust, a healthy relationship is simply not possible.

There are times when allowing your partner access to your phone makes sense.

For example, maybe you’re driving and you want your partner to look something up for you, or your hands are full, but you’re curious what your friend sent you, so you ask your partner to read your texts. But when a partner is requesting or demanding access to your phone because they’re looking for proof that you’re not cheating, that’s an issue. Looking through a partner’s messages for “proof” of trustworthiness is never going to build trust, because that action in and of itself is not trusting. Remember, trust means that we are believing, at face value, that our partner is upholding the boundaries of their relationship with us, no proof required. It is a decision to believe that what they’re saying is true. If you don’t believe them, you don’t trust them, and a healthy relationship cannot exist without trust.

So, should you share passwords in your relationship?

That’s for you and your partner to discuss.

Are you willing to sacrifice digital privacy in your relationship?

Nobody should ever feel pressured or forced to share their passwords if they don’t want to, and everyone should always have the right to as much digital privacy as they want. If you and your partner decide to share passwords and one of you changes their mind, that person has the right to renegotiate that boundary and change their passwords, at any time, for any reason.

Remember, most importantly: sharing passwords is not a replacement for trust in a relationship.

If you’re finding that trust is an issue in your relationship, first ask yourself where this mistrust is coming from. Is it an internal or external factor, or a combination of both? Once you know that, you can address your trust issues in the best and healthiest way moving forward. That might mean a conversation with your partner or individual counseling, or it could mean moving on from the relationship if you just feel like your partner is untrustworthy. Whatever the case may be, it is important to remember that it’s never okay to allow a lack of trust to result in unhealthy behaviors that aim to limit or control your partner. A healthy relationship is founded in respect, equality, safety, and support. If you don’t have trust, you can’t have any of those!

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