How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone

How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone
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Being attracted to another person can be a wonderful experience. Attraction stirs your interests and desires in a way that few emotions can. It just feels special! Figuring out if you’re actually attracted to someone isn't always a straightforward process, though. The human mind works in mysterious ways and we often mistake appreciation or platonic love for attraction. Don't worry if you're feeling unsure or conflicted right now—doing a little soul-searching before pursuing a new relationship is normal and healthy.

  1. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Note how often you think about the person. When you are attracted to a person, you may find yourself thinking about them more often than you think about other people in your life. They may even pop into your thoughts at random or unexpected times.[1] If you're not attracted to a person, they probably won't wander into your passing thoughts. Ask yourself questions like:

    • Do I frequently find myself wanting to be where they are?
    • Am I disappointed when they don't return my texts or calls?
    • Do unrelated things in everyday life trigger thoughts about them?

  2. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    See if you change your look or worry about your appearance around them. If you suddenly care more than usual about your physical appearance if you know you're going to see them, you may be attracted to them. If you want someone to like you, you’ll want to look attractive to them. Ask yourself:[2]

    • Do I care more than usual about how my hair looks?
    • Do I spend more time deciding on which outfit to wear?
    • Am I wearing more perfume or cologne that normal?


  3. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Consider if you change the way you act when they’re around. If you like someone, you probably want to impress them. You may find yourself bragging more often or agreeing with things they say even if you have a different opinion. You may also feel clumsier or sillier than usual. If you tend to feel "not yourself" when you're hanging out with them, it may be a sign that you like them. Other behaviors to watch for:[3]

    • Do you feel like you can’t keep your eyes off of them?
    • Are you nervous or feel strange when you make eye contact?
    • Are you more energetic or self-conscious around them?
    • Do you smile at them without even trying or thinking about it?

  4. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    See if you’re suddenly interested in their interests and hobbies. Are you suddenly curious about theater just because they're involved in it? Another big sign that you're crushing on them is if your desire to be around them overrides any personal preferences you have. For example, if you aren’t a big country music fan but excitedly agree to attend a bluegrass concert with them, you probably like them. You might also do things like:[4]

    • Agree with their political opinion even though you don't really agree.
    • Be cool with eating foods you hate just so you can go along to their favorite restaurant.
    • Laugh at all of their jokes whether they're funny or not.

  5. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Check to see if your heart races or you get butterflies in your stomach. Sometimes, figuring out if you are attracted to someone is easy. If you have an immediate physical response when you see this person, you may be into them. For example, sweaty palms, butterflies in your tummy, and an increased heart rate are all scientific signs of attraction![5]

    • Pay attention to how your body responds the next time you're around them.
    • Feeling stressed or anxious can also be a sign that you’re into them.[6]

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  1. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Process your emotions and name them to see how you really feel. Feelings can be overwhelming and confusing. Try to name each emotion you experience when you see them. If you have fun when they’re around but don’t like the way they look, you may just want to be friends. If you want to be physically close to them, it may be genuine attraction.[7]

  2. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Ask yourself if you’re physically attracted to them. Everyone has physical preferences when it comes to romantic partners. If you look at them and think about kissing, hugging, and cuddling with them, you’re probably attracted to them.[8]

    • Physical attractiveness is subjective and different people like different things. Think about this person’s overall appearance to see if you find them physically attractive.
    • Physical appearance can include facial features (such as their eyes, nose, lips, cheekbones), hygiene, hairstyle, attire, and anything else that affects their appearance.
    • If you normally prefer people with brown hair, don’t automatically write off a blonde or redhead. Attraction is complicated! Your physical preferences aren't a checklist.

  3. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Name the things you don’t like about them to identify deal breakers. A deal breaker refers to a quality or characteristic that automatically cancels out the things you find attractive in a person.[9] For instance, there are some people who are totally grossed out by smoking. While this is not a physical characteristic, it is certainly something that can affect overall attractiveness. You may have physical deal breakers too, though.[10]

    • If you’re feeling a little confused because part of you really likes this person, but another part of you wants nothing to do with them, there may be some kind of deal breaker holding you back subconsciously.

  4. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Consider if you like the way they treat other people. How the person interacts with other people is important. Most people find kindness and empathy to be extremely attractive. If they’re a genuinely good person, you’re more likely to be into them.[11]

    • Kindness can be obvious, like volunteering to help those less fortunate. It can also just mean that they’re available to help out their friends or classmates.
    • Seeing how they interact with others gives you clues about how kind and loving they would be as a partner.

  5. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Spend quality time together to get a better sense for why you like them. Hang out with this person more often and let your feelings develop organically. By participating in activities together, you’ll get an opportunity to figure out what you really like about this person. Spending time together will also help you build a relationship if that’s what you’re interested in.[12]

    • Actively listen to the person. Listening is an important skill that can help you understand other people and relate to them better.[13]
    • Ask open-ended questions that require them to really open up and talk. For example, you can say, "Tell me about your childhood," or, "What do you like to do when you’re bored?"

