Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


28/06/2010 at 8:55 pm

Was looking up stuff online about pregnancy with an underactive thyroid and found loads of stuff about people getting loads of false negatives due to having an under active thyroid...My period is late and my OH and I have been ttc, I feel very pregnant but all my tests have been negative. Do you think its possible that my under active thyroid could be causing false negative pregnancy test results? Have any of you had this problem?

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


29/06/2010 at 7:42 am

Id also be interested in the answer to this.  I also have an underactive thyroid but apparently levels are stable on the Thyroxine levels im on.  I had no problems with getting BFP with DD but it would be good to know for the hopefully next BFP

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


01/07/2010 at 12:11 pm

Hi Cara

How have you been since posting?

My limited understanding is that an underactive thyroid gland can affect certain hormones in your body, which may give a negative result.

It may be worth you asking your GP to do a blood test to check your hormone and thyroid levels.


Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

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Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


01/07/2010 at 12:15 pm

Id also be interested in the answer to this.  I also have an underactive thyroid but apparently levels are stable on the Thyroxine levels im on.  I had no problems with getting BFP with DD but it would be good to know for the hopefully next BFP

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Hi Christina

Thats great that your levels are stable

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Good luck for when you get your next BFP ++++


Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


01/07/2010 at 7:49 pm

Still no period even more symptoms and still negative tests.
Got a drs appointment tomorrow gonna ask for a blood test try and get to the bottom of it all.

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

caroline a(6)

02/07/2010 at 9:29 am

Hope you get on well at the gp. I too have under active thyroid and for my last baby who is three and a half i had three negatives before getting the positive but I wasnt diagnosed as having under active thyroid at that time. But it is a possibility that you are pregnant.

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


02/07/2010 at 1:14 pm

I have an underactive thyroid also. At the moment I am a week late and have all the signs but tests are negative. I saw dr yesterday and the first thing he said is to check my thyroid levels as this can have an effect so it does make a difference.
I am hopig this will explain why my tests are negative as I'm covinced I'm pregnant  xx

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test


22/06/2016 at 8:08 pm

I'm in same boat... any update?

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

Jean K(38)

10/07/2019 at 3:58 pm

I as well have underattive thurid  I aswell ad negative text 2 months late May and June late I ad spotting last 3 weeks  still negative test

Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

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Can thyroid medication cause false negative pregnancy test

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No: If the test is a conventional pregnancy test, it should not make any differance. However, for the accuracy serum hCG test always available in an OBGY... Read More

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Can thyroid issues cause false negative pregnancy test?

If you've gotten a negative pregnancy test but haven't had your period, is something else causing your period to be late? There are a handful of reasons (other than pregnancy) why you might miss a period, such as: Hormonal disorders (e.g., thyroid dysfunction, high prolactin, polycystic ovary syndrome)

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Women who did not have any adjustment in Levothyroxine dose had a higher level of TSH in their last pregnancy blood test; 36% of women in this group had lost their pregnancy due to miscarriage. The rate of pregnancy loss was 2.4% in women who took a higher dose of thyroid hormone after pregnancy.

Can thyroid affect hCG levels?

TSH levels in the mother decrease as hCG levels rise. However, if the mother has autoimmune thyroid disease with high levels of antibodies to thyroid gland, such as thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) or thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb), the thyroid gland may not respond as well to hCG.