Will vinegar remove hard water stains in toilet

Does it feel like you are always cleaning your toilet? Not only do your children somehow miss, but your water is staining the porcelain. However, several natural and chemical cleaners can take your porcelain god from rust rings to beautiful gleaming white.


  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Toilet brush
  • Measuring cup


  1. Measure a cup of vinegar. Pour it into the toilet trying to coat the entirety of the bowl, especially where the water stains are.
  2. Let the vinegar sit in the toilet for 10 minutes.
  3. Add a cup of baking soda to the toilet.
  4. Add another cup of vinegar right after the baking soda.
  5. Allow the two to fizzle in the toilet for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Use a toilet brush to scrub at the water stains.
  7. Allow the solution to sit for longer if stains remain and repeat step 6.
  8. Flush the toilet.


Another miracle cure for your toilet bowl water stains is borax. This powerful cleaner can remove mineral stains and grime with little effort.


  • Borax
  • Toilet brush
  • Vinegar (optional)


  1. If you choose to use vinegar, add 1/2 to 2/3 cup to the toilet bowl.
  2. Allow the vinegar to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. For extra hard water, you can let this sit for an hour or more.
  3. Scrub the toilet lightly with the toilet brush trying to scrub off as much loose minerals as possible.
  4. Flush the toilet.
  5. Pour a 1/2 cup of borax into the toilet. You want to sprinkle this around the toilet bowl gently, allowing it to hit all the stains. (Start here if you are not using vinegar.)
  6. Use the toilet brush to do some scrubbing.
  7. Allow the borax to sit in the toilet as long as possible. Overnight is best.
  8. Give the toilet another good scrub, making sure all the stains are gone.
  9. Flush.

Stubborn Stains

If natural solutions and commercial cleaners aren't effective enough, don't throw in the towel yet. A pumice stone or fine grit sandpaper can work well to remove those stubborn water stains that cleaners just aren't breaking up. If you are using sandpaper, however, ensure it is fine or extra fine grit so you don't scratch the porcelain on your toilet.

Pumice Stone Instructions

After using one of the cleaning methods above, a pumice stone or sandpaper and a toilet brush can scrub away any stubborn stains.

  1. Take the pumice stone, preferably one on a stick and scrub the stain.
  2. Move around the bowl scrubbing the water stains.
  3. Flushing at various intervals can help to remove any debris.
  4. Use a toilet brush to swish the water around and give it a final flush.

Getting It Back to White

Cleaning your bathroom is a dirty job but someone has to do it. Hard water can make cleaning everything, especially your toilet, even harder. Thankfully, there are several commercial and natural cleaners to restore your toilet bowl to its previous sheen.

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One of the most frustrating parts of cleaning your bathroom is likely dealing with those pesky hard water stains. Not only do they look unappealing, but they get tougher to clean the more they build up. And, as Good Housekeeping explained, if left too long, they can even become permanent, which is something you certainly don't want.

Hard water stains can look a little different depending on where they are and the type of minerals within the water — for example, you might spot some white-hued stains on your stainless steel faucet, whereas the hard water stains in your toilet bowl could be more of a brown or rust color. Regardless, the crisp white backdrop of most toilet bowls makes certain hard water stains very apparent. And sometimes, no matter how hard you scrub, they just don't seem to want to budge. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks that will help to remove those hard water stains and leave your toilet sparkling clean — read on to learn more.

A toilet cleaner designed for hard water stains


This may seem like an easy place to start, but, well, it's effective for a reason. As Good Housekeeping reported, a simple way to tackle those hard water stains is with toilet cleaner designed for that purpose. Additionally, certain solutions have a unique design, like a curved neck, that can be helpful for tackling stains along the rim and top of the toilet bowl. While some may prefer a more natural solution, if the contents and fumes of the toilet cleaner don't bother you, it's definitely a solid starting point.

Plain white vinegar

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Whatever mess you're looking to tackle in your home, chances are, regular white vinegar can help — it's a total powerhouse when it comes to cleaning. As Sunrise Specialty recommended, for best results, you'll want to drain and dry out your toilet bowl, so the vinegar doesn't get diluted, and then spray plain white vinegar over the bowl. Then, simply give the vinegar some time to work its magic. At that point, you should be able to scrub away those hard water stains with minimal effort.

A toilet cleaning stone

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If you have some seriously stubborn hard water stains that just aren't budging, you may need to introduce a little more abrasion and elbow grease into the equation. As Good Housekeeping recommended, try grabbing a toilet cleaning stone. Some will recommend a pumice stone, but as Hunker reported, you can risk scratching your toilet if using those improperly. A toilet stone is a bit more gentle — though you may need to scrub a bit more to get the results of a pumice stone, you won't risk accidentally damaging your toilet.

Borax paste


Borax isn't just something that can be used to level up your laundry game — the readily-available product has plenty of uses, including tackling hard water stains. As The Spruce suggested, once you've drained your toilet bowl, slowly combine about half a cup of Borax with vinegar until you have a paste. Then, immediately spread it along the hard water stains, let it sit for about 20 minutes, and scrub it all off, removing those hard water stains with the paste.

