Move 1 to make a square


After the previous mat(c)h-stick puzzle, this one is relatively old.

Move 1 to make a square

Move only one matchstick to make a square.

asked Jul 31, 2016 at 17:45

Move 1 to make a square




The answer is:

Move the left pointing stick slightly to the left so it's right end edge meets the other matchsticks' ends forking a square in the negative space.

Move 1 to make a square

answered Jul 31, 2016 at 17:49


6567 silver badges5 bronze badges




Move the right-most match to a diagonal between the top and left matches, making a 4, a square (number)

answered Jul 31, 2016 at 17:51

Move 1 to make a square


35.4k7 gold badges75 silver badges146 bronze badges




The answer:

A match is easy to break

Move 1 to make a square

answered Aug 1, 2016 at 7:19

Move 1 to make a square

Radovan GarabíkRadovan Garabík

3,3941 gold badge10 silver badges23 bronze badges




Pick up one matchstick and look at the "safe" end. It's a square. (Generally)


Move any of the sticks however you like. Then pick up a pencil and draw a square.


Pick up a fifth matchstick and use it to light all sticks. If done on the right paper you now have a cross-shaped hole in the paper, creating four flaps. Fold back the flaps. The resulting hole is a square.

answered Aug 1, 2016 at 17:33


2891 silver badge6 bronze badges




Select any matchstick to create a triangle, the write out formula for pythagoreans theorem A^2+B^2=C^2, the answer will result with (C) being SQUARED.

answered May 15, 2019 at 15:58



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  • Can You Make a Square by Moving Just ONE Crayon?

Move 1 to make a square

It’s back to school time, so a challenge using crayons or pencils seems appropriate.  Is it really possible to form a square by moving just ONE crayon?Solution:  Pull 1 crayon back slightly, forming a square in the middle!

Move 1 to make a square

Want your child to learn some new, fun skills?  Sign up for our after school classes!  One might be offered at your school!  Check with the school or us to find out.  If not, contact us about getting one started!

Comments are closed.

Can you move one matchstick to make a square?

To make a perfect square, move the right side matchstick and place it on top of the bottom matchstick to make it 4.

Can you make square by moving only one pencil?

Solution: Pull 1 crayon back slightly, forming a square in the middle! Want your child to learn some new, fun skills? Sign up for our after school classes!

Can you correct the equation by moving just 1 matchstick?

Moving 1 matchstick from + sign on the left-hand side and removing 1 matchstick from the number 6 on the right-hand side will help you in coming up with an answer. Using lateral thinking will help you to derive answers in such brain teasers.