Briggs and stratton 5hp electronic ignition conversion

How do you convert points from ignition to electronic ignition?

When converting from points to electronic ignition, you've got two options. You can either convert your existing distributor, or you can install a new distributor. Advance Auto Parts offers kits that allow you to remove the old points components from inside your distributor and replace them with new ones.

Can you replace points and condenser with electronic ignition?

Electronic ignition does away with the need for a traditional condenser and points, so these need to be removed by unscrewing them from the distributor base-plate.

How do you convert points distributor to electronic distributor?

There are two ways you can go about converting from points to electronic ignition – you can install a factory electronic system that replaces the factory points and distributor, or you can install an aftermarket high-performance system with parts and components from various manufacturers.

What is the difference between contact point and electronic ignition system?

Contact points systems were eventually done away with because they wear out over time. Electronics ignition systems do not use contact points, they have transistors, instead that act as an electronic switch that turns the coil primary current on and off.