How to know a guy is falling for you

Is he falling in love for you? Could he be developing genuine feelings that have the potential of growing into full-blown hard-hitting love?! We’ll reveal all – with the key signs he’s falling for you, and it could soon very-well-be love, love, love.

How Do You Know If He’s Falling In Love With You?

In this post we’re going to look at the key signs he’s falling for you – the big and small indicators that his feelings are progressing. But how do you know if he’s falling in love with you? Well, you’ll know by:

  • The way he acts.
  • The way he makes you feel.

And it’s not always black and white. Every single person is different. Just like the signs you’re falling in love may be different to his too.

[ Recommended Read: Are You Falling In Love? Find Out Here ]

See, people act in different ways when they start to develop feelings. For some – it’s the best feeling in the world, for others, it’s incredibly scary. And this in itself will affect the way a guy responds. 

However, you can start to piece it together. In most cases, you’ll also find that you feel a similar way too.

So first up, before we look at the signs he’s falling for you, let’s get clear on the stage before that – with the key signs he likes you. Click here to read the full article.

See, you’ll notice things like:

  • He asks you lots of questions – he takes a genuine interest in getting to know you.
  • He puts in effort, he remembers the little things, and does things that you like to do.
  • Not only does he initiate dates and says he wants to see you, but he makes time to see you and makes an effort when he does see you – it’s not just “Netflix and chill” all the time!
  • He’s also not afraid to call it a date, or talk about the two of you. You may also find he talks to friends / family about you – he’s not ashamed to say he’s seeing you and actually, likes to involve you with other areas of his life where he can.
  • He complements you, lifts you up, tries to make you feel good.
  • He listens to you fully when you’re speaking, taking everything in. He’s also willing to share things with you, open up to you a little. There’s that mutual trust there.
  • He’s not afraid to talk about the future, or make plans with you. He’ll also express how he feels (If he can’t – click here for why he may like you but be hiding it!)
  • Overall, he makes you feel good. This is because he genuinely likes you, and is putting the time and effort in so that your relationship stays that way.

Like I said, click the link above for more details and explanations, but this is just a quick overview of some of the signs he likes you and some of the things you may recognise if he’s starting to fall for you and it’s early days.

10 Signs He’s Falling For You

So what happens as time and feelings progress? How do you know when it’s moving up a level and turning from like to potentially – one day – love? Well, here’s the signs he’s falling for you:

1) He Looks At You Deeply

Have you ever looked at a couple, and you can just tell, by the way that they’re looking at each other, that they’re so madly in love?

Well if he’s falling for you, you’ll probably start to notice more of these looks – or start to notice others pick up on the way you look at each other.

It’s not cliche or “just happens in the movies.” It’s a look of genuine admiration, and yes it can be faked (usually in the early days if you’re being played), but it can’t usually be sustained.

  • Does he look into your eyes?
  • Do you feel something inside when he does?
  • Does he make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world?
  • Does he make you feel loved, appreciated and adored?
  • Do you find he’s often looking at you and smiling?
  • Does he make you feel warm inside (and vice versa)?

Because these are the sort of things you’ll notice as feelings begin to progress.

You know each other more now, you see each other for who you are, and you appreciate each other. You have this connection and it starts to shine through.

2) He Only Wants You

Now this is a major difference between when a guy likes you and when a guy if starting to fall in love with you. 

See, if the relationship is healthy, you won’t rush things. You’ll take things slow, put no pressure on it to be anything.

You’ll simply let it be, and watch it progress, at a pace that feels right for the two of you. (Which is great! This is what you want!)

But as time goes on and feelings strengthen, he’ll want to make you his. So first up: you’ll find that he stops dating. Whether he tells you or not, he only has eyes for you and has no interest in pursuing anyone else.

Recommended Read: Why He’s Still On Dating Apps If You’re Dating

After that, you may think or speak about exclusivity. You’ll move from “dating” to “seeing” each other, and it’s just the two of you – you’re both clear on that.

