Will getting your dog neutered calm him down

This is not true. Masculine brain characteristics are set under hormonal influences very early in life and dogs do not need testicles to maintain them. Neutering could, in fact, make your dog much happier. It also has proven health benefits as well - in male dogs castration will significantly reduce the incidence of prostate disease, and reduce the risk of some cancers. It also makes it less likely they will show aggression towards other dogs, whether on or off the lead. Some owners in other countries even go to drastic lengths to replace their dogs' testicles with prosthetic ones after neutering so they ‘look the same’ but this has been declared ‘unethical’ by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons here in the UK.

Spaying or neutering my dog will change their personality

No, it won’t. Personality is not all about sex hormones – except perhaps in some teenagers! But some unwanted behaviours may be reduced, such as roaming, mounting, fighting or urine spraying. So they are less likely to go missing or sustain injuries.

I don’t need to spay or neuter my dog as he or she is always with me
Male dogs have been known to break down doors and fences in their attempts to escape and go after bitches in heat, so there is never any guarantee you can stop your dog from mating at all times. In the absence of a suitable companion, they may not be too fussy about where they redirect their amorous intentions either, frequently mounting their toys, the furniture or their owner’s legs. 

Spaying or neutering my dog will cause it unnecessary pain

All surgical procedures involve a degree of discomfort, but neutering is carried out under a full general anaesthetic and animals are given drugs to control any discomfort afterwards. Most animals are up and about just a few hours after the surgery and back to normal within a few days. Neutering a male dog is a quick procedure with a very short recovery time, while your female dog will need a little more rest after being spayed as the surgery is a bit more invasive.

It’s expensive to have my dog spayed or neutered

Will getting your dog neutered calm him down

Cost will vary depending on the sex and, to some extent, between vets. It is something you should discuss with your veterinary surgeon, ideally before you even get your pet. If you are on certain benefits or have a bull breed dog, Blue Cross can help towards the cost through discounted neutering schemes. Other charities also offer similar schemes. In any case, bringing up a litter of puppies is an expensive business – and feeding these extra mouths alone can far exceed the cost of neutering. Furthermore, if there are any complications with either pregnancy, birth or with the puppies afterwards, the veterinary costs can be very substantial.

I won’t be able to show my pet if I have them spayed or neutered

False. Changes in the Kennel Club regulations mean that neutered pedigree dogs can be shown.

My dog will get fat if I have them spayed or neutered

No pet which is properly fed should get fat. Over feeding is the true cause of obesity. Neutered animals have slightly lower food requirements than those which haven’t been, and should be fed about a third less.

My dog will mourn the loss of its reproductive capabilities

This is entirely false. Like most animals, dogs reproduce solely on instinct – to ensure the survival of their species. They have feelings but they can’t rationalise them to pine after offspring they haven’t had and will not be affected by not being able to have puppies. Bitches will only nurse their puppies for the two months after their birth, to make sure they are fed, clean and learn the ground rules in life. Meanwhile, male dogs do not even recognise puppies as their own.

My female dog needs to have at least one season before being spayed

Neutering your female dog before their first season greatly reduces the risk of them getting breast cancer. Bitches can be spayed before their first season, from around six months of age, although for some of the larger breeds it is recommended that they be allowed to have one season first. 

Many male animals are neutered (castrated) as a best practice for health and handling. Castration is often considered part of responsible pet ownership. Much research has been done about the health and behavioral impacts of castration in pet dogs.

Pet overpopulation is a global concern and unplanned litters account for a staggering number of euthanasias in the United States and around the world. Preventing unplanned litters is a crucial part of responsible pet ownership. Castration is one way to prevent unplanned litters, although the timing of this procedure has come under more scrutiny within the veterinary science community in recent years.

What is involved in neutering a dog?

Neutering, or castration, is the surgical removal of the testicles. Removing the testicles removes the primary source of testosterone in the body, resulting in changes in sex drive, hormone-related behaviors, and hormone-related health concerns. Removing the testicles can also protect against some later-life health concerns, such as testicular cancer and prostate enlargement, as well as hormone-related tumors of the perineum. Neutering may also be associated with an increased risk of some musculoskeletal disorders and cancers, when done before a given age.

When should my dog be neutered?

All dogs are not physiologically the same. Different breeds and sizes of dogs have different optimal ages for castration. According to a recent study, veterinarians and pet owners should work together to discuss the optimal age of neutering, instead of following a blanket age recommendation. Every dog owner should consult with their veterinarian about the health impacts of castration for their individual dog.

Historically, veterinarians have recommended neutering dogs before puberty. This not only minimizes the risk of unplanned litters, but also may offer behavioral benefits. Puberty and adolescence are the time when animals transition from youth to sexual maturity. In most breeds and sizes of dog, this period spans from 6 months to 2 years of age. Hormone surges during puberty can and do influence the behavior of any individual. Ask the parent of any teenager! If you’re considering waiting until social or structural maturity before neutering, be sure to talk to your veterinarian in-depth about what to expect with respect to your dog’s needs for exercise, training, appropriate and safe confinement, and appropriate social environments.

What are the impacts of neutering on dog behavior?

The best predictors of a dog’s behavior are his genetic background combined with the social learning and training he receives. Reproductive status does play a role in behavior, but it is not the dominant influence over animal behavior.

Testosterone influences sex drive and sexual acts, searching for mates, territorial behavior such as urine marking, and aggression between males. Testosterone may also affect confidence and the role of the experience of fear in some dogs. Neutering will result in a reduction in sexual behaviors (breeding attempts and masturbation), seeking mating opportunities, and urine marking. Some of these sexual behaviors can be dangerous, resulting in fights between dogs, roaming and being injured by cars, fences, poisons, and other threats, and neutering will decrease these risks.

There is conflicting evidence at this time, but it is possible that neutering males before puberty may correlate with increased aggression directed toward strangers and strange dogs. However, further research is needed before any firm conclusions can be drawn in this situation. Neutering was historically considered a crucial part of therapy for all dogs displaying unwanted aggression. A more careful examination of the aggression with a veterinarian experienced in treating behavior disorders is now recommended prior to neutering, as neutering may worsen fear-related behaviors in a small subset of dogs.

Is there an alternative to neutering my dog?

Dogs can also be sterilized using vasectomy. In dogs for which castration at any age may be associated with adverse health risks, vasectomy is an excellent alternative to prevent unplanned litters and continue to control the pet overpopulation epidemic.

Do male dogs change after being neutered?

Behavioral Changes in a Dog After Being Neutered Removing the testicles removes the largest source of testosterone in the body. This results in a decrease in sexually driven behaviors in your dog: urine marking, escaping to seek female dogs, and aggression toward other male dogs.

How long after a dog is neutered does he calm down?

Dogs that have been neutered will not be free of hormonal behavior issues right away. This is because in most cases, it can take anywhere from two to four weeks, and sometimes even as long as six weeks, for all the hormones to leave your dog's body.

What is the best age to neuter a male dog?

The traditional age for neutering is six to nine months. However, puppies as young as eight weeks can be neutered as long as there aren't other health problems. An adult dog can be neutered at any time but there is a larger risk of complications.

What are the benefits of neutering a male dog?

Benefits of Neutering (males): Less desire to roam, therefore less likely to be injured in fights or auto accidents. Risk of testicular cancer is eliminated, and decreases incidence of prostate disease. Reduces number of unwanted cats/kittens/dogs/puppies. Decreases aggressive behavior, including dog bites.