Very fine steel wool


While items with abrasive elements are undoubtedly effective, you do need to be careful not to scratch the toilet bowl in your quest to tackle those hard water stains. If all your concoctions and cleaning products aren't doing the trick, The Spruce recommended using 0000-grade steel wool, which is the finest grade — then you can use whatever your preferred cleaning product is, with the steel wool offering that little extra elbow grease to get the job done.

CLR Calcium, Lime, and Rest Remover

Raymond C. Eichelberger/Shutterstock

If you're impatient and want a solution that works very quickly, you may want to consider this particular product, which is both effective and safe for porcelain. As the CLR website explained, you can put about a cup of the solution into your toilet bowl, and after just two minutes, you should be able to scrub it all away and remove those hard water stains. The product is designed to remove lime deposits, which is another name for hard water deposits, as per Culligan Water.

Vinegar and baking soda

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Whatever mess you're trying to clean, there's a good chance that the budget-friendly powerhouse combination of vinegar and baking soda can help. If vinegar on its own didn't do the trick, as Good Housekeeping suggested, add baking soda into the equation. You start by adding a cup of vinegar to the toilet bowl, then sprinkle a cup of baking soda and a second cup of vinegar. Allow the mixture to hang out in the toilet bowl for about 30 to 40 minutes, at which point you can scrub away anything still clinging to the toilet bowl.

Coca Cola

Theeradech Sanin/Shutterstock

If you're a Coca-Cola fan and happen to have this product on hand, you may want to try this unconventional suggestion from Build with Ferguson. All you need to do is drain the toilet bowl, so the water doesn't dilute the power of the Coca Cola, then fill it nearly to the top with the fizzy liquid — allow it to sit overnight as the acidity of the beverage tackles those hard water stains, and then simply flush it all down and give your toilet bowl a final scrub.

A scrub brush


Rather than using a particular solution, this tip from Build with Ferguson is all about the method you use to eliminate those hard water stains. It's fairly common to just reach for your toilet brush to scrub at any stains, but consider using a scrub brush instead for stubborn deposits — the bristles of this tool are a bit tougher and thicker and will allow your elbow grease to yield more results than simply scrubbing with the thinner nylon bristles of a standard toilet brush.

Fine-grit drywall sanding screens and Bar Keepers Friend


Tackling stubborn hard water stains is challenging because sometimes you need something abrasive to truly get rid of the issue, and yet you don't want to risk damaging your toilet. The Forked Spoon suggested trying fine-grit drywall sanding screens combined with the cleaning product Bar Keepers Friend. The sanding screens are abrasive enough to be effective, yet still somewhat gentle on the porcelain surface of your toilet. One commenter on the blog post sharing the tip said it "worked like a charm."

Denture cleaning tablets

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For those who have tried all the conventional methods for tackling hard water stains, you may want to test this unexpected solution from Food52 — denture tablets. This hack requires very minimal effort, as you simply drop in a handful of denture tablets into your toilet bowl, allow them to sit overnight, and then scrub away the loosened hard water stains. Denture tablets are typically inexpensive, making this a budget-friendly tip in addition to being one that doesn't require too much elbow grease.

Dishwasher pods


It's always a bonus when a cleaning hack uses a product you likely already have, as is the case in this trick from Everyday Cheapskate. The website suggested allowing an automatic dishwasher pod to sit in your toilet bowl for a few minutes until it's dissolved and then scrubbing as usual. The pod can tackle a variety of grime during a dishwasher cycle, and it seems it's just as effective at combating hard water stains.



While many still perceive WD-40 as a lubricating product, it actually has a ton of uses — including as a solution to your toilet's hard water stains. For best results, all you need to do is spray it along the hard water stained areas, and then scrub it away just as you normally would — the contents of the product should help to soften those deposits causing the stains, allowing you to more effectively clean than with just scrubbing power alone.



There's a reason natural substances like vinegar are effective — acidity is a great tool to tackle grime and build-up, which is why this lemon hack from Tips Bulletin works so well. And, it's a great solution for those who prefer to use more natural cleaning products. All you need to do is slice a lemon in half and then use that exposed portion with all the acidic juices as your scrubbing tool. As a bonus, those citrus aromas will have your bathroom smelling fresh when you're finished cleaning.

How do you remove hard water stains in toilet?

First, flush the toilet and then pour a quarter of a cup of Borax into it, using your toilet brush to swish it around. Next, add one to two cups of vinegar and let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes. You should be able to scrub the stains away and flush the toilet to reveal a fresh, and clean bowl.

How long do you leave vinegar in toilet bowl?

To safely and inexpensively clean your toilet bowls, pour a generous glug of vinegar, followed by a heavy sprinkling of baking soda, into the bowl. While the mixture is bubbling up, scrub the bowl (get under the rim, too). Let it soak for 30 minutes and flush. That's it.

How do I remove brown stains from toilet bowl?

Vinegar and baking soda: Add 1 or 2 cups of vinegar to the toilet bowl along with a few sprinkles of baking soda. Swish the solution around the bowl with your brush for a few minutes and then let it sit for about 15 minutes. Scrub the stains with your brush (or pumice stone).

How do you remove calcium deposits from a toilet?

To clean calcium buildup out of your toilet, use vinegar or another acidic cleaner. The acid will break down the mineral deposits so you can brush them away. Be sure to take the necessary safety precautions when working with cleaners. Wear gloves and eyewear and open windows for ventilation.


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