Can i brush my teeth after teeth whitening

Whitening your teeth can be one of the most exciting cosmetic treatments. You’ll see real results that you can show off to everyone within a matter of a few sessions. Whitening Trays work the best when whitening teeth because of their all-around ability to whiten every part of each tooth including the front and back. There are some tricks of the trade when it comes to whitening and many wonders, should I brush my teeth before whitening trays? The answer is yes! Let’s discuss why it’s beneficial.

Teeth whitening treatments are effective but the degree to which they whiten teeth varies depending on the condition of your teeth. If your teeth are relatively clean and are kept in good health, whitening trays will be very effective in moving them a few shades up the whitening scale. If your teeth are yellow and neglected from years of smoking, coffee, wine, or tea, it may take some time for the whitening treatments to break through the built-up discoloration. You can help with the whitening treatments by brushing your teeth before whitening trays. By doing this, you remove the basic plaque and other minerals off your teeth leaving them bare for the whitening gel to do its work.

Can i brush my teeth after teeth whitening

The dentist can craft you whitening trays but they are often expensive and require costly and lengthy visits. SportingSmiles crafts premium whitening trays for half the cost of the dentist and no visits required. These whitening trays are crafted from the teeth impressions that SportingSmiles receives from the patented impression kit. Whitening trays tend to work better than whitening pens, or lights because of their ability to whiten every tooth. When paired with foaming gel, as the SportingSmiles has, the whitening treatment will foam inside the trays and cover the back of your teeth along with the crevices. Lights and pens won’t reach these areas, and your smile will receive a full treatment of whitening.

Next time you think, should I brush my teeth before whitening trays, the answer is a yes! Think of brushing as a prep phase for your whitening. If the whitening gel is hitting minerals and plaque, it won’t be as effective as it would be when actually whitening your tooth. The less plaque you have on your teeth, the quicker and whiter your teeth will become with whitening trays.

Can i brush my teeth after teeth whitening

Can i brush my teeth after teeth whitening

Another tip is to always wash your whitening trays out thoroughly. You don’t want leftover plaque, minerals, or food particles in your whitening trays. That will turn them into a bacteria field and placing that over your teeth can lead to more issues. Keeping your whitening trays clean by washing them out after treatment is as simple as running them underwater for 30 seconds before returning them to their case. This is why SportingSmiles customers who purchase the premium whitening trays prefer to use them in the shower as they are waterproof and easy to fit into a shower routine.

Keep your whitening trays clean, along with your teeth before and after whitening treatments. Remember, next time you wonder should I brush my teeth before whitening trays, the answer is always yes! It removes plaque and allows the whitening treatment to reach the tooth making the treatments more effective and giving you a brighter, whiter smile quicker.

Immediately after an appointment for professional teeth whitening, you have an absolute radiant smile, but that bright smile doesn’t seem to last long. It seems like every day after your whitening appointment your bright, white smile starts to fade. This causes many patients to ask us, how can I maintain my white smile after a whitening?

We will help you uncover the secrets how to keep your pearly whites white after a whitening treatment.

Work to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Many people automatically assume that because their teeth are bright and white, they don’t have to brush or floss as often. That is the worst thing you could do.

Failure to brush and floss as recommended not only jeopardizes your oral health, but it quickly fades the whitening effects from your recent whitening treatment. If you want to prolong how long your teeth look white and bright, make sure you brush and floss on a regular basis.

You should be brushing at least three times a day. Brushing this often will help you remove any surface stains and plaque that builds up throughout the day. Plaque, when left to build up in the mouth, can start to create discolored deposits throughout the teeth that will ruin your white smile.

In addition to brushing, you should be flossing. You only need to floss once a day, but make sure when you floss that you are completely flossing and not just doing a quick ‘once over’. Proper flossing involves getting in between each and every tooth, scraping the sides, and even slightly under the gum.

Avoid Food and Drinks That can Stain Your Teeth

There are certain foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. Even if you immediately brush your teeth after consuming these things, it can still discolor your teeth. Over time, no matter how much you brush, floss, or even try at-home whitening treatments, your teeth will appear stained and discolored.

If you wish to keep your teeth white after a professional teeth whitening treatment, it is best to avoid any foods or drinks that can stain.

Some foods and drinks to stay away from include:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Wines especially red wine
  • Soy sauce or foods made with a sauce that has a soy sauce base
  • Curry
  • Sodas
  • Tomatoes
  • Citrus fruits
  • Blackberries
  • Pomegranates
  • Blueberries

If you do want to consume these items, it is best that you do so safely. For example, if you wish to drink tea, soda, or coffee after a professional teeth whitening do so with a straw. This will reduce the amount of contact these beverages have with your teeth which will help prevent staining.

Another great recommendation is to brush your teeth immediately. Even if it won’t completely eliminate any stains, it can dramatically decrease the amount of discoloration you experience. The less time the food and beverage has to sit on your teeth, the less staining you will experience.

Keep Regularly Scheduled Professional Cleanings with Your Dentist

It is important that you keep your regularly scheduled professional cleanings with your dentist, even if you had a professional whitening treatment. Professional cleanings can remove built up plaque that has accumulated between your teeth. The plaque built up because your toothbrush and floss can’t reach every tiny nook and space in your mouth. The professional cleaning will clean these hard-to-reach places for you.

Some toothpastes and mouthwashes may be able to help supplement your professional teeth whitening. These products won’t brighten and whiten your smile like the professional cleaning, but they will help you maintain your white smile until it is time for your next whitening treatment.

Before using just any toothpaste or mouthwash that says it has whitening benefits, it is best to ask your dentist which ones to use. Your dentist will be able to provide product recommendations that will help you maintain your white and bright smile.

Schedule an Appointment for a Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

Get the smile you have always dreamed of by undergoing a professional teeth whitening treatment. Dr. Tiffany K. Shields offers safe, effective teeth whitening treatments that will get you a bright, white smile without damaging your teeth or using harmful chemicals. We also have begun providing SinSational Smile a tooth whitening treatment that can provide dramatic results in twenty minutes. Call today to learn more!

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment for a professional teeth whitening treatment.   

How long should you wait after whitening your teeth to brush?

The same applies to teeth whitening. We recommend adding a 20 minute delay after eating before brushing your teeth and starting the whitening process.

Should I brush my teeth after whitening gel?

After Whitening: Remove the tray and rinse off your teeth. Brush any remaining gel away. Brush, floss and continue routine dental cleaning. You may initially notice white splotches on teeth following removal of tray. This is typically cause by dehydration of the teeth and should diminish within an hour.

Why can't you brush your teeth after whitening?

This is to ensure that any plaque (this sticky surface layer on your teeth) is removed and that any whitening agent present in the strips or gel gets the closest contact with the teeth. We don't advise brushing immediately after whitening as the teeth maybe a little more sensitive for a couple of hours.

What shouldn't you do after teeth whitening?

Items to avoid include: Dark or strongly colored liquids: for instance, tea, coffee, red wine, cola, and tomato juice. Acidic beverages: examples are soft drinks, fruit juices, and alcohol in general. Foods with natural or added colorants: beef, soy sauce, ketchup, bologna, and chocolate are examples.