Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Carolina didn’t let her tattoo stop her from making a selfless decision to become a blood donor.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Tattoos are more than skin deep.

Some have undeniable significance.

Some are spontaneous, but no less meaningful.

But one misconception about tattoos ─ that people with tattoos are ineligible to donate blood ─ has prevented some from getting inked or giving back. It's a common myth that having tattoos makes you ineligible to donate blood. This was true in the past, but it isn't a barrier today. Fact is, even if you're inked, you have the power to build a healthier world and save lives.

She Stands Out

Carolina Holler, a 28-year-old from San Paulo, Brazil, is no stranger to tattoos. She was 18 when she donated blood for the first time and 20 when she got her first tattoo. That tattoo would be the first of many.

Carolina's tattoos aren't a barrier that keep her from donating blood. She made the decision to give back, to show everyone you can have tattoos and be a regular blood donor.

Having a fascination with the human body at a young age, her passion for healthcare, blood donation awareness and body art would become a defining characteristic of her adulthood.

"I have 10 tattoos. And that hasn't stopped me from donating blood. You can plan your tattoos around blood donation," she said.


Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Tattoo, not taboo

Over the past few decades, tattoos have become less taboo. A Harris Poll found that nearly half of all millennials have tattoos. Among people who have tattoos, seven in 10 don't stop there, ending up with a tattwo and a tatthree.

Now, more than half the nation includes people who are Millennials, Gen Z and younger. That means there’s a likelihood a young donor who steps up to fight against current blood shortages will have a tattoo. Or maybe even a few.

Most people with tattoos can donate blood as long as they don’t have risk factors that prohibit or limit blood donation, and if they got a tattoo at a state regulated facility. In the U.S. you have to wait 3 months to donate if the tattoo was from a state that does not regulate tattoo facilities.


Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Make Your Mark

Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood, and your donations have the power to change lives, regardless of your tattoos.

Don't let your ink stop you from donating blood.

You don't have to compromise your individuality, style, sense of adventure or your love of body art to become a regular donor. Tattoos are a permanent statement of who you are, what (or who) you love and what’s important to you.

So is becoming a donor.

You can leave your mark on the world by donating ─ a permanent sign of your selflessness and the difference you've made in changing lives.

Carolina inspires those around her to donate, especially loved ones her age. She's a reminder that it’s on us (ahem, millennials and Gen Z) to step up and give back.

"Even if you're not able to donate, you can go with a friend who's donating and be a support system for them. Make it social," she said.

Generosity is more than skin deep. Just like your tattoos.

Learn more about blood donation FAQs and find a blood donation center near you.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo
Can you donate if you have a tattoo
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Can you donate if you have a tattoo

The Vitalant Blog

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Blood Donation Basics
12 Sep 2021

Is donating blood safe? Can people with tattoos donate blood? Can blood donation make you weaker? If you’ve been reluctant to give blood because you were anxious about the answers to any of these questions, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! In fact, to put your concerns to rest, let’s separate fact from fiction together with some fascinating myths below—and the truth behind these tall tales.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: Needles hurt a lot.

Fact: Most people who give blood describe the feeling as a mild pinch, and even then, it’s over in the blink of an eye. It’s more painful to stub your toe or bite your tongue. Donating blood is perfectly safe, too, and it’s only scary in your head! Many here at Vitalant felt the same way at first before learning firsthand that the process was a walk in the park. Our staff is also highly trained, very friendly and really go the extra mile to make you super comfortable.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: You can contract HIV and other contagious diseases.

Fact: Strict safety procedures and the use of sterile, single-use equipment ensure that blood donation carries no risk of contracting any blood-borne illness. You have a better chance of catching a cold while strolling around in public.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: It takes too long.

Fact: The entire donation process from start to finish typically lasts about an hour, and the blood-collection portion usually takes only 10 minutes. That’s four times faster than it takes the average person to go grocery shopping.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: You can’t donate blood if you have tattoos or piercings.

Fact: If you were tattooed or pierced with a sterile needle and single-use ink at a state-regulated tattoo parlor, you can donate without restriction. If not, you can still donate if it’s been at least 3 months since you received your last tattoo. Check out our additional eligibility requirements for more information.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: If I donate blood, I won’t have enough for my own body.

Fact: The human body contains enough blood to enable you to donate with minimal to no side effects. Like a factory, your body continually makes blood and does so rather quickly. Your body will replace the volume (plasma) within 48 hours. In only 4 to 8 weeks, many people replace all lost red blood cells—and by taking 18 milligrams of iron in a multivitamin for 60 days after donation, you can make recovery even faster.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: Blood can be stored forever.

Fact: Like a gallon of milk or a carton of eggs, blood has a shelf life. Platelets must be transfused within a week, red cells must be used within 42 days even after refrigeration, and plasma can be stored frozen for one year.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: You can’t donate if you’ve traveled.

Fact: This depends on where you traveled and when, so don’t count yourself out just yet. There are more safe places to travel than not. Worst-case scenario, you’re temporarily deferred. If you’ve traveled outside the U.S. recently and have any questions regarding your eligibility, please call us at 1-877-258-4825 and choose Option 1.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: My iron levels are too low.

Fact: They may be higher than you think, and even vegetarians aren’t immediately disqualified because iron is found in foods other than meat. Before you donate, your hemoglobin levels will be tested to ensure that it’s safe for you to give blood.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: I can’t donate because I’m on medication.

Fact: Not necessarily. Most medications are acceptable. Many people with conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure that’s controlled with medication donate regularly. Please review our medications list for more information.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Myth: I’m too old.

Fact: Though it may come as a surprise, there’s actually no upper age limit to donating blood. Even Jeanne Louise Calment, who lived to 122 and was the oldest person to ever live, would have been eligible!

BONUS MYTH: You can’t donate if you’ve been vaccinated against the flu or COVID-19.
That’s just false! You can give blood after you’ve been vaccinated against either virus as long as you’re feeling healthy.

Now that you are a certified myth-buster, start saving lives by scheduling your appointment today!

Published by: Jeremy T. — Vitalant Contributor

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Can I Donate?

Ready to donate, but unsure if you qualify? Or maybe you’ve been deferred in the past — but that doesn’t necessarily mean you still can’t donate. View our most up-to-date eligibility requirements.

Can you donate if you have a tattoo

Can I Donate? 

Ready to donate, but unsure if you qualify? Or maybe you’ve been deferred in the past — but that doesn’t necessarily mean you still can’t donate. View our most up-to-date eligibility requirements.

Why can't you donate after a tattoo?

The American Red Cross require a 12-month waiting period after receiving a tattoo in an unregulated facility before a person can donate blood. This is due to the risk of hepatitis. Hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation.

Do tattoos keep you from donating blood?

In most states, you may be eligible to give blood immediately after getting ink as long as the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated entity using sterile needles and ink that is not reused.