Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth

If you enjoy making homemade soup, you may wonder: Chicken stock vs broth—what's the difference? After all, the soup aisle at your local grocery store is probably filled with many brands of chicken broth and chicken stock. So how do you know which one to choose (or make) for your recipe? Here, we break it all down for you.

Is Chicken Stock the Same As Chicken Broth?

Technically, no. Chicken broth and chicken stock are different in terms of the actual ingredients, their thickness, and their intended purpose. Chicken stock is typically quite thick and gelatinous and is made with animal bones (like chicken, beef, even fish) and left unseasoned (that means no salt). Broth, on the flipside, is generally thinner in texture and made with animal meat (and sometimes the bones as well) and always seasoned.

When you have time, make a big batch of homemade stock and broth—nothing beats the flavors, aromas, and stick-to-your-ribness of homemade broth or stock. Once you get the hang of the homemade stuff, you might never go back to the store-bought kind. If you want to know how to make chicken broth, check out our favorite chicken broth recipe. It uses chicken wings, which work well since they’re mostly skin and bones. (Many recipes call for 4 cups of stock, so it can be convenient to invest in quart containers for efficient cooking; there are plenty of good store-bought broth options out there as well.)

What Is Chicken Stock?

Stock is a thick liquid made from a combination of animal bones (which are often roasted first to create more rich flavor); mirepoix (a classic combo of onions, carrots, and celery); and aromatics (like peppercorns, parsley stems, and bay leaves) simmered in water for about 4 to 6 hours. After it is fully cooked on the stovetop and then strained, it should have a viscous, gelatin-like quality that comes from the collagen from the bones and joints. If you chill stock, it should gel.

Stock is typically unseasoned and makes for a good base for gravy, rich sauces, and soups. It’s also useful when you want to de-glaze a pan for a quick sauce.

What Is Chicken Broth?

Broth includes animal meat, and potentially some animal bones, mirepoix, and aromatics simmered in water. Unlike stock, which is cooked for a medium length of time, broth is only cooked for a short amount of time (roughly 45 minutes to 2 hours). It is then strained and seasoned (another big distinction between the two). If you chill broth, it should not gel the way stock does. Broth is light and thin and full of flavor, so it tastes good on its own or as a base for all kinds of soup. We also like to use it as a substitute for water when we’re making rice or stew.

While homemade broth is always going to be our favorite, boxed or canned broth is a great, economical shortcut we love to use when we’re in a rush. Instantly upgrade store-bought broth with one of these simple tricks.

Can You Use Stock as a Chicken Broth Substitute?

Yes—if you’re in a hurry at the market and can’t remember whether the recipe called for stock or broth, they will both do the trick whether you're making soup, stock, gravy, or a flavorful pot of rice or grains.

Looking for a chicken broth substitute? Below is a great list of alternative options when you’re out of chicken broth and aren’t in the mood to make a homemade batch of Instant Pot Bone Broth. 

From soup recipes (like our Olive Garden Soup Recipes) to casserole recipes to Instant Pot recipes, chicken broth plays a vital role in the final flavor of the dish, so it’s important to find the best substitute for the recipe you’re making. 

Here are some ideas you can utilize as chicken broth substitutes (We also have a ‘Substitute For Beef Broth‘ list.)

Chicken Stock

This is the best substitute for chicken broth as the flavors are almost identical. Chicken stock is made with chicken meat and bones therefore is richer in flavor and lower in viscosity. Chicken broth doesn’t contain bones, but tends to have more seasonings. 

Tip – if you’re using chicken stock as a substitute for chicken broth, just add in a tablespoon of oil or butter to mimic the fat the broth provides. It’s not required, however.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup of chicken stock)

Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth

Chicken Stock Concentrate

Concentrated chicken stock is another great substitute if you’re looking for a condensed chicken broth substitute. It’s a thick and highly flavorful concentrated form of chicken stock. It has the consistency of honey, with chicken and spice forward flavor. 

Ratio: 1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup boiling water + 1 tsp chicken concentrate

Chicken Consommé 

Chicken consommé is clarified chicken broth. While broth is made of chicken meat and vegetables, chicken consommé is the purified version. All vegetables, fat and meat pieces have been filtered out by way of utilizing egg whites. The flavor and gelatin-like property remains.

