How much water does a 2 person household use per day

People need water to survive. Not everyone in the world has enough water to meet their needs. New Zealanders on average use a lot of water per person per day.

How much water does one person need?

You think you’re pretty solid, but seven tenths of your body weight is water. If you lose one percent of that water, you feel thirsty. Lose 10 percent or more, and you risk death. Humans can only survive three days without water. 

We need to drink two to five litres of water per day to survive, depending on the climate and our level of activity. But not everyone has the water they need.

50 litres - It takes a recommended 50 litres per day to meet one person’s basic water needs.

95 litres - Half the world’s population uses 95 litres per person per day.

More than 200 litres - People in industrial countries like New Zealand use more than 200 litres per person per day.

Less than 10 litres - People in water-stressed countries like Niger use less than 10 litres per person per day.

Basic water needs

In New Zealand, the average person uses 227 litres of water per day:

  • Toilet = 86 litres per day
  • Bathing and hygiene = 68 litres per day
  • Laundry = 36 litres per day
  • Kitchen = 32 litres per day
  • Housekeeping = 5 litres per day

More than 70% of this water is used in the bathroom. More than 20% is used in the kitchen and laundry.

How much water do you think you would need to have stored to survive for three days if there was a disaster such as an earthquake that cut the water supply?

Do New Zealanders use a lot of water?

Yes, we use a relatively large amount of water when compared to people in most other countries. 

Measuring water use

Every litre of tap water produced and distributed uses resources and energy. We all need to try and conserve water. It is helpful if we know how much water we use. Water is measured in cubic metres (m³), litres (L), or millilitres (mL). 1000mL equals one litre and 1000L = one cubic metre.

Using the following measures, you could estimate your water use:

  • Flushing toilet = 6L full flush 
    How much water does a 2 person household use per day
  • Using taps = 10L per minute
  • Washing dishes (by hand) = 6L
  • Drinking water = 3L per person perday
  • Shower = 15L per minute
  • Bath = about 90L
  • Garden hose = 15L per minute
  • Washing machine = 100L per full load
  • Cooking = about 1.5L per pot

Having enough water for everyone in New Zealand in the future will rely on more water efficient appliances, water conservation and fair distribution between households, industry, agriculture and the environment.

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How much water does a 2 person household use per day

Do you know how much water you use each day? It’s not something the average person generally spends much time thinking about, but the numbers may surprise you.

Between our morning showers, glasses of water, and the water we use to clean dishes and laundry, the average American household uses an average of 80 to 100 gallons of water per day at home. 

At Indiana American Water, we take great pride in what we do and hold ourselves to the highest standards in delivering safe, clean, reliable, and affordable drinking water to our customers. However, keeping tabs on how much we use water can help us all recognize ways to conserve more of it. Lowering the amount of water that your household uses is good for the environment, and it also saves some of your hard-earned money by reducing your water bill.

In our most recent blog, the professionals at Indiana American Water discuss common water usage statistics, as well as some tips to save water.

Water Usage by the Numbers

Here’s a look at how much water we typically consume in some of our daily activities:

  • A full bath: About 36 gallons
  • A 10-minute shower: 20 gallons
  • Average daily toilet flushes: 19 to 24 gallons
  • A washing machine load: 15 gallons
  • Average dishwasher cycle: 4 to 10 gallons
  • Drinking water: 1 gallon
  • Hygiene: About 3 gallons

Tips for Conserving More Water

Each drop adds up. Did you know the average home wastes enough water from plumbing leaks in a year to fill up an entire backyard swimming pool? It’s estimated that one in 10 homes have leaks that waste 90 or more gallons each day. The average family, meanwhile, wastes about 180 gallons of water per week from household water leaks, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Fortunately, your household could get its water usage back on track with a few simple tips.

Fixing leaks

Fixing leaks is the number-one way to decrease water usage. Repairing running toilets or leaky sinks is often a DIY job. Replacing the plunger ball or flapper valve can typically fix a leaking toilet, while a dripping sink is often caused by a worn or improperly fitted washer. If you notice leaking around your dishwasher, washer, refrigerator or hot water heater, then it’s a good idea to call a professional for repair services.

Replacing old toilets

Replacing the old toilets in your home can have a huge impact on your annual water use. Upgrading to water-efficient, WaterSense-labeled toilets can save a family 13,000 gallons of water and $130 in water costs per year.

Replacing inefficient bathroom faucets and showerheads

Upgrading your old, inefficient bathroom faucets and aerators with water-efficient models can save a family $250 in water and electricity costs over the faucets’ lifetime, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Replacing old shower heads with water-efficient models can save a family more than 2,700 gallons of water per year.

Other simple water-saving tips

Here are some other simple water-saving tips to think about:

  • Running the dishwasher only when it’s full can save a family about 320 gallons of water per year.
  • Turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can save nearly 5,700 gallons per year.
  • Turning your faucet off while washing dishes in the sink can save 10 gallons of water each time.
  • Only water the grass when absolutely necessary, as outdoor water use can account for 30 percent of a home’s total water usage.

Indiana American Water is Committed to Water Conservation

We are dedicated to helping our customers to use water wisely as part of their daily routine. Contact us today at 1-800-492-8373 for more information about how to conserve water or to speak to a representative about your water account. Additional information on wise water use is available online on our website.

How much water a day does the average household use?

The average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home. Roughly 70 percent of this use occurs indoors. In addition, there are other miscellaneous uses of water in the house which may be very significant, depending on the degree of water conservation by the household.

How much water does a 10 minute shower use in Litres?

The average showerhead uses 12 litres of water per minute, with power showers using around 15 litres. Given that the average shower taken is around 10 minutes long, that's up to 150 litres of water every time you shower!

How much water does a household use in a month?

What is Average? The water industry estimates that an average person uses 3,000 gallons of water monthly, so a family of 4 would use 12,000 gallons for bathing, cooking, washing, recreation and watering.

How many Litres of water does a person use per day?

Household water use varies enormously depending on the number of people in a house and their personal needs. On average; A person uses 145 litres per day.