What do lymph nodes in armpit feel like

You have lymph nodes throughout your body—they’re in your neck, armpits, chest, belly and groin area. Sometimes they get swollen. You might notice a lump when they do, and the site might feel sore or tender.

Most of the time, a swollen lymph node means your lymphatic system is doing its job. It’s trapping viruses, bacteria and pathogens and signaling your body to make white blood cells that can help you fight infections. “Rather than being something scary, most enlarged lymph nodes are a sign of a healthy immune system,” said Rebecca Moran, MD, a family medicine specialist at Banner Health Clinic in Phoenix.

When you have swollen lymph nodes, you’ll probably notice other symptoms from whatever is causing them, such as fatigue, fever, sore throat, runny nose or other signs of infection.

It’s typically things like cold viruses, strep throat, mononucleosis or skin infections that cause swollen lymph nodes. But there can be other causes, too:

  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Some vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccines, which can cause temporary lymph node swelling when your body makes antibodies against future infection. (In fact, women should consider postponing routine mammograms for four to six weeks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, since swollen lymph nodes in the armpit could look like an abnormality.)
  • Rarely, cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia or other cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes.

How can you prevent swollen lymph nodes?

You can’t stop a lymph node from swelling as it fights off infections and other things that don’t belong in the body. “That is what they are designed to do, and we want them to do it,” Dr. Moran said.

You can try to prevent the infections that lead to swollen lymph nodes by washing your hands, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding touching your nose and eyes and staying away from people with contagious infections. You can also help keep yourself healthy by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding tobacco products.

How can you treat tender lymph nodes?

Tender lymph nodes will feel better when the underlying infection clears. If you have a bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. A viral infection needs to run its course. In the meantime, you can apply warm compresses to your tender lymph nodes and take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

If an autoimmune disorder or cancer is causing your tender lymph nodes, your health care provider can provide treatments for those conditions.

When should you be concerned about swollen lymph nodes?

You don’t need to worry about your swollen lymph nodes most of the time. But you should talk to your health care provider if your swollen glands:

  • Feel hard and don’t move around easily when you press on them
  • Grow bigger than one centimeter (or the size of a large pea)
  • Don’t shrink within a month
  • Appear without any apparent reason
  • Are located throughout the body rather than in one area
  • Appear along with unexplained weight loss, persistent fevers or night sweats
  • Develop just above your collarbone or in your armpit, especially if there’s no explanation for them
  • Grow large quickly and become painful and red, which could mean they are infected

The bottom line

Swollen lymph nodes are a sign your body is fighting off infection, like it is supposed to do. But sometimes, they can signal a more serious problem. If you would like to talk to a health care provider who can help evaluate your lymph nodes, reach out to Banner Health.

Other useful articles:

  • How to Know Whether It’s a Virus or Bacteria That’s Making You Sick
  • Should You Use Antivirals for the Flu?
  • What Happens if You Get Strep Throat a Lot?

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Warts, also called common warts or verrucae, are small, rough, rounded growths on the top layer of the skin. They may appear singly or in clusters.

Common warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and are contagious through direct contact, especially through a break in the skin. They may spread from one place on the body to another simply through touch.

Anyone can get warts but they are most common in anyone with a weakened immune system, as from illness or chemotherapy. Children and teenagers are also susceptible to warts.

Warts often first appear on the hands and fingers, especially near the nails or after any injury to the skin. This is why biting fingernails is a risk factor for warts.

Warts are benign, meaning they are not cancerous. But they can be unsightly and interfere with normal use of the hands, so treatment is often beneficial.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination. Warts in children sometimes go away without treatment, but otherwise most warts can be easily removed in a doctor's office.

Skin cyst

A cyst is a small sac or lump, filled with fluid, air, fat, or other material, that begins to grow somewhere in the body for no apparent reason. A skin cyst is one that forms just beneath the skin.

It's believed that skin cysts form around trapped keratin cells – the cells that form the relatively tough outer layer of the skin.

These cysts are not contagious.

Anyone can get a skin cyst, but they are most common in those who are over age 18, have acne, or have injured the skin.

Symptoms include the appearance of a small, rounded lump under the skin. Cysts are normally painless unless infected, when they will be reddened and sore and contain pus.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination. A small cyst can be left alone, though if it is unsightly or large enough to interfere with movement it can be removed in a simple procedure done in a doctor's office. An infected cyst must be treated so that the infection does not spread.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: skin-colored armpit bump, marble sized armpit lump, small armpit lump

Symptoms that always occur with skin cyst: skin-colored armpit bump

Urgency: Wait and watch

Skin abscess

A skin abscess is a large pocket of pus that has formed just beneath the skin. It is caused by bacteria getting under the skin, usually through a small cut or scratch, and beginning to multiply. The body fights the invasion with white blood cells, which kill some of the infected tissue but form pus within the cavity that remains.

