Resignation letter not a good fit sample

In this guide, we will see some Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit and the steps you can follow when writing a formal resignation letter.

A sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit is helpful if you have been working for your employer just recently or for a few years already and you find it is not a good fit anymore.

If you have already discussed with your boss about your intention for leaving and it is definitely what you want then you can follow these steps to write your letter (

  • Step 1: begin by addressing your letter using your name, contact information, and the date you are handing over your resignation letter. Also, include the recipient’s name and contact information. Use a professional greeting such as “Dear…” followed by their name or if you don’t really know their name then use “To Whom It May Concern”.
  • Step 2: state clearly your intention to leave including your current job position and the company’s name.
  • Step 3: your last day of employment. Be specific about the date and consider giving enough notice to your employer. 
  • Step 4: even though this is optional, you can opt by giving a brief explanation of your reason for leaving, for instance, career growth or personal reasons.
  • Step 5: include a “thank you” statement towards your employer for the opportunity and you add some highlights of the job such as skills you learned.
  •  Step 6: Offer to help with the transition and see you follow through. 
  • Step 7: Close your letter with a warm statement such as “Best Regards” or “best wishes”.

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 1

Example from

“Mallory Smith

8820 W. Broad Street

Auburn, Alabama 36801

January 7, 2020

Derek Johnson

Customer Service Manager

Breezy Air Conditioning, LLC.

900 Main Street Ste. 102

Auburn, Alabama 36801

Dear Mr. Johnson:

I am writing this letter to inform you of my intent to resign from the Customer Service Specialist position with Breezy Air Conditioning, LLC. My last day of employment will be January 28, 2020.

While this was not an easy decision to arrive at, after careful consideration, I do not believe I am a good fit for this position. When I began in this position, my intention was to work in an environment that would benefit from my time-management and customer resolution skills. Based on the current needs of this position, I feel that neither myself nor the company is benefiting from having me in this position. I believe my skills and experience make me more valuable in a position in a large call-center environment. It has been a great pleasure working for Breezy Air Conditioning, LLC. and I am thankful for the experience and knowledge I have gained during my time in the Customer Service Specialist position.

Prior to my departure from the company, I plan to return the key, t-shirts, and badge the company has issued to me as stated in the company handbook. Please let me know the next steps for properly returning these items to you.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make this transition easier for the company or if there are questions I can answer for you.


Mallory Smith”

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 2

Example from

“William Lee

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345


[email protected]

September 1, 2018

Tyler Lau

Director, Human Resources

CLL Records

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lau,

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from CLL Records. Over the last few months, I have realized that I am just not a good fit for my position here. My final day of work will be September 30, 2018.

I feel that the company culture is not as I had expected, and the environment has been a difficult adjustment for me. I am so sorry for the inconvenience, and I thank you for your understanding. You have been very patient with me in this transitional time, but unfortunately, I no longer think either of us is benefiting from my presence at CLL.

I am happy to help in any way necessary to alleviate this rocky time. Please let me know if you need anything; I am more than willing to assist with the transition. I wish you all the best and lots of success for CLL Records.


Your Signature (hard copy letter)

William Lee”

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 3

Example from

“Dear Ms. Machado,

I am just sending this letter to inform you of my resignation from ABC Company. I have realized over the past couple of weeks that I am just not a good fit for the work environment at this company. My last day of work will be August 15, 2014, so please accept this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation from ABC Company. I hope you understand.

I do hope that no inconvenience results from my resignation. Should any arise, I would be happy to assist in any way, such as selecting a replacement to take over my duties. If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email] I will return messages as quickly as possible.

I have tried my best to make this job work, but in the end, I feel that I have made the best decision possible. I am grateful for the work experience I did earn and I appreciate your patience and cooperation with me during this time. I wish ABC Company continued success.

Yours sincerely,

Gemma Ward

Gemma K. Ward


ABC Company”

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 4

Example from

“Jenna Blakeley

General Manager

100 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA, [email protected]

Dear Ms. Mercado,

With a heavy heart, I write this letter of resignation.

I know it has only been only eight months since you hired me. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the confidence you had in me. Not to mention in my brief time here, the support my colleagues have demonstrated in getting me up to speed, training me, and making me comfortable. I cannot think of a greater group of people to work with.

Unfortunately, I have come to realize despite my initial enthusiasm this position is not a good fit for me. Through no miscommunication of your own, I came into the position with a completely different idea of what my responsibilities would be. I was under the impression this was an opportunity to develop management level skills through hands-on interaction with executives implementing large scale projects. Instead, I have been relegated to basic administrative tasks and a range of technical support matters. I hope you understand that this has been a disappointment and not at all in line with my career goals.

Now I have brought my concerns to you and others here but to no avail. So in the best interest of all parties, my last day with the firm will be two weeks from the date of this letter.

Best regards,

Jenna Blakeley”

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 5

Example from

“Rollan Junior

PO.BOX 12345-001

dash and SONS




Dear Sir/Madam,


I am sorry to inform you about my plan to quit my job. I wish to report on 4th Dec 2021 as my last day. I feel that I am struggling to adhere to the culture of this firm. I got converted to the Islamic religion, and so I don’t feel I can fit the Christian culture of the firm.

Thank you for the season that we have worked together. I am working towards the transition through the training of my team members. Feel free to engage me in stabilizing the change during the short time I will be around, and also after I have left.

Thank you


Rollan Junior”

Sample resignation letter when you are not a good fit 6

Example from

“[Current date]

Manager’s name

Company name


Dear [manager’s name],

I am writing to formally notify you of my resignation from the position of [job title] at [company name]. My last day with the company will be [date].

During my time at [company name], I have come to realize that the scope of the role is unfortunately not what I had anticipated, and as such, would like to explore other opportunities.

Thank you for your understanding. I truly appreciate all the support and guidance you have provided in our time working together.

Please let me know how I can help support a smooth transition so as not to inconvenience you or the company. I wish you all the best for the future.

Kind regards,

[Your signature]

[Your printed name]”

Other sample resignation or leave letters

Below are some of the other resignation or leave letters we curated.

If you are looking for a job, you should also ideally start your job research on job websites such as Indeed.

References “Not a Good Fit Resignation Letter” “Not a Good Fit Resignation Letter Sample” “Resignation Letter (for Job That’s Not a Good Fit)”

Ho Lee, S. (2018, Jun.) How to write a resignation letter (TEMPLATES). Retrieved from “Guide to Writing A Resignation Letter For A Job That’s Not A Good Fit”

Doyle, A. (2019, Nov.) Resignation Letter for a Job That’s Not a Good Fit. Retrieved from

How do you write a resignation letter for not good fit?

Over the course of the two months I've been with the firm, I've come to realize that I am just not a good fit for my role in our department. My final day of work will be May 6, 2022. Thank you for the support you've given me during my time here; I apologize for any inconvenience my departure may cause you.

How do you tell your boss the job is not a good fit?

During the meeting, let your manager know that you want to make sure you both come to the same understanding and you're both managing expectations going forward. You could tell your boss that you were under the impression that you were doing a certain task and ask when you'll be taking that on.

How do you resign when you are not happy?

I regret to inform you that this is my formal letter of resignation from [organisation name]. My final day of work is [day and date], [number of weeks] from the date of this letter. I'm grateful for everything [organisation name] has done for me over the years, but I have decided the time has come for me to move on.

How do I resign from a job I treated badly?

Tell Your Boss First Don't let your boss get wind of your resignation before you have a chance to talk to him personally. Make an appointment to meet one-on-one and give two weeks' notice. Reiterate the terms of your resignation in a letter, and give it to your employer during the course of your conversation.