A history of western music 10th edition pdf free

Authors: by J. Peter Burkholder (Author), Donald Jay Grout (Author), Claude V. Palisca (Author) The definitive history of Western Music The definitive survey, combining current… 

A history of western music 10th edition pdf free

Authors: by J. Peter Burkholder (Author), Donald Jay Grout (Author), Claude V. Palisca (Author) The definitive history of Western Music The definitive survey, combining current scholarship with a vibrant narrative. Carefully informed by feedback from dozens of scholars, it remains the book that students and teachers trust to explain what’s important, where it fits, and why it matters.

Authors: by J. Peter Burkholder (Author), Donald Jay Grout (Author), Claude V. Palisca (Author) The definitive history of Western Music The definitive survey, combining current scholarship with a vibrant narrative. Carefully informed by feedback from dozens of scholars, it remains the book that students and teachers trust to explain what’s important, where it fits, and why it matters.

xxviii, 965, 128 p. : 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

pt. 1. The ancient and medieval worlds. 1. Music in antiquity. The earliest music ; Music in ancient Mesopotamia ; Timeline ; Music in ancient Greek life and thought ; Music in ancient Rome ; The Greek heritage -- 2. The Christian church in the first millennium. The diffusion of Christianity ; The Judaic heritage ; Music in the early Church ; Divisions in the Church and dialects of chant ; Timeline ; The development of notation ; Music in context : in the monastic Scriptorium ; Music theory and practice ; Echoes of history -- 3. Roman liturgy and chant. The Roman liturgy ; Music in context : the experience of the Mass ; Characteristics of chant ; Timeline ; Genres and forms of chant ; Additions to the authorized chants ; Hildegard of Bingen ; Continuing presence of chant -- 4. Song and dance music in the Middle Ages. European society, 800-1300 ; Latin and vernacular song ; Timeline ; Trobadour and trouvère song ; Song in other lands ; Medieval instruments ; Dance music ; The lover's complaint -- 5. Polyphony through the thirteenth century. Early organum ; Aquitanian polyphony ; Notre Dame polyphony ; Timeline ; Polyphonic conductus ; Motet ; English polyphony ; A polyphonic tradition -- 6. French and Italian music in the fourteenth century. European society in the fourteenth century ; Timeline ; The ars nova in France ; Innovations : writing rhythm ; Guillaume de Machaut ; The ars subtilior ; Italian trecento music ; Fourteenth-century music in performance --

pt. 2. The Renaissance. 7. The age of the Renaissance. The Renaissance in culture and art ; Timeline ; The musical Renaissance ; Music as a Renaissance art ; Innovations : music printing -- 8. England and Burgundy in the fifteenth century. English music ; Timeline ; Music in the Burgundian lands ; Music in context : the feast of the oath of the pheasant ; Guillaume Du Fay ; The polyphonic Mass ; The musical language of the Renaissance -- 9. Franco-Flemish composers, 1450-1520. Political change and consolidation ; Ockeghem and Busnoys ; The next generation ; Timeline ; Josquin des Prez ; Old and new -- 10. Sacred music in the era of the reformation. The Reformation ; Music in the Lutheran Church ; Timeline ; Music in Calvinist churches ; Church music in England ; Catholic Church music ; Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina ; Spain and the New World ; Germany and Eastern Europe ; Jewish music ; The legacy of sixteenth-century sacred music -- 11. Madrigal and secular song in the sixteenth century. The first market for music ; Spain ; Italy ; Timeline ; The Italian madrigal ; France ; Germany ; England ; The madrigal and its impact -- 12. The rise of instrumental music. Instruments ; Timeline ; Types of instrumental music ; Music in context : social dance ; Music in Venice ; Instrumental music gains independence --

pt. 3. The seventeenth century. 13. New styles in the seventeenth century. Europe in the seventeenth century ; Timeline ; From Renaissance to Baroque ; General characteristics of Baroque music ; Enduring innovations -- 14. The invention of opera. Forerunners of opera ; Timeline ; The first operas ; Claudio Monteverdi ; The spread of Italian opera ; Innovations : singer-power and singer-worship : the diva ; Opera as drama and as theater -- 15. Music for chamber and church in the early seventeenth century. Italian vocal chamber music ; Catholic sacred music ; Timeline ; Lutheran Church music ; Heinrich Schütz ; Jewish music ; Instrumental music ; Tradition and innovation -- 16. France, England, Spain, and the New World in the seventeenth century. The French Baroque ; Music in context : the music of the Great Stable ; Timeline ; The English Baroque ; Spain and the New World ; French style and national traditions -- 17. Italy and Germany in the late seventeenth century. Italy ; Timeline ; Music in context : the violin workshop of Antonio Stradivarius ; Germany and Austria ; Seeds for the future --

