Summary of chapter 21 to kill a mockingbird

Chapter 21
-Capurnia comes into the courtroom to tell Atticus that the children are missing, but Mr. Underwood says where they were.
-They come home to eat lunch, but come back right after to see that the jury hasn't come out yet.
-The jury comes out, but doesn't look at Tom.
-Tom is guilty.
Chapter 22
-The whole black community gave the Finches baskets of food in thanks for Atticus' defense of Tom.
-Jem thought that the people in Maycomb were the best but not anymore.
-Miss Maudie says that it was a step in the right direction.
-Miss Stephanie  Crawford runs up with gossip; Bob Ewell spit in Tom's face and threatened him.
Chapter 23
-Tom  is in prison.
-Atticus says that Mr. Cunningham voted for an acquittal.
-Scout wants to invite Walter over for dinner, but Aunt Alexandra forbids it.
-Jem realizes Boo Radley stays in his house because he wants to.
Chapter 24
-Aunt Alexandra and others want to help the poor people in Africa.
-Atticus says that Tom tried to escape, but he got shot seventeen times, so he died.

Chapter 25
-Scout finds a roly-poly, but Jem says not to kill it because it is like a mockingbird.
-When Tom died, someone overheard Bob Ewell saying "one down and about two more to go".Chapter 26
-Atticus was reelected to the state legislature.
-Scout starts school again and learns about Adolf Hitler.
-Scout asks about the trial, but Jem yells at her to never talk about the trial again.Chapter 27
-Scout's school is having a pageant for Halloween, so Scout is to be a giant ham, made of cloth and wire.

Chapter 28
-On the way to the pageant, Cecil Jacobs scares Jem and Scout from behind a bush.
-Scout misses her cue to go on stage because she fell asleep, so she is very embarrassed.
-When Scout (still in her costume) and Jem walk home, they hear a noise behind them, and hen they are attacked.
-Jem fights back,  but is thrown and screams.
-The assailant squeezes Scout, but suddenly she is free somehow.
-Dr. Reynolds says that Jem has a broken arm, and Heck Tate says that Bob Ewell is dead.Chapter 29
-Scout tells Hack Tate everything that happened.
-Scout realizes that the pale man sitting in the corner of the room saved her.
The man is Boo Radley.Chapter 30
-Atticus thinks that Jem killed Bob, but Heck thinks that Boo Radley killed Bob.
-Scout doesn't want to bring attention onto Boo Radley because she says that it would be like killing a mockingbird.Chapter 31
-Scout escorts Boo Radley back to his house.
-When Scout gets back, Atticus reads a book to Scout and Jem, and they both fall asleep.

Mr. Dolphus Raymond offers a sip from his brown bag to Dill. Dill sips warily, and then grins, realizing that it contained, not whisky, but Coca-Cola. Mr. Raymond explains that it is sometimes better to make people believe that you are something which, in reality, you are not.

The children return to the courtroom. Atticus rises and begins to loosen his clothes slowly. The children are horrified. He then begins to speak. He insists that there is no proof that Tom has raped Mayella; no verdict of any doctor. He also insists that Mayella, too, has committed no crime. She is just a "victim of cruel poverty and ignorance". At the end of his speech, Dill suddenly espies Calpurnia entering the courtroom and heading towards Atticus.

The children are wary of speaking to Mr. Raymond because he’s supposed to be a an alcoholic and a father of mixed children. But, after talking to him, they realize that he is an unusual person, in the sense that he prefers people to have a bad impression of him, so that he can live his life the way he wishes. He has very strong opinions against the way the whites treat the poor blacks.

Atticus’ final speech is a powerful one, which penetrates the hearts of every black and white man present in the courtroom. He doesn’t condemn anyone, not even Bob Ewell nor Mayella, since it is their circumstances that have led them to behave in such a manner. He presents the typical attitude of all whites -- "that all Negroes lie, all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women." He reiterates the fact that all men are created equal. At the end of the speech, Atticus even mutters "In the name of God, believe him", probably perceiving that nothing (not even proof) is going to change the orthodox view of the jury.

Chapter 21

Calpurnia has a note for Atticus, sent by his sister, saying that the children are missing. Mr. Underwood announces the presence of the children. Atticus relents in allowing the children to return to hear the verdict. The people have to wait for a considerably long time before the jury return with their verdict. The verdict is that Tom Robinson is guilty.

Aunt Alexandra is outraged that the children had been in the courtroom all the while, and she is all the more upset on hearing that Atticus had allowed them to return to the courtroom.

Jem is certain that his father will win the case, since a jury is expected to be fair. However, these are just childish delusions, and Atticus has to admit that no jury had till date favored a colored man over a white man.

The final verdict declaring Tom guilty, certainly seems unfair, yet one must take into consideration the period. Though slavery had been legally abolished, one cannot expect views of the whites to be mitigated easily. Undoubtedly, the verdict comes as no surprise for Atticus.

Chapter 22

Jem begins to cry on hearing this unjust verdict. On reaching home, even Aunt Alexandra seems to have softened her stance slightly. Being after all the Atticus’ sister and the only aunt of the children, she cannot help sympathizing with them. She expresses her concern for not only Atticus but also Jem, who is yet too small to be exposed to the hard facts of life.

The next morning, Atticus says that the case is not closed and that there would be a further appeal. Seeing chicken for a breakfast, a dazed Atticus is led into the kitchen which is loaded with all sorts of food items. These had been sent by the blacks in their appreciation for Atticus for having taken up the case of a black.

As the children walk outside, Stephanie Crawford is full of questions as to how they had possibly been allowed to go to the court, but Miss Maudie icily stops her and calls them in for cakes. She then tells them that their father is one among those who are born to take the charge of doing the unpleasant jobs for the sake of others. She makes them realizes that there had been some people in Maycomb who had tried, in their ways, to support Tom. As they walk towards home, they meet a group of people, and they are informed them that Bob Ewell had met Atticus and vowed to teach him a lesson.

Gifting food is the blacks’ way of showing their appreciation for Atticus. One must take note that though Atticus had failed to save their man, they are still grateful to him for simply defending him, which in itself, was a big deal for the poor blacks.

Stephanie Crawford’s curiosity is that of an idle mind working overtime. Miss Maudie is mercifully able to put a stern stop to her impudent questions. Giving Jem a larger piece of cake also says a lot about Miss Maudie’s acute perception of human nature; that she can realize Jem to have matured. Again Stephanie displays her wretched nature in taking pleasure to inform the children that their father had been jeered by Bob Ewell.

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What is the main theme of Chapter 21 To Kill a Mockingbird?

Racism and Prejudice Tom's unfortunate verdict goes to show that no matter how much evidence Atticus stands for, Maycomb's racial prejudice will triumph. Harper Lee plays around by segregating Miss Maudie, Jem, Scout, Dill and Dolphus from the white community because of their ability to accept any kind of people.

What is the verdict in Chapter 21?

Tom returns, along with the jury, and Scout notices that the jury doesn't look at Tom—a sure sign they convicted him. She half expects to see Atticus raise an unloaded rifle. Judge Taylor reads the verdicts: they're all guilty. Atticus packs his things, whispers something to Tom, and then leaves.

What is the climax of Chapter 21 To Kill a Mockingbird?

The fact that Atticus allows his children to return to the courtroom after sending them back home shows that their relationship has matured and he now understands his children better, just the way they understand him better. The tension makes the reading of the verdict a perfect climax.