Will insurance pay for skin removal after bariatric surgery

Massive weight loss, often 100 lbs or more, can leave loose hanging skin on the face, arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, flanks and legs. Whether the weight loss is from surgery or diet and exercise, if the loose skin becomes a health problem, insurance may cover reconstructive surgery to remove it.

Extra skin can fold in on itself, harboring moisture, bacteria and fungi. Chronic irritation in the folds can lead to recurrent infections, rashes and skin breakdown called intertrigo. If you suffer from intertrigo and require medical attention, you may qualify for skin removal.

Extra skin can get in the way of normal daily functions: Hooding of the eyelid skin can impair vision. Excessive loose skin on the arms can be inadvertently injured. Hanging lower abdominal skin can make hygiene difficult. Significantly redundant skin of the buttocks can make sitting painful, and pendulous thigh skin can make walking impossible. Insurance considers inability to perform daily functions a reason to cover skin removal.

Insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery, but it does cover reconstructive surgery to improve your health and normal functioning. If any of the scenarios mentioned apply to you, come in to the office. We’ll discuss your options and write to your insurance company asking for pre-authorization to cover your operation.

Over the past few decades, weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has become increasingly common. As such, we’ve begun to see more patients who could benefit from an additional procedure after weight loss: skin reduction surgery. Almost everyone who has weight loss surgery will have some excess skin. When a patient loses 100 pounds or more, the skin can’t always bounce back and firm up. Some people aren’t bothered by this at all because they feel so much healthier. Others might be uncomfortable with how the excess skin looks. But for some patients, excess skin can cause painful or even debilitating health issues. The amount of weight lost after bariatric surgery may cause a little bagging and sagging or can result in 40 to 60 pounds of excess skin. Skin reduction surgery (or excess skin removal) is elective, which means it’s totally up to the patient to have it or not. About 20 to 30 percent of our bariatric surgery patients choose to have skin reduction surgery, including both men and women.

Why do patients choose to have skin reduction surgery?

The majority of our skin reduction patients choose to have the procedure for cosmetic reasons. If a person’s excess skin issues are small or purely cosmetic, they can wear support garments to keep the skin up and tight. But when a patient has gone through all the hard work of preparing for and recovering from bariatric surgery and has lost a lot of weight, it can be hard to see all that excess skin in the mirror. Taking off those pounds of excess skin can be tremendously helpful for a patient’s self-esteem and can make exercise and hygiene easier.

When a patient has done all it takes to go through #bariatric surgery and has lost a lot of weight, taking off extra pounds of excess skin can help with self-esteem. https://goo.gl/eBG1Vw via @MedStarWHC

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For some patients, excess skin causes physical health problems. The skin folds can become a warm, wet environment that is prone to yeast infections or bacterial infections that can result in painful irritation, especially during exercise or work. Severe cases can be debilitating. Patients can help their excess skin from becoming a health concern by keeping it clean and dry, and by using antifungal powders to prevent rashes. But for long-term health, skin reduction surgery is a safe and easier option for many patients. I’ve never had a patient tell me they regret having had bariatric surgery because of excess skin issues. Almost always, they feel so much better emotionally and physically once they lose a lot of weight. Their joints hurt less, their overall health improves and they can start exercising again. Still, a significant number of patients eventually want to have their excess skin removed as the next step to their healthier, more confident life.

How does skin reduction surgery work?

During the procedure, we surgically remove the excess skin by making incisions in the affected areas of the body. To remove excess skin on the stomach area, we make an incision at the bikini line. On the arms and legs, we make incisions on the inside of the limbs. There will be some scarring, and the surgeon will work to keep the scars as small and hidden as possible. Patients should see doctors who are specifically trained in skin reduction surgery procedures and who do it often. Because we perform so many bariatric surgeries at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, our plastic surgeons are experienced in excess skin removal, and our cosmetic and bariatric surgeons partner closely together to ensure our patients get the best care. We usually recommend waiting at least a year after having bariatric surgery before skin reduction surgery. Patients often continue to lose weight during this time, and if they get the surgery and then lose another 30, 40 or 50 pounds, they’ll have more excess skin and will be back where they started.

Is skin reduction surgery covered by insurance?

Health insurance coverage for skin reduction surgery varies. Many insurances only cover the procedure if a patient is having documented health issues, such as rashes, infections or irritation. Even then, it’s often covered only for the stomach area and not the arms or legs. We understand the documentation insurance carriers require to get coverage for the procedure, and if you qualify, we can help with this process. Many patients who don’t qualify under their insurance still opt to get the procedure, paying for it out of pocket because of how much the excess skin affects their quality of life. If you choose to have bariatric surgery, it’s important to go to a bariatric center like we have at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. You’ll have access to an entire team of surgeons, dietitians, psychologists and cosmetic surgeons who understand how to make weight loss surgery a success and are knowledgeable about living your best life after surgery.

How do you get rid of excess skin after bariatric surgery?

What to Do About Loose Skin After Bariatric Surgery.
Plan Your Meals Around Protein. One of the things to expect after weight loss surgery is a change in your diet. ... .
Take Vitamins That Promote Skin Elasticity. ... .
Stay Hydrated. ... .
Alternate Cardio With Strength Training. ... .
Medical and Med Spa Treatments..

Will insurance cover a tummy tuck after bariatric surgery?

Commonly performed treatments are skin reduction of the arms (brachioplasty), breasts (lifts and reductions), tummy tucks, and thigh lifts. In today's times, these procedures are almost always considered “cosmetic”. This translates into no insurance coverage.

Does insurance cover Panniculectomy after bariatric surgery?

In many cases, panniculectomy surgery is covered by insurance. In order to qualify, insurance companies often require documentation from medical providers relating to weight loss and/or weight loss surgery, irriatation of the skin or other problems that affect everyday life.

What is medical necessity for a Panniculectomy?

Panniculectomy surgery may be indicated to reduce the panniculus. The surgery removes the excess skin and fat that hangs over the abdominal area. It may be indicated if the panniculus interferes with a person's daily activities (ADLs) and/or results in severe skin conditions that do not resolve after medical treatment.