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    Where can I get my car evaluated?

    Experience complete ease when you sell your old car to Maruti Suzuki True Value. An online evaluation can be booked with ease using the Maruti Suzuki True Value app or website. After you submit your details to ‘Request for Evaluation’, you can either go for a doorstep evaluation or get your car evaluated at the nearest Maruti Suzuki True Value outlet.

    What is the procedure to get my car evaluated?

    You can visit the Maruti Suzuki True Value website or use the app to book an evaluation online to sell your car. What’s more, you can either opt for a doorstep evaluation or get it done at your nearest Maruti Suzuki True Value outlet.

    What all do you check during a pre-owned car evaluation?

    Maruti Suzuki True Value has an exhaustive checklist of 376 quality checkpoints for the digital evaluation of pre-owned cars. The evaluation includes a thorough inspection of the exteriors, interiors, structural damage, and engine for mechanical wear and tear, and more, ensuring you get nothing less than the right way to sell a car.

    Do I need to pay any additional charges or commissions when getting my car evaluated, or selling to Maruti Suzuki True Value?

    No. You do not need to pay any additional charges or commissions when you get your car evaluated or when you sell your car at a Maruti Suzuki True Value outlet.

    How will you ensure that I am getting the right price?

    What makes Maruti Suzuki True Value the good place to sell a preowned car is our transparent pricing process. We utilise an AI-based scientific pricing engine that takes the condition of the car, its year of manufacture, model, colour, etc. into consideration and performs a real-time assessment of prevalent market trends to monitor price fluctuations and returns an accurate estimate for your car’s value. Our digital evaluation process with 376 checkpoints ensures a thorough assessment of the car’s condition as well.

    How will you ensure that the process is hassle-free?

    Once you decide to sell your car to Maruti Suzuki True Value, our professionals evaluate your car as per the defined process and our Ai-based pricing engine provides you with a fair and transparent price, based on the car’s condition and prevalent market trends. Thereafter, we make the payment in full, allowing you to sell your car instantly.

    What happens to my car once I sell it to Maruti Suzuki True Value?

    Once you sell your car to Maruti Suzuki True Value, it undergoes a stringent quality assessment, followed by a refurbishment process, to ensure that it is in top condition. After that, it will be put on sale.

    In how much time will I get my money after selling my car?

    The payment is made at the earliest** and in full once the seller’s, i.e., your bona fides are verified at the RTO.

    Is it necessary to have valid insurance on my car at the time of selling?

    Car Insurance is mandated by law. So, when you sell your car, whether it is an old car you have or a relatively new one, it is always ideal that your car is insured.

    My car is hypothecated to the bank I took the loan from. Can I still sell it?

    If your car is hypothecated to the loan providing bank, you can only sell the car once you have repaid the loan amount in full and received the hypothecation removed.

    Where's the best place to sell a used vehicle?

    Autotrader: Great for getting eyes on your listing..
    CarGurus: Great for a quick offer..
    Facebook Marketplace: Great for selling to a private party..
    eBay Motors: Great for marketing your vehicle to a large audience..
    Carvana: Great for no-hassle selling..
    Ask an expert about selling a car online..

    What used car sells the most?

    No surprises here..

    Is cash the best way to sell a car?

    The best solution is always going to be cash. It is also the most disconcerting because it offers no protection if stolen. However, there are ways to be paid in cash that are safe. Both solutions are inconvenient and require you completing the sales transaction during business hours.

    What is the best mileage to sell a car at?

    30,000 to 60,000 Miles It's a good idea to sell your car before it hits 60,000 miles if you don't want to spend a lot of money on repairs and replacement parts. During this mileage bracket, your car should be about five years old, meaning it'll still command a substantial amount.