My shih tzu is shedding a lot

Shih Tzu is one of my most favorite dog and due to their special appearance and lovely nature, they are getting more and more popular every single year. They tend to be very high energy and affectionate dog. You may want to know if Shih Tzu dog sheds or not.

Do Shih Tzus shed?

Aggressive ShedderIt can Remove Dirts and Dead/Loose Hairs From Your Dog Skin. It also Smells Nice. Best Rated.View on AmazonHealthy Breeds Herbal Shampoo for Dry Itchy Skin For Long Haired Dog BreedIt works best for Long Haired Dogs and Prevents Dryness. It can relieve Your Dog From any Kind of Itch. 5 Star RatingView on AmazonOster Oatmeal Essentials Shed Control Dog Shampoo Perfect For Any Dog Breed That ShedIt smells good. It can kill itchiness and can also reduce the amount of shedding. Amazon Choice & 4.7 rated.View on Amazon

The Heat Cycle Of A Female Shih Tzu

Last but not the least, the heat cycle of a FEMALE Shih Tzu can also Trigger the shedding cycle and at that moment, you may experience an extreme amount of shedding from your Shih Tzu.

This type/kind of shedding is somehow related to the fluctuating hormone levels inside your female Shih Tzu body.

Excessive Shedding / Abnormal Shedding

Maybe you will not some excessive shedding or abnormal shedding from your Shih Tzu and it can become very difficult for you to deal with. If yOU noticed an unusual shedding then it is very concerning.

Noticing tons of shedding from a Shih Tzu when it’s not the right time of the year or it’s more than usual then there could be an underlying health issue. Adding to that, BALDING and itching are also the signs that this kind of shedding is not good for your dog.

In that situation, you don’t need to be very panicked as you need to deal with it very calmly. Some things can be easily fixed if you learn it properly. If you are too concerned then it will always be great to double-check with your veterinarian.

Here are some reasons why your Shih Tzu will shed out of season:

Kidney DiseaseThyroid diseaseAdrenal diseaseCancerReaction To MedicationsAllergy to shampooLiver diseasePregnancy or LactationReaction to SupplementsBacterial InfectionFungal InfectionParasitesFood AllergiesImmune DiseaseSunburn

Normally, the healthy coat is usually a good sign that indicates your dog is healthy but if it starts to become very messy or dull then it’s a clear sign that there is usually something else going on with your Shih Tzu.

Sometimes the best solution is to switch your Shih Tzu food or shampoo. Food allergies are one of the most common ones and if you are not feeding your Shih Tzu with the right amount of Nutrition then the shedding would be heavier.

Tips For Shedding Season

It Contains all the raw nutrients that your dogs actually need. Plus, it is 100% Grain-free 🙂 ?View on AmazonZiwi Peak Air-Dried Dog It contains AIR-DRIED NUTRITION and tastes good to your beloved dog. Best rated Nutritious Food?View on AmazonTaste of the Wild Pet Food It is known as one of the tastiest food to dogs that contain wild salmon. It is a protein-rich food that can strengthen your dog muscles and it’s hair follicles.?View on Amazon


You should always try supplements for shedding. You should never ignore the power of supplements because it can make a difference in how much your dog is going to shed. By using a proper supplement, you can set the correct expectation.

However, taking a supplement or adding a supplement in their diet routine is not going to magically stop their natural shedding process but It may help lessen the severity.

You should consider feeding them or adding supplements like Omega and fatty acid. Omega and fatty acid supplements come very handily when someone wants to improve it’s Shih Tzu healthy and its coat.

It does not only promote its healthy skin and fur but it also reduces the risk of joint pain or any kind of inflammation. There are many types of Omega supplements available in the market but the best type of supplements that are good for your Shih Tzu skin and hair is derived from fish.

You should go for the Omega supplement that is made from the wild fish rather than farmed pond fish. Some other supplements that you can feed the Shih Tzu to control its shedding levels is flaxseed oil, Alaskan Salmon oil, linolenic acid, and cold-pressed hemp seed oil.


Grooming plays an important role in making your dog not only clean but also making sure that their shedding frequency remains minimum. Because your Shih Tzu coat is very dense and thick, you will need to do the proper grooming method on their coat.

Now, here I am going to share some steps that can help you in keeping your Shih Tzu shedding at a minimum.

Brushing their coat in the right method

Because your Shih Tzu coat is very thick, you will need to use a good quality of the brush and a good tool that can really Get deep Enough into that thick coat to remove all loose hairs stuck in the coat.

This is the best way to prevent excessive shedding and to remove all those loose/dead hairs that often get stuck in your Shih Tzu dense coat. Brushing is the best practice that you can do to eliminate the amount of hair getting spread throughout your home.

These hairs tend to get stuck deep into Shih Tzu’s coat. This is the best practice that you can do to eliminate the amount of their hair getting spread throughout your home.

Most of the time, these dead hairs can get covered with their natural oils that get discharged from their skin. It can really start to get very smelly if not removed.

Removing these loose hair become very important and crucial for you that can help you out in speeding the shedding process and can improve your dog’s overall health.