Symptoms include a large, red, swollen, painful lump of pus anywhere on the body beneath the skin. There may be fever, chills, and body aches from the infection.

If not treated, there is the risk of an abscess enlarging, spreading, and causing serious illness.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination.

A small abscess may heal on its own, through the body's immune system. But some will need to be drained or lanced in a medical provider's office so that the pus can be cleaned out. Antibiotics are usually prescribed.

Keeping the skin clean, and using only clean clothes and towels, will help to make sure that the abscess does not recur.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: rash with bumps or blisters, red rash, red skin bump larger than 1/2 cm in diameter, pus-filled rash, rash

Symptoms that always occur with skin abscess: rash with bumps or blisters

Urgency: Primary care doctor


Pimples are also called comedones, spots, blemishes, or "zits." Medically, they are small skin eruptions filled with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Pimples often first start appearing at puberty, when hormones increase the production of oil in the skin and sometimes clog the pores.

Most susceptible are teenagers from about ages 13 to 17.

Symptoms include blocked pores that may appear flat and black on the surface, because the oil darkens when exposed to the air; blocked pores that appear white on the surface because they have closed over with dead skin cells; or swollen, yellow-white, pus-filled blisters surrounded by reddened skin.

Outbreaks of pimples on the skin can interfere with quality of life, making the person self-conscious about their appearance and causing pain and discomfort in the skin. A medical provider can help to manage the condition, sometimes through referral to a dermatologist.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination.

Treatment involves improving diet; keeping the skin, hair, washcloths, and towels very clean; and using over-the-counter acne remedies.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: pink or red facial bump, small facial lump, painful facial bump, marble sized facial lump

Symptoms that always occur with pimple: pink or red facial bump

Urgency: Self-treatment


Lipoma is a word that translates as "fatty tumor," but a lipoma is not cancer. It is simply a growth of fat between the muscle layer and the skin above it.

The exact cause is not known. The condition does run in families and is associated with other unusual syndromes such as adiposis dolorosa, which is similar. Lipomas most often appear after age 40.

Symptoms include a soft, easily moveable lump beneath the skin, about two inches across. A lipoma is painless unless its growth is irritating the nerves around it. They are most often found on the back, neck, and abdomen, and sometimes the arms and upper legs.

It is a good idea to have any new or unusual growth checked by a medical provider, just to make certain it is benign.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination, biopsy, and imaging such as ultrasound or CT scan.

Most of the time, treatment is not necessary unless the lipoma is unsightly or is interfering with other structures. It can be removed through surgery or liposuction.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: skin-colored groin bump, marble sized groin lump, small groin lump

Symptoms that always occur with lipoma: skin-colored groin bump

Urgency: Wait and watch

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Hodgkin lymphoma, formerly known as Hodgkin's lymphoma or Hodgkin's disease, is cancer of the lymphatic system. It is believed to be caused by a mutation in one of the body's immune system cells, called a B cell.

Most susceptible are those under age 30 or over age 55, with a family history of the disease, as well as anyone with a history of any illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

Symptoms include swelling of lymph nodes in groin, armpits, and neck; lowered tolerance to drinking alcohol, including pain in lymph nodes afterwards; unintended weight loss; fever; chills; night sweats; and itching.

There are good treatments available for Hodgkin lymphoma, so it is important to see a medical provider about these symptoms as soon as possible.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination; blood tests; imaging such as x-ray, CT scan, or PET scan; and sometimes lymph node biopsy and/or bone marrow sample.

Treatment involves a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Bone marrow transplant, also called stem cell transplant, can be done in some cases.

Rarity: Rare

Top Symptoms: fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain (stomach ache), shortness of breath, fever

Symptoms that never occur with hodgkin's lymphoma: pulsing armpit mass, armpit lump that comes and goes, shrinking armpit lump, pink or red armpit bump, black or brown armpit bump, yellow or white armpit bump, bleeding armpit bump

Urgency: Primary care doctor


Folliculitis is a common skin problem where hair follicles are infected by bacteria or fungi.

You can take take care of this at home by using a topical antibacterial or benzoyl peroxide. Also, reduce exposures to irritants like shaving, contaminated water, and other chemicals.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: small facial lump, pink or red facial bump, face itch, facial bump leaking yellow/milky fluid, yellow or white facial bump

Symptoms that always occur with folliculitis: small facial lump

Urgency: Self-treatment

Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit

Enlarged lymph nodes occur when the node becomes larger as it fills with inflammatory cells. This often is a result of an infection but can occur without a known cause.

