How do i hide instagram posts from certain followers

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  1. Can You Hide Instagram Posts From Someone?
  2. How to Hide Instagram Posts From Someone?
    1. Remove Them From Your Followers List
    2. Make Your Account Private
    3. Block Them

Do you want to share a post on Instagram but at the same time avoid certain people from seeing it?

You might be wondering if this is even possible.

Hiding an Instagram story is easy but keeping a post away from someone’s sight looks like something impossible.

Let’s dive to see if you can hide Instagram posts from someone.

Unfortunately, you can’t hide your posts from someone on Instagram. Instagram has no default option to restrict someone from seeing your post.

However, you can change some of your privacy settings to limit who can see your posts. Although this may not 100% guarantee to hide your post from certain people, it may work to some extent.

Let’s have a look at how you can alter your privacy settings and perform certain actions to avoid someone from seeing your posts.

How to Hide Instagram Posts From Someone?

Some of the techniques that you can follow are:

Remove Them From Your Followers List

Every post you share on Instagram will be shown to your followers on their feed. So, if you remove them from your Followers list, they won’t be able to see it on their feed unless they directly visit your profile and see it.

This way you can hide your post from them. Let’s see how you can remove someone from your ‘followers list’.

  • Go to your profile and tap the Followers tab.
  • Search for the user you want to remove.
  • Tap Remove to the right of their profile.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to remove followers on Instagram with screenshots.

Make Your Account Private

If you want to restrict your non-followers from seeing your posts, you can switch your account to private. However, the catch is this method won’t work if you want to hide posts from your followers.

You first need to remove them from your ‘Followers List’ and make your profile private.

Here’s how to make your profile private.

  • Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Select Settings.
  • Tap Privacy.
  • Press the toggle icon next to Private Account.

Also Read: How to make your Instagram account private

Block Them

If you block someone, they will never find you on Instagram. If you want to hide your post from certain people, you can block them.

  • Go to the person’s profile who you want to block.
  • Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
  • Tap Block.

There are no direct ways to hide your posts from certain people or followers on Instagram. However, you can adopt any of the workarounds mentioned above to limit people from seeing your posts.


  1. you can choose to have your posts hidden from followers who have chosen to “hide all posts from this account” in their settings.

how to hide Instagram posts, images and followers from one person

Can you hide Instagram posts from certain followers?

Yes, you can hide Instagram posts from certain followers. To do this, open the post you want to hide and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Hide from.” You can then choose which followers you want to hide the post from.

Can I hide a single Instagram post from someone?

Yes, you can hide a single Instagram post from someone. To do this, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post and select “Hide from.” Then, choose the account you want to hide it from.

Can I temporarily hide my posts in Instagram?

Yes, you can hide your posts in Instagram. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Scroll down and tap Settings, then scroll down again and tap Account. Tap Posts are Public and toggle the switch to off.

How do I hide someone’s posts on Instagram without blocking them?

There is no way to hide someone’s posts on Instagram without blocking them. If you don’t want to see someone’s posts, you can either unfollow them or block them.

What happens if I restrict someone on Instagram?

If you restrict someone on Instagram, they will no longer be able to see your posts.

How do I post on Instagram without everyone seeing my feed?

There are a few ways to post on Instagram without everyone seeing your feed. One way is to create a private account, which only allows people you approve to see your posts. Another way is to create a “story,” which is a temporary post that disappears after 24 hours.

Can I tell who looks at my Instagram?

Yes, you can tell who looks at your Instagram. If you have an Instagram account and you’re not following anyone, then no one can see your pictures. If you follow someone, they can see your pictures. If you’re following a lot of people, then your pictures are probably public and anyone can see them.

How can I know if someone restricted me on Instagram?

There’s no surefire way to know for certain if someone has restricted your visibility on Instagram, but there are a few things you can look out for. If you can’t see posts from someone that you know you should be able to see, or if their account suddenly disappears from your feed, they may have restricted you. Additionally, if you try to visit someone’s profile and get a message that says “This account is not available,” it’s likely that they’ve restricted your visibility.

How do you know if someone restricted you on Instagram?

There are a few ways to tell if someone has restricted you on Instagram. If you can no longer see their profile, posts, or stories, then they have likely restricted you. Additionally, if you try to search for their account and it doesn’t show up, then they have likely restricted you.

Can you see if someone screenshots your Instagram story?

Yes, you can see if someone screenshots your Instagram story. When you post a story, Instagram notifies the sender when someone takes a screenshot of their story.

Can someone see how many times you viewed their Instagram story?

Yes, someone can see how many times you viewed their Instagram story. If you view someone’s story and they have the “Story Views” feature turned on, then you will see a number next to their name in the Story Views section of their Instagram profile. This number indicates how many people have viewed that person’s story.

Who is stalking my Instagram?

There is no way to know for sure who is stalking your Instagram account, but there are some things you can do to try and protect your privacy. First, make sure that your account is set to private and that only approved followers can see your posts. You can also limit who can see your location by disabling the location settings on your account.

Can you soft block on Instagram?

Yes, you can soft block someone on Instagram. To do so, go to the person’s profile and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Block.

How can you tell if someone has hidden their story on Instagram?

There are a few ways to tell if someone has hidden their story on Instagram. The first is to look for the “Story” tab at the top of the screen. If it’s missing, that means the person has hidden their story. Another way to tell is to check the number of viewers. If the number is zero, that means the person has hidden their story.

What does ghost mean on Instagram?

Ghosting on Instagram is when you temporarily remove yourself from someone’s follower list. This can be done for a number of reasons, such as wanting to take a break from social media, or to avoid seeing someone’s posts.


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