How often are you supposed to change your ac filter

Your central air conditioning filter is an important tool for reducing your home's allergens and keeping it a little more dust-free. Many HVAC filters actually say on the packaging that a once-a-month schedule is a good idea to keep dust and allergens to a minimum.

You probably already know you should change your filter on a regular basis, but what you may not be aware of is exactly how often that frequency can vary from household to household. Here's what you need to know to keep your home's air clean -- and even save some money, too.

Shop smart

Some filters last longer than others, so be sure to take a look at the packaging. All filters have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating. The higher the MERV number, the better quality the filter is, meaning it can hold contaminates better and last longer.

The only downside to picking a filter with a high MERV rating is that it can slow down the airflow in your AC unit. The best choice is a balance between good quality and good airflow, which is typically a filter that has a MERV rating of 6 to 8. If you have a high efficiency AC, you may get away with a higher rating. Check the owner's manual to be sure.

Change up the time frame

Now that you have a good filter, there's a mix of factors that affect how often you replace it. Every three weeks is a good rule of thumb if you have multiple pets, live in a very dusty or polluted area or have severe allergies.

On the other hand, if you rarely use your AC, you can wait up to six months to change the filter. A good way to remember is to switch it out once in the spring and once in the fall.

There are a lot of variables, right? The only way you can be sure you're changing your filter at the right time for your home is to give it a peek once a week to get a feel for how quickly it gets dirty. Hold it up to the light and if you can't see light through the filter, then it is definitely time for a new one.

An added perk

Not only does changing your AC filter help your home's air conditions, it can also save you money. Replacing a clogged air filter with a new one can lower the air conditioner's energy consumption by 5 to 15 percent, according to the US Department of Energy. Less energy consumed equals a lower power bill, which is a big win in the dead of summer when those electricity costs normally spike.

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How often are you supposed to change your ac filter

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One of the most common questions homeowners in Florida have about their home’s air conditioning system is how often they should replace their AC’s air filter. Your air conditioner’s air filter is responsible for removing the majority of particulates from the air, which can impact indoor air quality as well as the efficiency of the entire system. It can also affect the longevity of the system and its repair needs over time.

Factors that Affect How Often You Should Replace Your AC Filter

Considering the air filter has such an important job, it’s essential to keep your air filter clean. But how often do you really need to change the air filter in your HVAC system? Learn about four factors that impact how often you should replace your air conditioner’s air filter.

1. How Frequently You Use Your HVAC System

How often you should change your air filters depends on how frequently you use your house. For a seldom used vacation home, you could get away with changing your filters once a year. However, for a typical suburban home, you probably want to change your filters at least every 90 days. But that time frame changes based upon the additional circumstances below.

As a general rule of thumb, it is a good idea to replace the air filter in your HVAC system every month. However, multiple factors can affect this timing. For example, in Florida during the warmer months of the year, you probably use your cooling system heavily. While during the mild winters, you may not use your HVAC system much at all. During times you use your system frequently, you may even benefit from replacing the filters every few weeks rather than every month.

2. How Many People and Pets Are in Your Home

The number of people and pets in your home will impact your home’s air quality. A single person without pets will need to replace their air filters far less frequently than a household with kids and multiple pets.

Pets can add excessive dander to your home’s air and can bring more particulates like dust, pollen, and dirt from outdoors into your home. If you have at least one cat or dog, you should change your filters at least every 60 days.

The more pets you have, the more frequently you’ll need to change the filter. For every pet you have in your home, you should expect to get 30 fewer days of performance from your air filter though. If you have multiple pets, then change your filters once a month.

3. What Type of Air Filter You Have

A final factor to consider relates to the efficiency of your air filter. More efficient air filters are designed to trap more particles and last for longer periods of time. It is wise to pay attention the filter manufacturer’s recommendations regarding replacement, and make adjustments based on your usage and how many occupants are in the home.

4. Do You Have Allergies?

In Florida, you may need to change your air filters more frequently because of the presence of moisture, mold, dust, and other allergens. If you have allergies and are sensitive to contaminants in the air, then it’s a good idea to change your air filters every 30-45 days. This helps you and your guests and fellow house dwellers breathe and rest easy in the days to come. Cleaner air means better health for everyone at the end of the day.

How Often Do I Need to Change the Filter?

Unoccupied vacation homes, depending on how often you use the system, could change the air filter every 6-12 months.

Single person households with no pets could replace their air filters as little as every 4-6 months.

Family households with no pets should change the filter at least every 90 days.

Single pet households should change the filter every 60 days.

Households with multiple pets may need to change their filter as often as every 20 days.

Call Energy Air for AC Service

Changing the air filter in your HVAC system is a simple, easy step to take to keep your system running great and to promote superior indoor air quality. If you have questions about air filter replacement or if you need any air conditioning or heating services, Energy Air can help. Give us a call today to learn more about our AC products and services, or schedule an appointment online with one of our experienced technicians.

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Orlando: (407) 501-6275 | Tampa: (813) 314-7261

What happens if you dont change AC filter?

If you don't change your AC filter, it will begin to fail. It will no longer be able to filter the air properly, letting dust and contaminants get into the AC. Dust jams the moving parts of an AC such as fan motors and valves. Airflow is restricted which creates a strain on the system.

How often should I change my AC filter in my house?

How Often Do I Need to Change Out My Air Filter? Generally, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing your air filter every 90 days, or 3 months. That can change based on where your home is located (ex. dusty, dry climates), if you have any pets, and the age of your system and equipment.