You should discuss with a health care provider whether or not your lymph node needs to be checked. Enlarged lymph nodes will usually shrink on their own. To speed up the process, try applying a warm, wet compress to the affected area.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: armpit lump, movable armpit lump

Symptoms that always occur with enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit: armpit lump

Symptoms that never occur with enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit: fever, unintentional weight loss, hard lump in the armpit

Urgency: Phone call or in-person visit

Breast cancer

Breast cancer has several names, depending on the part of the breast where it starts:

  • Lobular carcinoma affects the milk glands.
  • Ductal carcinoma affects the milk ducts.
  • Sarcoma affects the connective tissue.
  • Paget's Disease affects the nipple and areola.

Women over age 50 with a family history of the disease, and/or certain genetic factors, are most at risk, but anyone can get breast cancer at any age. It is rare in men but does occur.

Symptoms include a lump, thickening, or pain anywhere in the breast or armpit; red, flaky, or irritated breast or nipple skin; nipple discharge; and any area of irregular skin or misshapenness.

Many harmless conditions can cause similar signs, so it is important to see a medical provider about any of these symptoms.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination; imaging such as ultrasound, mammogram, or MRI; and sometimes biopsy.

Treatment involves a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

The best prevention is a combination of screening mammograms as recommended by the medical provider, and monthly self-examination.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: breast pain, armpit lump, breast mass or retraction, breast lump, nipple discharge

Urgency: Primary care doctor

Boil (furuncle)

A furuncle, also called a boil, is infection of a hair follicle. The infection forms under the skin at the root of the hair and may occur anywhere on the body.

The infection is caused by bacteria, most often Staphylococcus aureus or "staph." Irritation caused by clothes or anything else rubbing the skin can cause the skin to break down and allow bacteria to enter.

Staph bacteria are found everywhere. Frequent and thorough handwashing, and otherwise maintaining cleanliness, will help to prevent its spread.

Most susceptible are those with a weakened immune system; diabetes; and other skin infections.

Symptoms include a single bump under the skin that is swollen, painful, and red, and contains pus.

It is important to treat the boil, since infection can spread into the bloodstream and travel throughout the body.

Diagnosis is made through physical examination and sometimes fluid sample from the boil.

Treatment may involve incision and drainage of the infection, followed by creams to apply to the site of the boil and/or a course of antibiotic medicine.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: pink or red facial bump, small facial lump, painful facial bump, marble sized facial lump, constant skin changes

Symptoms that always occur with boil (furuncle): pink or red facial bump

Symptoms that never occur with boil (furuncle): fever

Urgency: Self-treatment

When to see a doctor

You should see a doctor for the following.

  • Any unexplained lump in your armpit: Especially if you are a woman and have no other symptoms of illness
  • Swelling that persists or worsens over several days: Especially if you also develop a fever or other symptoms of illness.
  • Examinations: You should point out any unexplained armpit lumps, especially ones that have persisted for more than a week or so.
  • Treatments: These should be given for any lumps that appear to be infected or for any systemic illness that appeared around the same time as the lump.

When it is an emergency

Seek immediate treatment in the emergency room if you have a lump in your armpit that is reddened and painful, and you also have a fever and/or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

  • You have started a new medication: Seek care if a widespread skin rash, fever, and swollen lymph nodes occur.
  • You have an abscess and additional symptoms: Such as high fever, chills, shaking, sweating, and rapid breathing and heart rate.

Questions your doctor may ask about armpit lump

  • What color is the bump?
  • Any fever today or during the last week?
  • Do you have a rash?
  • Do you feel pain when you touch the bump?

Self-diagnose with our free Buoy Assistant if you answer yes on any of these questions.

How do I know if my lymph nodes are swollen armpit?

A lymph node in the armpit that's only slightly enlarged may be difficult to see, but you may be able to feel it with your fingers. A serious infection or other condition may cause one or more nodes to swell enough that you can see a lump under your skin.

Are swollen armpit lymph nodes hard or soft?

Swollen lymph nodes are your body's natural reaction to illness or infection. These small lumps are soft, tender and often painful. The most common cause of swollen lymph nodes is an upper respiratory infection, but they can have many causes.

What does a normal armpit lymph node feel like?

Healthy lymph nodes are typically pea-sized. You should not normally be able to feel them. Lymph nodes that are just below the skin may be easier to feel when they become swollen as they will become larger.

What do cancerous lymph nodes feel like?

Although lymphoma lumps often appear in clusters, it is possible to have a single lump. The lumps may be confined to one area of the body, such as the neck, or develop in multiple areas, such as the neck, armpits and groin. Lymphoma lumps have a rubbery feel and are usually painless.