Warning command substitution ignored null byte in input



  • #1

Jake Asks: How do I ignore "command substitution: ignored null byte in input"?
I have this Linux shell command:


echo $(python3 -c 'print("Test"+"\0"+"M"*18)') | nc -u [IP] [PORT]

My intention is to pipe the output of the print statement to the netcat command. The netcat command creates a socket to some service that essentially returns an stdout of the string passed in.

The problem here is that when I try to run this command, I get this message: -bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input; and my null byte \0 gets ignored. But I don't want the null byte to be ignored.

How do I tell the system to NOT ignored my null byte and take in the input exactly as I've specified.

I have done some Google searches but honestly speaking they haven't helped much. Also, any link to some great article is much appreciated.


Using printf worked.

Ordinarily passing python3 -c 'print("Test"+"\0"+"M"*18)' also worked. Valued @cas explanation. I guess I might be sticking to printf given it's faster (though speed isn't particularly a concern in my case).

Thanks to all those who contributed .

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  • Noremac
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Technology Forum
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Noremac Asks: Should I avoid testing on live data for acceptance testing?
My team is transitioning into using BDD and cucumber. We are creating acceptance tests and from what I understand we want to be high level, happy path type tests that are hitting our features end to end as a user would.

How do we:

  1. Ensure the changing data on a live environment won't cause tests to have false failures?
  2. Protect changes deployed to an environment from impacting all customers if things go wrong?

Alternatively we've considered having a sterile, repeatable database that we could use for the app to run against. However, then how would we:

  1. Ensure that we don't miss features failing because the data isn't representative of live data.
  2. Avoid testing too closely to implementation rather than behavior

I would love to get some pointers on best practices here.

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  • costa rica
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Technology Forum
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costa rica Asks: Gunicorn error: unrecognized arguments: run:app (using waitress and nginx)
I am using an AWS ubuntu machine to run a Flask Blueprints application. I have been able to run in development mode where my service file has an ExecStart like this: ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/environments/venv_wsh06api/bin/gunicorn -w 3 -b run:app

But now I want to run using waitress. I have tried every iteration I can think of: gunicorn waitress -w 3 -b run:app

and each is giving some version of “gunicorn: error: unrecognized arguments: run:app”. It’s always last argument where I am telling what app to run that is being called out as the error.

I have seen some very elaborate run.py files but none seem to apply to me. I know there are a few other posts and even a Medium article that closely address my needs. I’ve parsed through them in detail alternating things and still not getting anywhere.

Any advice greatly appreciated. Even a suggestion where to look would be wonderful. Thanks.



Description=Gunicorn instance to serve wsh06api3.service in venv_wsh06api.

ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/environments/venv_wsh06api/bin/gunicorn waitress -w 3 -b run:app




from app_package import create_app
from waitress import serve

app = create_app()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    serve(app, host='', port=8080)



from flask import Flask
from wsh_config import ConfigDev, ConfigProd
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
import os

config_object = ConfigDev()

logs_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'logs')

if not os.path.exists(logs_dir):

#Setting up Logger

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)

    from app_package.scheduler.routes import sched_route
    return app

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  • Katie Lee
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Technology Forum
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Katie Lee Asks: Want to find a PCRE -P that finds expressions that do not contain a certain string of letters
I have been trying to find a way to make an expression that looks through a word and if "abc" is in it it does not match

I have grep -P '^([^a](a([^b]|$)|ab([^c]|$))?)$'

It passes all test cases except the following


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  • jack parsons
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Technology Forum
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jack parsons Asks: I am starting a new rails app(Rails 7.0.4) with the option --webpack=react and I have no /app/javascript/packs folder
I have installed node and npm I tried brew install yarn but that may have failed.... I am copying a tutorial by Zayne on how to get ruby on rails running with react and he used the command rails new react-app --webpack=react and he got a folder called /app/javascript/packs with a file called hello_react.jsx, maybe this is because he is on RoR 6 and I am using version Rails 7.0.4.

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  • user3751743
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Technology Forum
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user3751743 Asks: WebCenter Site - Exception Caught While Trying To Locate Configuration For IndexSource + Global
I have this message in WebCenter Site. (I use 11.1.1 version)

NullPointerException thrown when trying to configure Global Search through Advanced UI. [2012-08-21 09:17:55,137] [com.fatwire.search.asset] Exception caught while trying to locate Configuration for IndexSource + Global. Error details is com.fatwire.cs.core.search.source.IndexSourceException: java.util.NoSuchElementException [2012-08-21 09:17:55,138] [com.fatwire.search.asset] Error during indexing operation java.lang.NullPointerException at com.fatwire.search.source.GlobalAssetIndexSourceMetadataImpl.getSearchEngineName(y:2233) at com.fatwire.search.util.AssetQueueIndexSourceUtil._processAll(y:2504) at com.fatwire.search.util.AssetQueueIndexSourceUtil.access$000(y:2373) at com.fatwire.search.util.AssetQueueIndexSourceUtil$indexingRunnable.run(y:3252) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

How can I repair this issues Could you help me please?

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