Its such a beautiful day quotes

Narrator: The next thing you know you're looking back instead of forward. And now, at the climax of all those years of worry, sleepless nights, and denials, Bill finally finds himself staring his death in the face, surrounded by people he no longer recognizes and feels no closer attachment to than the thousands of relatives who'd come before. And as the Sun continues to set, he finally comes to realize the dumb irony in how he had been waiting for this moment his entire life, this stupid awkward moment of death that had invaded and distracted so many days with stress and wasted time.

Movie: It's Such a Beautiful Day

Narrator: He will spend hundreds of years travelling the world; learning all there is to know. He will learn every language, he will read every book, he will know every land. he will spend thousands of years, creating stunning works of art. He will learn to meditate to control all pain. As wars will be fought, and great loves found, and lost, and found, lost, and found, and found, and found and memories built upon memories, until life runs on an endless loop. He will father hundreds of thousands of children whose own exponential offspring he will slowly lose track of, though the years. Whose millions of beautiful lives, will all, eventually, be swept again from the Earth. And still, Bill will continue. He will learn more about life, than any being in history, but death will forever be a stranger to him. People will come and go, until names lose all meaning, until people lose all meaning and vanish entirely from the world, and still Bill will live on. he will befriend the next inhabitants of the Earth; beings of light, who revere him as a god. And bill will outlive them all, for millions and millions of years, exploring, learning, living. Until the Earth is swallowed beneath his feet. Until the sun is long since gone. Until time loses all meaning, and the moment comes that he only knows the positions of the stars, and see's them whether his eyes are closed or open. Until he forgets his name, and the place he'd once come from. He lives, and he lives, until all of the lights, go out.

Movie: It's Such a Beautiful Day

Narrator: He woke up the following morning and thought his room looked different. His mouth was bleeding; four of his teeth had fallen out in the night. They looked sorta like dog teeth. Everyone in the supermarket looked like some sort of demon, and they all had gigantic bacteria ridden crotches buried in all the god damned produce.

Movie: It's Such a Beautiful Day

On the way to the bus stop,

Bill saw somebody he recognized

walking towards him, but he

couldn't remember his name.

He began to think of things

to say when they'd be

close enough

to acknowledge each other.

As they drew nearer,

their eyes locked,

uncertain if the other

was gonna stop to talk.

The person greeted Bill

as Bill mixed up the phrases

"What's up" with

"How's it going?"

Confused, the person

blurted out "Thanks"

before he knew

what he was saying.

Words caught in Bill's throat

and he replied, "Weh."

They did a sort of

awkward half turn,

and then continued on

now confident

that the other was not gonna

stop to talk.

They never saw each other again,

and a day later had each

forgotten the whole thing.

Later that night, Bill sat down

and put on a big sweater,

but it only made him sleepy.

In the supermarket,

Bill was always very careful

to select fruit from only

the back of the produce piles,

as the fruit in the front

was at crotch level

to the other customers.

An old man who smelled of

gasoline held up an onion

and said, "Big onion,"

to no one in particular.

He smiled at Bill

and Bill looked at his socks.

At the checkout counter,

Bill found himself

behind a big guy

whose T-shirt read,

"Second Place

is the First Loser."

The checkout girl said,

"How are you doing today?"

Bill said, "Fine, thanks,

how are you?"

She didn't answer.

Bill felt used.

As he waited for his next bus,

Bill stared at

a torn shopping bag

that was blowing in the wind

on the end of a broken pole

and anxiously sucked blood

out of a sore

in the corner of his mouth.

(men singing opera)

Bill dropped his keys

on the counter

and stood there

staring at them,

suddenly thinking about

all the times

he'd thrown his keys there


and how many days of his life

were wasted

repeating the same tasks

and rituals in his apartment

over and over again.

But then he wondered if,


this was his life,

and the unusual part was his

time spent doing other things.


Bill sat down and read

a celebrity interview.

Then he watched the ants

crawl around in his sink.

(fluttering noise)

That night, Bill dreamt

of a monstrous fish head

that fed upon his skull.

(eerie exhale)

(low guttural sound)

In the morning,

Bill felt really tired

even though

he'd just been sleeping.

His calendar had a photo of

a manatee on it for the month.

It always seemed as though

the manatee was staring at him.

Bill sat in the living room

with a giant box of crackers.

He thought some food

might help him get going,

but felt kind of strange eating

in front of the television

without having it on.

Pretty soon he was watching

a boxing match

on a Mexican channel.

He'd been watching

a lot of boxing lately,

but didn't really know why.

In the fourth round, there was

an accidental head butt

that split open one of the

fighter's heads pretty badly.

They showed it over and over

again in slow motion.

Before he knew it,

Bill had eaten

the entire box of crackers.

He felt really lousy

and didn't want to get up.

He had a sudden urge

to talk to somebody,

so Bill phoned

his ex-girlfriend

and told her about the manatee

on his calendar.

"Did you ever see the movie

about the giant manatee

that attacked a city?"

she asked.

"I think you mean giant mantis,"

said Bill.

"Oh yeah," she said.

"Giant mantis."


The next morning,

Bill felt even worse.

Downtown, the hot smell

of manure

blew past him as he walked.

Bill soon came upon

three dead horses in the road,

apparently struck down

How do you caption a beautiful day?

30 Beautiful Day Quotes and Sayings.
It's up to you to make your day beautiful..
Cherish every beautiful day in your life..
You just can't stop smiling on a beautiful day..
Be grateful for the fact that you have another day for enjoying life..
Be unstoppable on this beautiful day..

Is it's such a beautiful day sad?

At the same time, it feels odd to recommend It's Such a Beautiful Day during a period of pandemic and death, for it is one of the saddest films I've ever seen: It's essentially about a young man losing his mind, made in a style that mimics the surreal, unruly turns of his consciousness.

How long is such a beautiful day?

1h 2mIt's Such a Beautiful Day / Running timenull

How was it's such a beautiful day made?

The three installments of It's Such a Beautiful Day were shot on 35mm and made combining his iconic pencil-drawn animation with photographed and live-action material, manipulated with in-camera techniques, and direct (drawn-on-film) animation.


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