Recommended Read: How Long Should You Date Before Becoming Exclusive?

After that, if he’s ready for a relationship (click here for the signs), he’ll want to make it fully official. That’s an easy, yet big sign that he’s falling for you. He’s ready to commit!

But throughout this, and even before you get to that stage, you’ll feel like he wants you – know he wants you even. His actions and words make that clear, especially as time goes on.

He usually also won’t have wandering eyes. He’s getting pretty smitten and right now – it’s all about you!

3) He Wants You To Meet His Friends and Family

Another big step as things start to progress, and therefore a key indicator that he’s falling for you, is when he wants to introduce you to friends and family – those closest to him.

Now you might not do this until you get close – or are at – the relationship stage, but it’s serious stuff (in most cases) if he makes it happen.

He wants to see what his loved ones think of you, he wants to see how you fit in. To him, you’re pretty close to perfect (why of course!) and he wants to re-confirm that further.

He’ll also want to get you involved – he genuinely wants you to be part of his life, not just the bubble that you’re in when it’s just the two of you.

And in some ways, he kind of wants to show you off! He thinks you’re awesome and he knows everyone else will too!

4) He Cares About What You Think

When he likes you, he’ll want to know what they think, he’ll value your opinion. When he’s falling for you – he’ll really care about it. It’s important to him, because you’re important to him and he wants to see a future with you.

This doesn’t mean that you have to agree on everything but when it comes to the areas that matters most – he’ll want (and need) the two of you to align.

He’ll also care about how you feel and how you view him. He’ll want you to be happy with him. He wants to make you happy – and in order to do so, he needs to understand you and be in tune with you.

5) He Works Through Things With You

Now you’re going to hit roadblocks, you’re going to have conflict. It shouldn’t be constant, or things too major in the early days – this would suggest toxicity or a lack of compatibility. But there will be a few hiccups, it’s normal.

However, when he really likes you, when he’s falling for you – these won’t put him off. He won’t just up and walk away, give up, think it’s too much hassle. 

He’ll work through it – and work through it with you. This is because he genuinely wants to be with you, his feelings have deepened and he knows, you’re worth the “fight”, you’re worth all the fights, because he sees you and appreciates you, completely.

He’ll also allow you to express yourself, without knocking you down. He won’t brush things off as “silly” or you “overthinking” and he won’t see it as “hassle.”

He’ll want to know how you feel, he’ll be happy to listen and then address these things, even if he doesn’t completely understand them – because he knows it’s important to you, and important for the both of you to be able to progress.

6) He Tries To Impress You

Now as good as you’re going and as comfortable as it may be becoming, he’ll still try to impress you – still want to woo you when he’s falling for you.

This is not only because he wants to make you feel the way that he feels about you – he’s still trying to win you over – but also because he wants to make you happy.

So maybe it’s through the things that he says or romantic gestures / surprises that he does. But that effort – it will still be there, even as time goes on.

If he’s falling for you, he’ll try more, not less. He’ll want to show you what it would be like to be with him long-term. And so he’ll keep going all out, to make the relationship be everything that it can be.

7) He Thinks About You

Another sign he’s falling for you, is when he thinks about you. And this can be in a lot of different ways. For example:

  • If he’s out somewhere, and sees something you’ll like, or something you’ve spoken about, he’ll drop you a message, send you a picture. You’re on his mind, and he’s not afraid to show it.
  • Or it might be that he’s more considerate. So now he knows you better – if he knows there’s things you do or don’t like, he’ll do less / more of them, to keep you happy.
  • You’ll also find he speaks about you a lot – to others. And likes speaking about the two of you, together. He’s just excited and loving where you’re at!
  • It could also be that when he’s speaking, you find him saying “we”, more than “I”. He naturally includes you, because he sees you more as part of him now. This leads me onto my next point…

8) He Talks About The Future With You

If he’s falling for you, he’s not afraid to talk about the future – whether that’s things he wants the two of you to do next month, or where he’ like to see you two heading later down the line. 

