How do i switch my netflix region

While Netflix offers a vast catalog of TV shows and movies, you might be dissatisfied with what's available in your country or region — you might want to watch a particular show that's not accessible on Netflix where you live. That's because the content on Netflix differs by region, and not every country offers everything that's available elsewhere. There are legal, copyright, and sometimes political considerations that determine what Netflix shows in each region. 

Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't allow you to change your region unless you move there. When you do, you'll automatically have access to the content Netflix offers in the area, because the service knows your computer's IP address, which reveals your location.

How to change your Netflix region with a VPN

If you want to change your Netflix region without moving, it's sometimes possible to do that using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN is designed to enhance your security and privacy by routing your internet service through computers in a different country, giving you a different IP address and effectively disguising your location. The first step in attempting to change your Netflix region is to choose a VPN. Then do this:

1. If you haven't already, subscribe to Netflix.

2. Install and set up the VPN you would like to use.

3. Use the VPN software to connect your computer to a VPN server located in the country where you want to access Netflix. 

4. Open Netflix in a web browser and log into your account if you're not already signed in. 

At this point, Netflix should recognize your VPN server's location and redirect you to the region serving that country. You should be able to log in and watch any content available in that location.

That said, there are some important caveats. Using a VPN to circumvent your home country's content is a violation of Netflix's terms of service, and Netflix could terminate your account if it recognizes what you are doing, though online documentation of such instances is scant.

Even if you don't lose your account, Netflix actively recognizes many VPN services and does not allow you to redirect to a different locale. Instead, if Netflix recognizes that you are using a VPN, the service may only allow you to see content that's commonly available to all regions globally, which will reduce the content that's available to you.

Best VPNs

How do i switch my netflix region

(Image credit: sitthiphong/Shutterstock)

Why does Netflix show different content in different regions?

The answer to this is all to do with the licencing of shows and movies. In certain territories, different networks will have licencing deals with different shows. If a show is available in that country on another streaming service, it's unlikely to be available on Netflix.

However, by using a VPN you can relocate yourself to a country that Netflix does have the licence to broadcast a certain show.

For example, in the US It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is only available on Hulu. However, the same show is available on Netflix in the UK. So, if you only have a Netflix account and not Hulu, you can use a VPN to change your location to the UK and watch It's Always Sunny on Netflix.

How does a VPN change Netflix region?

Netflix determines where you're located by your IP address, and your IP address is given to you by your Internet Service Provider when you use its servers. These servers are invariably located in the country you're using the Internet in at the time.

However, a VPN reroutes your traffic through its own servers, and since a good VPN will have servers all over the world, you can choose where your traffic comes from. 

That means you'll be using an IP address from the VPN server, not your ISP, and subsequently your location will be defined by that IP. 

Then, when you visit Netflix, the site will see your IP and think you're in your chosen country – and then you'll be able to watch all the content that's available there.