I think i have a binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder (BED) involves regularly eating large portions of food all at once until you feel uncomfortably full. This is often followed by feelings of upset or guilt.

Binges can be impulsive but are also often planned in advance and the person may buy 'special' binge foods.


The main symptom of binge eating disorder is eating very large amounts of food in a short time. This is often done in an out-of-control way.

Symptoms may also include:

  • eating very fast during a binge
  • eating until you feel uncomfortably full
  • eating when you're not hungry
  • eating alone or in secret
  • feeling depressed, guilty, ashamed or disgusted after binge eating

People who eat in this way on a regular basis may have binge eating disorder.

Warning signs

Signs that someone has an eating disorder can include:

  • eating a lot of food, very fast
  • trying to hide how much they are eating
  • storing up supplies of food
  • exercising too much
  • frequent changes in weight

Getting help

If you think you may have an eating disorder, talk to your GP. You should do this even if you are not sure if you might have a disorder.

If you have an eating disorder, your GP should refer you to a specialist who can help you recover.

It can be very hard to admit you have a problem and to ask for help. It may make things easier if you bring someone you trust with you to your appointment.

If you're concerned that a family member or friend may have binge eating disorder, let them know you're worried about them. Encourage them to see their GP. You could offer to go along with them.


We do not know exactly what causes binge eating disorder and other eating disorders.

You may be more likely to get an eating disorder if you:

  • have a family history of eating disorders, depression, or alcohol or drug addiction
  • have been bullied
  • are criticised for your eating habits, body shape or weight
  • are overly concerned with being slim
  • have anxiety, low self-esteem, an obsessive personality or are a perfectionist
  • have been sexually abused

For information and support about binge eating disorders visit bodywhys.ie

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

When answering the above questions please consider how they have applied to you in the last 3 months.

This test may be helpful in identifying if you are experiencing the common symptoms of a Binge Eating Disorder.The questions are based on the ‘Binge Eating Scale’ rating scale and should only be used as an indicator of whether you may be at risk of having or developing a binge eating disorder. They are not intended to replace a professional diagnosis.

Adapted from: the Binge Eating Scale rating scale.

Binge eating disorder involves regularly eating a lot of food over a short period of time until you're uncomfortably full.

Binges are often planned in advance, usually done alone, and may include "special" binge foods. You may feel guilty or ashamed after binge eating.

Men and women of any age can get binge eating disorder, but it usually starts in the late teens or early 20s.

Symptoms of binge eating disorder

The main symptom of binge eating disorder is eating a lot of food in a short time and not being able to stop when full. Other symptoms include:

  • eating when not hungry
  • eating very fast during a binge
  • eating alone or secretly
  • feeling depressed, guilty, ashamed or disgusted after binge eating

People who regularly eat in this way may have binge eating disorder.

Warning signs of binge eating disorder in someone else

Someone you care about may have an eating disorder if they:

  • eat a lot of food, very quickly
  • try to hide how much they're eating
  • store up supplies of food
  • put on weight (but this does not happen to everyone with binge eating disorder)

Getting help for binge eating disorder

If you think you may have binge eating disorder, see a GP as soon as you can.

They'll ask you about your eating habits and how you're feeling, and check your weight and overall health.

The GP should refer you to an eating disorder specialist or team of specialists if they think you have binge eating disorder or another eating disorder.

It can be hard to admit you need help with an eating disorder, so bringing a friend or loved one with you to your appointment may help.

You can also talk in confidence to an adviser from eating disorders charity Beat by calling its adult helpline on 0808 801 0677 or youth helpline on 0808 801 0711.

Getting help for someone else

If you're concerned that a family member or friend may have binge eating disorder, let them know you're worried about them and encourage them to see a GP. You could offer to go along with them.

Read more about talking to your child about eating disorders and supporting someone with an eating disorder.

Treatment for binge eating

Most people recover from binge eating disorder with the right support and treatment, but it may take time.

The main treatments are:

  • guided self-help programmes
  • a type of talking therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is in group sessions or individual (1-on-1) sessions

Read more about treating binge eating disorder

Causes of binge eating

The exact causes of binge eating disorder are not known, but you are more likely to have an eating disorder if:

  • you or a member of your family has a history of eating disorders, depression, or alcohol or drug misuse
  • you've been criticised for your eating habits, body shape or weight
  • you're too worried about being slim, particularly if you also feel pressure from society or your job, for example, ballet dancers, models or athletes
  • you have anxiety, low self-esteem, an obsessive personality or are a perfectionist
  • you've been sexually abused

How do you know if your binge eating?

Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as over a two-hour period..
Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control..
Eating even when you're full or not hungry..
Eating rapidly during binge episodes..
Eating until you're uncomfortably full..
Frequently eating alone or in secret..

How do you fix binge eating?

What To Do After A Binge.
Be kind to yourself. Ladies, when it comes to knowing what to do after a binge, this one is probably the most important: PLEASE do not feel guilty or bad that you have overeaten. ... .
Go for a walk. ... .
Don't skip breakfast. ... .
Drink lots of H20. ... .
Eat well. ... .
Get back on track..

How do you get a binge diagnosis?

To determine whether you have binge eating disorder, talk with a mental health specialist who focuses on eating disorders. The specialist will talk with you about your symptoms and eating patterns and will help you find the best treatment options if you are diagnosed with binge eating disorder.

How often do you have to binge for it to be a disorder?

Some eating disorders also involve extreme exercise. According to the American Psychiatric Association, women with binge eating disorder feel out of control and eat too much (binge), at least once a week for at least three months.


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