Can you get invisalign with a missing tooth

Can you get invisalign with a missing tooth

For older adolescents or adults in need of treatment for crooked teeth or other alignment issues, Invisalign® is often a preferable alternative over traditional braces. The aligners are hardly visible when worn and require fewer lifestyle changes. If you have any missing teeth or previous dental restorations, such as an implant or bridge, you may assume that clear aligners are not a possible option. However, even patients with a missing tooth can be a good candidate for this type of treatment.

Treating missing teeth with Invisalign®

Tooth loss is a common issue for people of all ages and can occur due to an infection, gum disease, tooth decay, or accidental trauma. Some people may also need to have teeth extracted due to alignment issues that cannot be resolved with orthodontic treatment.

If left untreated, a gap caused by tooth loss can leave the gums more susceptible to infection. Most people experience speaking and chewing difficulties, and a missing tooth in the front of the mouth can affect an individual’s appearance and confidence. Noticeable structural issues and the deterioration of the jawbone can also occur over time. Invisalign® can be used alongside restorative treatment options to help patients achieve a complete smile with functional, attractive teeth.

Treating gaps from tooth loss

For patients with missing teeth, the treatment plan will vary depending on what issues need to be addressed. In many situations, patients can wear clear aligners either before or after a dental restoration is placed. Invisalign® can be used to retain the space and straighten the surrounding teeth in preparation for an implant or other alternative. The aligners can help expand or shrink the space as needed to better accommodate the restoration.

While waiting for treatment to finish, the dental professional can use a tooth-colored coating to fill the aligners where the missing tooth is located, hiding the gap. In some cases, patients can even opt to have the aligners close the gap completely.

Straightening teeth after dental restorations

While it is often preferable for patients to finish Invisalign® treatment before having a restoration placed, patients may be able to wear the aligners with a new implant or crown. While traditional braces can potentially damage the porcelain or resin used to replace the missing tooth, clear aligners do not require any attachments or brackets. Patients with a dental bridge or veneers can consider the treatment to address any remaining flaws.


Invisalign® can help patients, even those with missing teeth, discreetly address a multitude of mouth alignment issues, including bite problems, crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, and tooth gaps. This option can be used on its own to help achieve a straighter smile, or it can be combined with other restorative options to prepare the mouth for an implant, bridge, or similar tooth replacement solution. To achieve the desired results, patients should pursue treatment as soon as possible, as jawbone loss or mouth shifting can make the situation more difficult to resolve.  

Request an appointment here: or call Metro Smiles Dental at (718) 841-9591 for an appointment in our Forest Hills office.

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