Navy federal credit union reconsideration phone number

I recently joined Navy Federal via membership in Navy League San Diego as I seen really positive reviews about people's experience with them. I applied for the GoRewards card which showed a 0% balance transfer offer for the first 6 months. They pulled TransUnion for both membership and for the GoRewards application. I read they typically pull Equifax for credit decisions and a CSR also said that was typical. My Equifax is not frozen, so not sure why they pulled TransUnion. My TU score is 676 and I believe this is Fico 8 as provided by Discover card. My Equifax score is 667. I have no derogatory marks on my report.My AAoA is 12 years.

    My household income is around $130,000. The majority of this is my spouse's income, but I was told by the CSR that it was fine to include it. My total individual debt is around $58,000 with minimum monthly payments around $1,400. I was asked to call in for additional verification. The CSR asked about income and whether I could prove that I had access to my spouse's income via statements on a shared bank account, which I verified that I am able to submit. My utilization is very high, close to 100%. This is partly due to large house repairs recently on both our house and a rental house we own and some recent medical bills. I asked the CSR if I should explain this as well, but she said that they really only care whether you are able to make your monthly payments.

   I received an online denial message due to it not meeting their lending criteria. I spoke with a CSR regarding reconsideration and she recommended I submit a secure message again verifying that I do have access to my spouse's income. I also had included monthly mortgage payments for personal and rental houses, both of which are in my spouse's name only. She said to mention that these are not my responsibility in the secure message I sent.

   I later received a second denial with the reason being:


   Assuming they are truly considering household income and only my personal debt, I'm unclear why this would be consider excessive. I have a few questions for anyone that may be able to answer.

1. Would anyone know what they use as lending criteria for total debt to income ratio or monthly debt to income?

2. I chose GoRewards due to the balance transfer offer. I noticed a denial thread for GoRewards from River123, who appears to have a very strong credit profile. Is GoRewards considered more difficult to approve compared to CashRewards or Platinum cards and/or are they stricter when they have a balance transfer offer available?

3. I submitted balance transfers of only $6,000. I was hoping to obtain a higher credit limit and have some available credit on NFCU in order to lower my utilization. I also didn't know how high of a limit they might approve. For a second reconsideration, would it help to mention the balance transfers and that I would be glad to transfer larger amounts over to them if they could give me a larger credit limit, so I wouldn't have a much external outstanding debt along with the new credit provided by NFCU?

4. Would they be more likely to consider a personal loan for balance transfer purposes?

5. Should I mention the reasons my utilization has gone up recently and is there any other advice for things to mention for reconsideration?

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How do I request a reconsideration Navy Federal?

Phone: Call Navy Federal at 888-842-6328.

Does Navy Federal give second chances?

Navy FCU Gives Members with Account Management Problems Second Chance with Fresh Start Checking | Credit Union Times.

What is the highest credit limit for Navy Federal?

The Navy Federal Platinum Credit Card credit limit is between $500 and $50,000.