How to find who stalks your instagram

Anton P. | August 30, 2022

Who stalks my Instagram? Users actively building their social media presence have certainly asked this question. Instagram and mainly all social platforms do not allow members to check who viewed their profiles.

However, liking photos from two years ago and frequent commenting are signs someone stalks your Instagram account.

Third-party apps can claim to reveal who has viewed your profile or recently unfollowed you. Sadly, such apps are likely suspicious data harvesters, presenting randomly generated lists of alleged profile stalkers.

Why does Instagram not allow you to see who viewed your profile?

Instagram does not have features for checking who stalks your Instagram account. Even Instagram for Business users cannot see what people have visited their profiles. They can access statistics, like the number of users that viewed their account in the past 7 days.

So, officially, there is no way of knowing who stalks your Instagram. Therefore, insta-stalking booms, with people freely looking for fashion inspiration or DIY ideas.

The decision to keep profile-viewing activities secret relates to the main appeal of social media. Millions of people use it to see how others live their daily lives. A sense of anonymity is necessary for people to use these platforms freely and look up any person they wish.

LinkedIn is one of the few social media networks that does allow people to see who has viewed their profiles.

The chances are that people are much more careful about visiting accounts on LinkedIn. It can also relate to time spent on apps as well. Users spend 1 minute per day on LinkedIn, while they browse Instagram for 29 minutes per day on average.

The darker side of insta-stalking

Wondering who stalks your Instagram might not be mere curiosity. The anonymity shield on Instagram might also let some unwanted visitors into your account. Stalkers can use the app to gain information about a person and use it for nefarious purposes.

For instance, stalkers could physically follow targets by viewing stories or recent posts and determining their location. So, anonymous insta-stalking could even lead to severe safety concerns.

So, figuring out who stalks your Instagram can be helpful if you start to feel uncomfortable. And if you believe online stalking is harmless fun, it does cross the line under certain circumstances. For instance, hiding under a false name and repeatedly posting offensive comments is a form of harassment online.

How to find out who stalks my Instagram?

Someone might be viewing your posts and avoiding stories or interaction with your posts. Then, it might be challenging to determine who stalks your Instagram. However, this social app has many features, letting people interact with one another. So, even if the insta-stalking is careful, specific behavior can hint at it.

Can a third-party app reveal who checks your profile?

You might download a third-party app in hopes of analyzing your Instagram and finding out who visits your profile. However, no outside app has cracked the code to dig out such insights.

Usually, such apps are fake, luring users to connect their Instagram or another social media profile. They can show some functionality, like generating lists of users that allegedly visit your profile the most. Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe such results to be accurate.

See who views your stories

This theory on who stalks your Instagram might seem far-fetched. It suggests that the lists of who views your Instagram stories can provide valuable insights.

Usually, after you hit a certain number of story views, the user list is no longer chronological. Instead, it appears to be in a random order. Instagram has not explained why certain people are higher on this list than others.

Essentially, people aiming to find out who stalks their Instagram use their stories:

  1. Post a story on your Instagram account.
  2. Wait until it generates some views.
  3. Then, go through the list of people who have watched your story. You can do this for 24 hours after posting.
  4. The theory goes that the people on top of the list are users that visit your profile the most.
  5. Remember that the list of story viewers might be random, as no clear-cut evidence supports this theory.

Furthermore, Instagram story viewership can reveal potential stalkers in another way. For instance, look for people who view every story 5 or 10 minutes after you post it.

Pay attention to repetitive commentators

You can figure out who stalks your Instagram by looking at people who like or comment on your posts. For instance, repetitive comments on your pictures could mean that the person visits your profile frequently.

Of course, it might be that your posts appear on their Instagram feeds naturally. However, if a person does not follow you but keeps commenting, it means they actively stalk your profile.

Block stalkers or other disrespectful users on Instagram

Your analysis of Instagram story viewers and commenters might have indicated potential suspects. Do not hesitate to block Instagram users that make you feel uncomfortable or post unsavory remarks on your pictures.

Here is how to block Instagram users:

  1. Tap on your profile picture.
  2. Tap the three-line button and open Settings.
  3. Add someone to block by clicking the + sign and search for the account.
  4. Tap Block and confirm.

Or you can do it directly via Instagram chats:

  1. Open the chat with a person you wish to block.
  2. Tap on their name at the top of the chat.
  3. Find the Block option and tap it.

Stalkers on Instagram can hide behind fake accounts or keep creating new profiles after getting blocked. Thus, it is best to set your account to private and accept follow requests from people you know.

How to keep your Instagram account away from stalkers

You cannot undoubtedly figure out who stalks your Instagram account. Nevertheless, your Instagram profile can contain a lot of personal information. So, it is best to keep it hidden.

Here are some tips to keep your Instagram account safer:

  • Keep your profile private to prevent random users from seeing your posts.
  • Block people from commenting on your posts if their remarks make you uncomfortable.
  • Fully block accounts that engage in suspicious behavior or send offensive private messages.
  • Do not accept follow requests from seemingly fake accounts with no profile pictures, posts, or followers.
  • Avoid posting personal information on Instagram, like favorite hangouts, home addresses, or plans.
  • Try not to post images in real-time. Wait several hours before sharing pictures from a night out or another activity.


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