Wikipedia has a great in-depth article on French consommé if you’re interested in reading more about the process. Our birria ramen recipe utilizes a similar method to clarify the broth.

Unlike beef consommé, chicken consommé isn’t readily available in the canned form at the grocery store.

As consommé is thicker than broth, you’ll need to thin it out before using. Add a tablespoon of water per cup of consommé. Add a tablespoon at a time until the thinner consistency you want is achieved. 

Ratio: 1 to 1 (After Thinning With Water)

Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth

Chicken Bouillon Cubes

Substitute chicken broth with chicken bouillon cubes for a quick and easy substitution. Most pantries already have bouillon cubes on hand (We prefer Knorr). Bouillon cubes have a ton of sodium, so keep that in mind when utilizing as a replacement.

Ratio: 1 cup of chicken broth = 1 bouillon cube + 8 oz. boiling water

Beef Broth

In a pinch, you can sub in beef broth for chicken broth, however beef broth has a heavier and “meaty” flavor compared to chicken. It may overpower a dish if you’re making something delicate. It would make a great substitution for hearty stews or soups.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup of beef broth)

Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth

Turkey Broth

Swap out a bird for a bird! It’s easy to swap in turkey stock or turkey broth in place of the chicken broth. Turkey broth is actually more umami-forward than chicken broth so you won’t lose any flavoring. It’s mild enough, however, to not overpower the dish in the way beef broth can. It’s a fabulous way to utilize leftover bones after making instant pot turkey, smoked turkey or smoked turkey wings.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup of turkey broth)

Mushroom Broth

Mushroom broth makes a great vegetarian substitution for chicken broth. To add a bit more umami and flavor, throw in about 1 tsp. of soy sauce, liquid aminos or Worcestershire sauce.

The NY Times has a nice 15-minute mushroom broth recipe to consider.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup mushroom broth)

Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth

Vegetable Broth

Vegetable broth is ridiculously easy to make at home, making it a great substitute for chicken broth. As with mushroom broth, add in about 1 tsp. of soy sauce, liquid aminos or Worcestershire sauce to amp up the flavor profile.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup of vegetable broth)

White Wine

Notice it says “white wine” and not just “wine”. Red Wine is to strong to use as a substitution in most dishes, outside of heavy casseroles, stews or soups. Dry white wine is our go-to when we need a kick of flavor or to add a zing of acid. Keep the use to a minimum as to not overpower the recipe. Think 1/2 cup or less.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1/2 cup of chicken broth to 1/2 cup white wine)

Can you substitute chicken bone broth for chicken broth


Feel free to just use water. Good ol’ H20, baby! Just add a bit of seasonings to make up for the lack of flavor in the water. I’d use the same seasonings used in making our homemade bone broth: thyme, bay leaves, black peppercorn and rosemary.

Ratio: 1 to 1 (1 cup of chicken broth to 1 cup of water + Extra Seasonings)

Recipes With Chicken Broth

Here are some recipes with chicken broth to get your creative juices flowin’! 

  • Empress Chicken
  • Sancocho Dominicano
  • Black Eyed Peas Recipe
  • Instant Pot Jambalaya and Jambalaya Soup
  • Soup recipes: Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup, Clam Chowder and Egg Drop Soup
  • Instant Pot Bean Recipes – Instant Pot Refried Beans, Instant Pot Kidney Beans , and Instant Pot Pinto Beans
  • Smoker Recipes – Double Smoked Ham and Smoked Turkey

Is chicken broth and chicken bone broth the same?

Bone broth is different from chicken broth. It is a liquid that has more protein, collagen, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals than chicken broth. Chicken broth may be ok for cooking, but bone broth is much for concentrated and delicious. Bone broth also gives you nutritional benefits, while chicken broth does not.

Which is better bone broth or chicken broth?

Beef bones are more dense than chicken bones, which yields a higher concentration of minerals and collagen compared to chicken. The high concentration of minerals may help boost energy levels and provide extra nourishment.

What can I use to replace chicken broth?

What's the Best Substitute for Chicken Broth?.
Water. Don't be shy to straight-up swap water for chicken broth. ... .
Bouillon cube. ... .
Vegetable stock. ... .
Bean or chickpea liquid..