He’s not mapping out your future or anything, but he is throwing it out there and testing the waters, sort of thing. (Always theoretically speaking, of course!)

You may also find that he brings out the big questions – just casually dropping them in in most cases. 

Do you want kids? Do you want to get married? What kind of life do you want to live?

He’s qualifying you in a way, just like you should be qualifying him – making sure you’re in the same place, looking for the same things.

This is because he’s starting to feel stronger and stronger, and he needs to make sure there’s the potential for you two to go all the way.

9) He’s Himself Around You (And Vice Versa)

If he’s falling for you, he’ll let his guard down. In fact, it kind of comes as a two-edge sword – you can’t fully fall for someone before fully being yourself.

But that’s the best thing because when you are able to be fully yourself around a person you like – it only gets better, not worse. And that’s also when those feelings start to deepen.

At the end of the day, long term, you end up finding out the ins and outs of a partner – the good, the bad and the pure ugly. That’s just how it is!

But if he’s relaxed enough to be himself, that’s one of the first stages of progression, and it shows that your relationship is moving towards something more serious.

He’s still trying to impress you, still trying to be the best version of himself. He wants you to like him, but he wants you to like him for him.

So he’ll start to drop that shell, let out his quirks, show his different sides, and encourage you to do the same too. 

In fact if you are, just like he is, it’s a great sign of where this is going. It shows trust and openness. And you can’t be like that with a person, without some sort of feelings there.

10) There’s More Meaning

Last but not least, when he’s falling for you, you’ll feel it. In fact, when he’s fallen for you, in most cases, it’s very difficult to be hidden. 

Everything will have more meaning- the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, the way he kisses you. And even sex isn’t just like sex – especially if the feelings are reciprocated.

Falling in love is a powerful thing, which sets off powerful emotions. 

If you’re open to it, open to him, you’ll feel it, and amazing things will fly from there.

Is He Falling In Love With Me?

So there we have it – some of the key signs he’s falling for you. What’s the verdict now? Do you think he’s falling in love with you? Could it really be?

Well, the best, healthiest relationships have open communication, so share your feelings and listen to his. 

Also remember, love and life isn’t always just a fairytale. Within these signs he’s falling for you – there may also be mixed signals, mixed messages.

That’s because love can be scary, other things may be going on in his mind. So don’t expect him to be perfect 24-7, just like you won’t be either.

But if it’s meant to be, it will still be. And hopefully you’re both on the same page, so can fully embrace this next, exciting page of your story.

Just trust your gut, whilst following your heart, because you can’t go too far wrong then. 

*** Is He The One? Find Out Here ***

Take care. Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world!


How do you know if a man is falling for you?

If you notice he starts kissing your head or cheek, giving you hugs, or snuggling you closer, those are all clear signs that he's got feelings for you that go beyond desire. And when not in public, he isn't afraid to make it obvious on social media that he's with you.

How does a man act when he's falling in love?

They will start to obsess over giving her presents, taking her out to nice places, and just trying to make her smile. So, if you notice that he's amping up trips to fine dining establishments, giving you flowers, or doing similar things, he's probably in love.

How quickly do men fall in love?

The average time for men to fall in love is 88 days, while those same feelings of true love take women 134 days. Another dating site, Elite Singles, did a poll in 2017 and found that 61 per cent of women believe in love at first sight, while 72 per cent of men do.

How do you tell if someone is falling for you?

Flores told Business Insider..
They have fun with you even if the task at hand is not fun, per se. ... .
They look at you ... a lot. ... .
They pay more attention to you. ... .
They show empathy — in good times and bad. ... .
They remember the little things. ... .
They introduce you to the important people in their lives. ... .
They often mention the future..


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