pt. 4. The eighteenth century. 18. The early eighteenth century in Italy and France. Europe in a century of change ; Music in Italy ; Timeline ; Music in context : the voice of Farinelli ; Antonio Vivaldi ; Music in France ; Jean-Philippe Rameau ; A volatile public -- 19. German composers of the late Baroque. Contexts for music ; Johann Sebastian Bach ; Timeline ; George Frideric Handel ; An enduring legacy -- 20. Opera and vocal music in the early Classic Period. Europe in the mid- to late-eighteenth century ; Innovations : the public concert ; Musical taste and style ; Timeline ; Italian comic opera ; Opera seria ; Opera in other languages ; Opera reform ; Song and church music ; Opera and the new language -- 21. Instrumental music : sonata, symphony, and concerto at midcentury. Instruments and ensembles ; Genres and forms ; Timeline ; Keyboard music ; Orchestral music ; The singing instrument -- 22. Classic music in the late eighteenth century. Joseph Haydn ; Timeline ; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Classic music --

pt. 5. The nineteenth century. 23. Revolution and change. Revolution, war, and music, 1789-1815 ; Timeline ; Ludwig van Beethoven ; Beethoven's centrality -- 24. The Romantic generation : song and piano music. The new order, 1815-1848 ; Innovations : musical instruments in the Industrial Revolution ; Romanticism ; Timeline ; Song ; Music for piano ; The romantic legacy -- 25. Romanticism in classic forms : orchestral, chamber, and choral music. Orchestral music ; Timeline ; Chamber music ; Choral music ; Romanticism and the classical tradition -- 26. Romantic opera and musical theater in midcentury. The roles of opera ; Italy ; France ; Germany ; The United States ; Timeline ; Opera as high culture -- 27. Opera and musical theater in the later nineteenth century. Technology, politics, and nationalism ; Music in context : nationalism and exoticism ; Opera ; Giuseppe Verdi ; Later Italian composers ; Richard Wagner ; France ; Russia ; Other nations ; Timeline ; Music for the stage and its audiences -- 28. Late Romanticism in Germany and Austria. Dichotomies and disputes ; Timeline ; Johannes Brahms ; The Wagnerians ; Reaching the audience -- 29. Diverging traditions in the later nineteenth century. France ; Eastern and Northern Europe ; Timeline ; The United States ; Reception and recognition --

pt. 6. The twentieth century and after. 30. The early twentieth century. Modern times, 1898-1918 ; Innovations : recorded sound and its impact ; Vernacular musical traditions ; Timeline ; Modern music in the classical tradition ; Germany and Austria ; Claude Debussy ; The first modern generation ; The avant-garde ; Late Romantic or modern? -- 31. Modernism and the classical tradition. Arnold Schoenberg ; Timeline ; Music in context : expressionism ; Alban Berg ; Anton Webern ; Igor Stravinsky ; Béla Bartók ; Charles Ives ; Composer and audience -- 32. Between the World Wars : jazz and popular music. Between the wars ; Timeline ; American musical theater and popular song ; The jazz age ; Duke Ellington ; Film music ; Mass media and popular music -- 33. Between the World Wars : the classical tradition. Music, politics, and the people ; Timeline ; France ; Germany ; The Soviet Union ; The Americas ; The United States ; What politics? -- 34. Postwar crosscurrents. The Cold War and the splintering tradition ; Popular music ; Broadway and film music ; Timeline ; From bebop to free jazz ; Heirs to the classical tradition ; Traditional media ; Serialism ; Nonserial complexity and virtuosity ; New sounds and textures ; The avant-garde ; Quotation and collage ; Band and wind ensemble music -- 35. The end of the millennium. A global culture ; Timeline ; The changing world of music ; Music in context : digital technologies ; Niches in popular music ; Minimalism and postminimalism ; The new accessibility ; Interactions with non-Western music technologies ; The new millennium -- Glossary