What day of the week was december 8th 1980

It was the 343rd Tuesday of 1980. If you were born on this date your birthday numbers 12, 8 and 1980 reveal that your life path number is 11. Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius with a ruling planet Jupiter, your birthstone is the Tanzanite, Turquoise, Zircon and Topaz, and your birth flower is the Narcissus. You are 41 old, and were born in 1980s, in the middle of Millennials Generation. The generation you are born into makes an impact on your life. Swipe up to find out what it all means.

→ December 8, 1980 was a Monday
→ Zodiac sign for this date is Sagittarius
→ This date was 15,267 days ago
→ 1980 was the Year of the Monkey
→ In 2022, December 8 is on Friday

View snazzy December 8, 1980 birthday facts that no one tells you about, such as your life path number, birthstone, ruling planet, zodiac sign and birth flower.

You have been alive for:

People born on this day will turn 42 in exactly .

If you were born on this date:

You have been alive for . You were born in the Year of the Monkey. Your birth sign is Sagittarius with a ruling planet Jupiter. There were precisely 518 full moons after you were born up to this day. Your billionth second was on was on August 16, 2012.

→ You’ve slept 5,089 days or 13.94 years.
→ Your next birthday is away
→ You’ve been alive
→ You were born in the Year of the Monkey
→ You have been alive 366,419 hours
→ You are 21,985,181 minutes old
→ Age on next birthday: 42 years old

You were born on a Monday

December 8, 1980 was the 343rd Tuesday of that year. It was also the 343rd day and 12th month of 1980 in the Georgian calendar. The next time you can reuse 1980 calendar will be in 2036. Both calendars will be exactly the same.

There are left before your next birthday. Your 42nd birthday will be on a Tuesday and a birthday after that will be on a Friday. The timer below is a countdown clock to your next birthday. It’s always accurate and is automatically updated.

Your next birthday is in:

Your next birthday is on a Tuesday

You’ve slept 33% of your life!

Assuming you’ve been sleeping 8 hours daily since birth. Here is how much time you’ve spent sleeping so far:

You’ve slept 13.94 years of your life.
You’ve slept 167 month of your life.
You’ve slept 727 week of your life.
You’ve slept 5,089 days of your life.

Did you know you have taken approximately 307,782,720 breaths since your birth? Moreover, using 80 beats per minute as average, your heart has beaten over 1,758,758,400 times. You have also blinked over 373,736,160 times in your lifetime.

#1 Song on your birthday

The number one song in the US on the day of your birth was "Lady" by Kenny Rogers. (Billboard Hot 100 – December 8, 1980). Ask your parents if they remember this popular song.

Do you remember the number one song on your 14th birthday? It was "On Bended Knee" by Boyz II Men (December 8, 1994).

Celebrities born on December 8, 1980

You share a birthday with We could not find a celebrity that shares a birthday with you. However, we update our database constantly, and invite you to check back later to see if we found someone with the same birthday..

We have over 150,000 celebrities in our database. We will continue to update this list with matching birthdays, so bookmark this page and check back often. You can also find out all celebrity birthdays born on December 8, 1980.

What happened on December 8th

Below are some of the most important historical events that happened on 8 December 1980.

1863 – Abraham Lincoln issues his Amnesty Proclamation and plan for Reconstruction of the South.

1941 – US & Britain declare war on Japan, US enters WW II.

1941 – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers "Day of Infamy" speech to US Congress a day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

1965 – Pope Paul VI signs 2nd Vatican council.

1966 – US & USSR sign treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons in outer space.

Sports in 1980

NBA – Los Angeles Lakers beat Philadelphia 76ers (4 - 2) to win the NBA Finals.

NHL – New York Islanders defeated Philadelphia Flyers (4 - 2) to win the Stanley Cup.

NFL – Pittsburgh Steelers beat Los Angeles Rams (31 - 19) to win Super Bowl XIV on January 20, 1980 in Pasadena, CA.

MLB – Philadelphia Phillies beat Kansas City Royals (4 - 2) to win the World Series.

Your life path number is 11

So what does your birthday really say about you and what does your life path number mean? On the next page, we’ll explain what your birth sign, ruling planet, age generation, birthstone, and birth flower mean — and more!

Continue to the next page to discover the answers to the most important questions about your birthday.

What happened December 8th 1980?

December 8th proved to be a memorable day in the history of music. It was on this fateful day that John Lennon was shot and killed by a crazed fan, by the name of Mark David Chapman, and the Grateful Dead announced the bands dispersal.

What does it mean to be born on the 8th of December?

Headstrong and imperious, a December 8 Sagittarius has a docile side; they express this by constant personality changes. Because they tend to extremes, it's not uncommon for them to regret many of their choices. They have creative talent but seem to prefer the life of a dilettante.

What happened December 7th 1980?

December 7, 1980 (Sunday) Died: Darby Crash (born Jan Paul Beahm), 22, American punk rock singer with the band The Germs, committed suicide by an intentional overdose of heroin.

What day was August 1980?

August 8, 1980 (Friday)