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  1. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Pay attention to cues that they think you’re attractive. Everyone gives off subtle, physical hints that they’re attracted to another person.[14] If they make prolonged eye contact, look at you when they think you aren’t paying attention, or "accidentally" bump into you or brush your shoulder, they are probably into you.[15]

    • Other cues include holding hugs with you for longer than they do with other people, remembering random details about you, playing with their hair, or going out of their way to talk to you in bigger social settings.

  2. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Ask about their values and beliefs to see if you’re compatible. Think about all of their positive qualities and compare them to what you like about yourself. Do you both care about humor, loyalty, compassion, and creativity? If so, the two of you could make a great couple. Think of specific examples and try to pinpoint whether this is worth pursuing or not.[16]

    • Couples tend to be more successful when they’re on the same page regarding the way they look at the world.
    • If you really care about spending time with family, but they keep talking about moving far away from home, it’s a sign that a relationship may not have legs.

  3. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Develop a deeper bond by spending more time with them. Organize a volunteer project, get coffee once a week, or join a club together. Look for new adventures and appreciate your time together. Communicate openly, make memories, and let your bond grow over time![17]

    • It’s not going to be perfect all the time. It’s okay to have the occasional heated debate or argument. It doesn’t mean you aren’t attracted to them.
    • If they seem like they’re going out of their way to hang out with you, it’s a big sign that you’re doing something right. Keep hanging out with them to push things forward.

  4. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Tell them how you feel if you think the feeling is mutual. If you think they like you back and you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with them, take the leap of faith! Talk to them in private and let them know how you feel. You don’t need to make some big romantic gesture or anything, but you’ll kick yourself wondering what could have been if you never talk to them.[18]

    • You may say, "I just want you to know that I really value our time together and I like you!" Give them a second to respond, and ask them out on a date if they feel the same way.
    • Don't take it personally if they don't return your affection. Say, "I understand how you feel and there’s no hard feelings." If you were friends before you told them how you feel, let them know you’d still like to be friends.

  5. How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone


    Develop your new relationship in a healthy way. Give the relationship time to develop organically. Focus on open communication and respect as your bond gets deeper. Make sure both of you feel valued and appreciated. Go out on dates and do things that both of you enjoy. Life is richer when you’re spending time with someone you care about, so cherish every moment![19]

    • Do your best to respect their space and not go overboard early on.

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    How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone

    Laura Bilotta is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker and the Founder of Single in the City, her dating and relationship coaching service based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With over 18 years of date coaching experience, Laura specializes in dating etiquette, relationships, and human behavior. She is the host of the Dating and Relationship Radio Talk Show on AM640 and on Apple Podcasts. She is also the author of "Single in the City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates, Tales & Tips To Attract Your Perfect Match."

    How to know if you re sexually attracted to someone

    Dating Coach & Matchmaker

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  • Attraction doesn’t have to be physical. You can be attracted to someone for a myriad of reasons, regardless of how they look.

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  • Do you have a track record of being attracted to the wrong people? If you do, try to get to the root of that issue before you start a new relationship.

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  • Don't ignore red flags, such as lying, verbal abuse, or self-destructive behaviors, even if you're very attracted to the person.

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  • Don't force yourself to be attracted to someone if you're just not feeling it.

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Article SummaryX

If you’re not sure whether you’re attracted to someone, you can know for sure by examining your subconscious behavior and processing your feelings. Take some time to ask yourself how often you think about the person and if you can’t control it. If you’re not attracted to someone, you probably won't think of them very often. When you’re around this person, take note if your heart rate rises since your body will naturally have a physical reaction to someone you are attracted to. While your physical response to someone says a lot about your feelings, you should also reflect on their character and whether they’re someone you admire. Think about their positive qualities and identify any behaviors or attributes they have that might be dealbreakers. For more help, including how to find out if they are attracted to you too, read on!

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How do you know if you are just sexually attracted to someone?

The clearest way to tell if you're sexually attracted to someone is to ask yourself whether or not you physically want to have sex with them. If the answer is yes, you're sexually attracted to them.

What makes you sexually attracted to someone?

Hormones and Neurotransmitters Attraction is also partly determined by our sense of smell, and what is referred to as pheromones. Higher levels of oxytocin and dopamine may also increase the level of attraction. So, as you can see, there are many factors affecting whether we feel attracted to someone or not.

How do you know if you are physically attracted?

Physical signs of attraction:.
Pupils dilate when they look at you. ... .
Blushing and flushed skin. ... .
Tonal voice changes. ... .
Open body language. ... .
Leaning closer to you. ... .
Mirroring your behavior. ... .
Sneaky gestures to enhance their appearance. ... .
Increase in body temperature..