Can i register my cat as an emotional support animal

Can i register my cat as an emotional support animal

Emotional support animals help owners solve their mental or emotional problems by providing comfort, companionship or affection. They are not required to receive special training to perform practical tasks for the owner, but it is the most important part of the work of a service dog. In addition, emotional support animals have greater biodiversity than service animals, as they may include dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, miniature pigs, guinea pigs, rats and many more. The most important thing is that ESA must be domesticated and does not pose a threat to humans. Cats are one of the most common pets, but some of them give us an indifferent/disinterested and unfriendly impression. To learn more about feline animals, we will explore the following:

  • Can cats be emotional support animals?

  • What is the use or importance of an emotional support cat? 

  • How do I register my cat as an emotional support animal? 

Can i register my cat as an emotional support animal

Question 1: Can cats be emotional support animals?      

Yes, emotional support animals have no restriction on the species and include cats. Cats, as the common domesticated animals, are very human orientated, preferring to spend time with their owners so that they are well suited to becoming emotional support animals. As the “cat people” are increasing rapidly and the cat culture has been proliferating in the network in recent years, people are starting to change their original sense of cats and love their mental healing ability. A cat’s love is as unconditional as a dog’s, so they deserve the same respect as an emotional support dog. However, because cats are naturally smaller than dogs, they do not possess the scope of service animals.

Question 2: What is the use or importance of an emotional support cat? 

Because of their small size cats are always flexible and do not take up as much space as dogs. Cats can sit or lie comfortably on the couch or on the owner’s body so they can always be close to their owners. People can easily pet the furry kitten whenever they want. Apart from these benefits, you can enjoy other rights when your cat becomes an emotional support animal. For example:

Travel with your cat. You can carry the emotional support cat into the air cabin by using a portable crate or carrier. Many airlines allow emotional support dogs or cats into the cabin along with their owners. You should inform the airline in advance and register your cat as an emotional support animal. Since a cat is very alert to the outdoor environment and less interested in humans than a dog, you should improve its social skills before flying with it.

Access to “no pets” accommodation. The Fair Housing Act ensures that emotional support cats can live with their owners in buildings with a “no pets” policy. You should stand up for your right if the landlord is unaware of ESAs. It is better to inform your landlord about the importance of your cat before moving in and present relevant documents. Some landlords may want to charge extra pet fees, with the excuse for rental safety.

Question 3: How do I register my cat as an emotional support animal?

Although it is not required by law to register your cat or request a letter from a therapist or psychiatric expert, some people do it because it is beneficial to them. Make sure your cat is healthy and human-oriented to quickly adapt to the new environment. The emotional support cats are responsible for comforting their owners when emotional changes (such as anxiety) occur. If a cat is unable to adapt to the new location or is anxious and the owner must comfort it, that cat is not fit to be an emotional support cat.

If your cat can easily calm down and behave gently, you can register it online or request a letter. We can offer you two services: a digital card and a paper card. Contact us here.

Can i register my cat as an emotional support animal