Average cost of doctor of physical therapy program

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  1. Physical Therapist Jobs
  2. Physical Therapy Schooling
  3. Physical Therapy Prices
  4. How do I pay for Physical Therapy School?
  5. Find Physical Therapy School Information

Do you excel in science courses such as biology, chemistry, and anatomy? Would you say that you possess professional skills and values of accountability, integrity, compassion, and responsibility? If you can say yes to both of those questions then you are an ideal candidate for the field of physical therapy.

Physical Therapist Jobs #

You will find that most physical therapists would say they have a personally rewarding career where salary is lucrative. Recent stats show the following amounts are the reported percentile earnings in regards to current annual physical therapy salary:

  • 10%- $52,170 ($25.08/hr)
  • 25%- $62,270 ($29.94/hr)
  • 50%-median salary- $74,480 ($35.81)
  • 75%- $87,940 ($42.28/hr)
  • 90%- $105,900 ($50.92/hr)

Physical therapist schools are degree programs heavily focused in sciences and clinically-based courses. They are designed to train you to be part of professional medical team and prepare you to perform the following roles of a physical therapist:

  • Examine patients' medical histories - typical patients are accident victims and/or individuals suffering from disabling conditions, which include but are not limited to: neck and back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, stroke, head injuries, and cerebral palsy
  • Provide specialized services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities to their patients
  • Develop treatment plans describing a treatment strategy, its purpose, and its anticipated outcome
  • Test and measure patients' range of motion, strength, balance, coordination, posture, muscle performance, respiration, and motor function in order to restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health
  • Determine patients' ability to function independently and reintegrate into the community or workplace after injury or illness

Physical Therapy Schooling #

  • Accreditation: The Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy (CAPTE) is the American Physical Therapy Association's (APTA) accrediting body. It gives the seal of approval that accredits entry-level academic programs in physical therapy. CAPTE assures that each program meets specific educational standards.

  • Licensure: All states regulate the practice of physical therapy and eligibility requirements vary by state. Typical physical therapy education requirements include:

  • graduation from an accredited physical therapy education program(bachelor's master's or doctoral degrees)

  • passing the state licensing exam and the national physical therapy examination

  • fulfilling state requirements such as jurisprudence exams

  • Important: several states require continuing education as a condition of maintaining licensure.

Physical Therapy Prices #

The cost of going to school for physical therapy will vary greatly depending, mostly, on which school you choose (i.e. which state the school is located in and also whether it is a public or private college), and if you are paying in-state or out-of-state tuition fees. The following numbers will provide you with an approximate idea of the average costs associated with earning a physical therapy degree.

  • Instate public college cost ranges - $8,000-13,000 annually
  • Out-of-state public college cost ranges - $21,000-$27,000 annually
  • Private colleges - 28,000-42,000 annually
  • $2,000-$5,000 - average cost of books, lab fees and liability insurance often associated with physical therapy school
  • Room and board - $10,000-$15,000

How do I pay for Physical Therapy School? #

Obtaining a degree in physical therapy will provide you with an increased earning potential, but in the mean time, many students face how to pay for the education process. There are several means to arranging how to pay for school:

  • Federally funded government grants and scholarships (https://www.fafsa.gov) – Find information and simple instructions on how to determine your eligibility for low interest student loans and government grants. It is important to note that you are only eligible for federal aid if the program is in an accredited school.
  • Local and national grants and scholarships - Use vigilance searching for grants and scholarships. However, hundreds of businesses and organizations within your community and nationally designate money each year to award to those pursuing higher education.

Find Physical Therapy School Information #

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How much does it cost to get PT?

The national average per session cost of physical therapy can range from $30 - $400. However, with a qualified insurance plan, once your deductible is met, your total out-of-pocket cost typically ranges from $20-$60. If you do not have insurance, you may be paying between $50-$155 out-of-pocket.

How much is USC DPT program?


What PT school has the highest acceptance rate?

What physical therapy school has the highest acceptance rate? University of Iowa. The university of Iowa is on the list of easiest PT schools to get into. They have a very high acceptance rate of 82.55% in 2021, with over 21.000 admitted students out of almost 26.000 applicants.

How much is Rutgers PT school?

Clinical Trials Science - Masters.