Bathing Your Shih Tzu

As I told you earlier, you don’t need to bath for Dog too often as it can make their skin dry and can result in more shedding. You should always bath them once a month or once every 6 weeks.

Apart from that, you need to make sure that you use a natural and best shampoo on their Coat that can keep their coat healthy. A good shampoo for thick layered dog / Shih Tzu is the gold that can help in removing all kinds of loose and dead hairs from its thick coat.

Adding to that, you should also dry their hair perfectly after bathing them. You should use a good towel or you can also use a cold blow dryer. When you are using a cool blow dryer and you need to make sure that it’s in a cool mode because high temperature can harm your Shih Tzu skin.

When you use a blow dryer, it not only helps in drying out their skin but also helps with the finished look. It can also help you in blowing off any excess fur that is ready to fall out.

Grooming Tools That You Need For Shedding Shih Tzu

Grooming Glove

Best GloveFeature & Why to BuyCheck on AmazonGrooming Glove – Gentle Deshedding Brush Glove It can remove all dead hairs, loose furs, and dirt. Using this product on your dog will be a painless and fun experience for your dogView on Amazon

It is a great option for first-time dog owners and can help your Shih Tzu with shedding. When you wear a grooming glove then the needed work becomes very minimum because you just need to slip in the glove over your hand and run your hand over your Shih Tzu coat.

It is really going to feel like a treat to your Shih Tzu and can really help with shedding. It’s actually a Win-Win situation for both of you and if you are really looking for something that can lessen your work and easy to use and efficient enough then this is only made for you.

This tool is not only durable and easy to use but also very handy when it comes to shedding.

Good De-shedding Tool

Best De-shedding ToolFeature & Why to BuyCheck on AmazonFURminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool It can help you in de-shedding their most loose hairs in minutes and lessen your efforts and work.View on Amazon

You can easily get surprised by the work done by a de-shedding tool because it is something that really works well in pulling out the loose hair from the depth of your Shih Tzu coat.

By using this de-shedding tool, you will be surprised at how much your hair actually comes out. This tool is only made to help you out with your double-layer dog shedding.

This tool is not only durable but also comes very handy when it comes to lessening your effort. It feels very nice to hold and its only purpose is to reach the deep into the coat and remove all those dead and loose hair.

This type of de-shedding tool can work best with Shih Tzu that has a Double coated layer in their body.

Bristle Brush

Best Bristle BrushFeature & Why to BuyCheck on AmazonHertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish.View on Amazon

It doesn’t matter what tools you have used that have been mentioned above, there is one final step that everybody needs to follow. A bristle fining brush is going to do exactly what you think.

It can add a finished look to your dog coat. This bristle brush can get rid of any kind of danders, dandruff, and Debris off the coat. This is a great brush to use and we would recommend you to use it after you use a de-shedding tool on your Shih Tzu coat.

These three products are great when it comes to protect their hair, to pull out all loose and dead hairs, and to get rid of any kind of allergens and irritants.

These tools and products can also keep your Shih Tzu / hair moisturized and healthy food Shih Tzu. You can either use a de-shedding tool or a glove or both but you need to make sure that you add that product with a good bristle brush.

You can take our recommendation and all the products that have been mentioned here are one of the best products that you can find online. These products are not only reliable and durable but can also give you a long-lasting effect.

Other Dogs That Shed

Saint BernardSiberian HuskyLabrador RetrieverChow ChowAkitaRottweilerGerman ShepherdThe Great PyreneesGolden Retriever

Dogs That Don’t Shed Much

Border TerrierBedlington TerrierAffenpinscherMalteseBologneseBichon FriseChinese CrestedIrish Water SpanielCoton de Tulear

Final Thought

I hope that I managed to give you some space of information about your Shih Tzu shedding. If you have any questions regarding your Shih Tzu then you can comment below and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible.

I hope that you do check our other post because it can really help you in solving the most kind of problems that you may face in the future with your dog. Now its time to say goodbye so, see you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.

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Why is my dog suddenly shedding so much?

There are many health reasons why your dog's shedding cycle may suddenly change. According to PetMD, "an infestation of parasites, like fleas, lice or mites, can cause excessive hair loss. Ringworm, dermatitis and certain types of fungal infections, immune diseases and cancers can cause hair loss, too.

Why does my Shih Tzu shed a lot?

Coat transition: Shih Tzu puppies go through a particular stage of life — around 10 months to one year of age — when their coat changes from the puppy coat to the adult coat. During this time, they'll shed quite a bit — this is perfectly normal, and it should only last a few weeks.

Do Shih Tzu shed a lot of hair?

Shih Tzu Hair As a result of all of that hair, many people can't help but wonder, "Do Shih Tzus shed?" Ironically enough, despite all that hair, Shih Tzus are said to shed less than other breeds and often only when washed or brushed.

Should I be worried if my dog is shedding a lot?

Like your own daily hair loss, some shedding is natural in pets. Some breeds of dogs and cats naturally shed more than others, especially during seasonal changes when they are exposed to less light. But excess shedding can be a sign of disease or illness that requires veterinary care.