How long after taking doxycycline for chlamydia can you have intercourse

The short answer is no.

To be on the safe side we recommend that you do not have any sex until:

  • one week after your 1-day treatment; or your 7-day treatment is complete;


  • your sex partner(s) have also been treated, even if their test results are negative;
  • your symptoms are now gone.

While condoms reduce the chance of passing chlamydia and gonorrhea, there is still a possibility of passing them even when a condom is used.

Even after you start taking treatment for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea, you can still pass them within the first 7 days. It takes 7 days for the medication to treat these infections. Only after 7 days is the chance of passing these infections gone.

Even if your partner is taking treatment at the same time as you, we still recommend you do not have sex until after 7 days. The treatment won’t work if someone is re-exposed to chlamydia and/or gonorrhea within those 7 days.

If you cannot avoid having sex for 7 days, then using a condom will help lower the chance of passing the STI to your partners and/or getting the infection again, but there is no guarantee.

It is also important to avoid sex when you have chlamydia and/or gonorrhea because they can increase your chance of getting HIV. Once the chlamydia and/or gonorrhea is gone, the HIV risk returns to normal.

If you did have sex during the 7 days, then we recommend that you talk to your health care provider, or return to the clinic where you got the treatment. In some situations, they will recommend that you and your partner(s) be re-treated, or suggest that you come back for a follow-up test in 4 weeks to check if the infection is gone.

Have a look at our web pages on ‘Chlamydia’ and ‘Gonorrhea’ for additional information.


  • Chlamydia page on
  • Gonorrhea page on
  • Just Diagnosed page on
  • BCCDC (2019) Chlamydia Information Sheet
  • BCCDC (2019) Gonorrhea Information Sheet
  • PHAC (2021) Chlamydia & LGV guide: Treatment & Follow-up
  • PHAC (2021) Gonorrhea guide: Treatment & Follow-up

How To Take Doxycycline
Take the capsules twice a day (12 hours apart if possible) with food.

Take the capsules with a full glass of waterbecause they can cause severe irritation if stuck in the food pipe.

You must not have sex for 7 days after starting treatment. If a partner is also being treated, you must not have sex until their 7 days is also complete. This means no sex even with a condom, and no oral sex.

Take care on sunny days
In some people Doxycycline can cause extra sensitivity to the effects of the sun (or sunlamps). This leads to the skin burning far more quickly and severely than would be expected and is usually first noticed on the nose and the backs of the hands. In summer, keep out of the sun and use a high factor sun-block cream. If you do notice a rash or reddening of your skin contact, us for advice.

You can read the Doxycycline Summary of Product Characteristics for more detailed information.

Female Patients
You must not take Doxycycline is there is chance you may be pregnant.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive pill after the ‘no sex’ 7 days may be reduced if you develop vomiting and / or diarrhoea after taking the antibiotics.

If this occurs, continue taking your pill as usual but follow the advice for your pill about using extra precautions (e.g. condoms) when you miss pills or have vomiting and / or diarrhoea.

If you are concerned that you might be at risk of pregnancy from unprotected sex you can access emergency contraception.


    It’s a question that gets asked regularly by people receiving chlamydia treatment, Your Sexual Health’s specialist Dr Rashid Bani has the answer…

    Sex during chlamydia treatment

    Once you’ve been diagnosed with chlamydia you’ll be given a course of antibiotics to clear up the infection. Usually the antibiotic treatment for chlamydia is taken in one single dose, but it still takes up to seven days for the chlamydia bacteria to completely leave your system. Because of this it’s important not to have sex until seven days after you took the medication. If you’ve had a longer course of antibiotics you should wait until seven days after the medication has finished.

    What about my partner?

    If you’re in a relationship where you’ve been sleeping with the same person for a period of time, it’s important that the other person also get tested and treated. There is a very high likelihood that they’ll also have chlamydia and without treatment they’ll pass it back to you once you’re all clear. In these instances it’s important that you don’t have sex until both of you have been treated for the condition.

    Can I have PROTECTED sex following chlamydia treatment?

    Even though condoms can dramatically reduce the chances of chlamydia passing from person to person they do not completely eliminate the chances of the condition spreading. For this reason it’s important that you completely refrain from sexual intercourse of any kind until seven days after your medication has finished even if you use a condom.

    What to do after the seven day period?

    Once the seven day period has passed following your treatment the chlamydia should have passed out of your system. In order to be certain, you should complete another chlamydia test to confirm that you’re clear. The test should be taken two weeks after you’ve completed the antibiotic treatment to be absolutely sure.

    Once that’s confirmed you can continue having sex, safe in the knowledge that you won’t be able to pass on chlamydia. If your partner was also infected you should wait until they’re clear before having sex again.

    Remember that once the infection has passed you can still catch it again if you come into contact with the bacteria so make sure you practice safe sex and follow these steps: –

    • Always use a condom when having sex with a new partner
    • Get checked regularly, especially if you’ve had sex with multiple partners
    • If you’re starting a relationship with a new partner ensure they get tested

    You can book a private chlamydia test with Your Sexual Health and get tested at one of our clinic locations across the UK. We also offer a prescription service enabling you to get treatment if your test returns as positive. Book an appointment today.

    How long after taking doxycycline for chlamydia can you have intercourse

    Dr Bani

    Blogs are written by Your Sexual Health and approved by Dr Bani

    How long after taking antibiotics for chlamydia can you have intercourse?

    When can I have sex again after my chlamydia treatment? You should not have sex again until you and your sex partner(s) complete treatment. If given a single dose of medicine, you should wait seven days after taking the medicine before having sex.

    What happens if you don't wait 7 days after treatment for chlamydia?

    The treatment won't work if someone is re-exposed to chlamydia and/or gonorrhea within those 7 days. If you cannot avoid having sex for 7 days, then using a condom will help lower the chance of passing the STI to your partners and/or getting the infection again, but there is no guarantee.

    How effective is doxycycline at curing chlamydia?

    Yes, doxycycline is an effective antibiotic for treating chlamydia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people with chlamydia take doxycycline or another antibiotic called azithromycin to treat the infection. Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic.