37 weeks pregnant sharp pains in left side

It is common to feel uncomfortable towards the end of your pregnancy. By the third trimester you may feel pains, like contractions, called 'Braxton Hicks'. These do not happen at regular intervals. They tend to be short. They are not labour pains and they are not usually very intense. You might feel discomfort rather than pain.

Urgent advice: Contact your midwife, maternity unit or hospital if you have contractions that are:

  • intense and painful
  • less than 10 minutes apart
  • not going away

Braxton Hicks contractions

When to get medical help in your third trimester

Urgent advice: You should contact your GP, maternity unit or hospital if:

  • you have pain passing urine (when you pee) - this could be a sign of a urine infection
  • you have blood in your urine or smelly or cloudy urine - these could be signs of a urine infection
  • you have severe pain, or if your tummy feels tender when you touch it, or you have any bleeding from your vagina - these could be signs of a problem with your placenta
  • the pain is higher up in your stomach or chest, or you have a headache, swelling of your hands, feet and face or blurring of your vision - these are signs of pre-eclampsia
  • you notice any change in your baby’s movements
  • you are less than 37 weeks pregnant and feel a gush of fluid - this could be a sign that your waters have broken prematurely (preterm rupture of membranes)
  • you are less than 37 weeks pregnant and getting regular contractions that are not going away or are getting stronger - this could be a sign of premature labour

Urgent advice: Contact your midwife, maternity unit or hospital if you are more than 37 weeks pregnant and:

  • you think you are in labour
  • your contractions are 5 minutes apart and getting stronger

If you live a long distance from the hospital, you may be asked to come in before this.

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.

Page last reviewed: 20 May 2019
Next review due: 20 May 2022

Though abdominal pain during pregnancy is not uncommon and can be caused by things minor or serious. Experts say it should never be ignored—especially if its pain that won't go away.

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Abdominal pain happens

Mild abdominal pain during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, is not unusual. According to Wendy C. Goodall McDonald, MD, an OB/GYN in Chicago, IL. It is often a mere side effect from the uterus growing to accommodate the expanding size of the baby. However, she points out that this pain should be mild. If it’s severe or if it’s accompanied by bleeding of any sort, it’s best to call your health care provider immediately to rule out a more serious condition such as miscarriage. Miscarriage can be common early in pregnancy, and it’s not caused by stress, exercise, or having taken hormonal birth control. Don’t believe these 8 myths of miscarriage.

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Miscarriage can occur in as many as one in four pregnancies in the United States. The majority happen in the first trimester as the result of a genetic abnormality—according to Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN and Women’s Health Expert at Providence Saint John’s Health in Santa Monica, California—with over 85 percent happening by the eighth week of pregnancy. Symptoms include mild or heavy spotting (vaginal bleeding), severe abdominal cramping, and mild-to-severe back pain.

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Round ligament pain

As your uterus grows during pregnancy, there are two ligaments that support and stretch to accommodate the uterus’s expanding size. Vague lower abdominal pain during pregnancy, especially with movement, happens as the weeks and months progress, explains Dr. Ross. “The pain is often described as dull or sharp in the lower abdominal area, hips, and groin and worsens when getting out of bed in the morning, coughing, and sneezing,” she says. “It’s completely normal and expected during pregnancy, especially during the second trimester.” It’s these ligaments and your body’s build and muscle tone that determine the shape of your belly—and, no, carrying high or wide does not indicate a boy or girl. You can safely ignore ALL these pregnancy myths.

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Ectopic pregnancy

A far more serious cause of abdominal pain during pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy—where the fertilized egg is growing outside of the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. “If you are confirmed to be pregnant based on a pregnancy test, but you haven’t had an ultrasound yet that confirms your pregnancy is growing in the right place, abdominal pain may be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy,” says Anate Brauer, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist at the Greenwich Fertility and IVF Centers and assistant professor of OB/GYN at NYU School of Medicine. “Having an ultrasound confirming a pregnancy is growing in the uterus is the best way to rule out this diagnosis.”

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Fetal movement

Fetal movement can sometimes cause sharp or dull pain that lasts seconds or even hours. “This pain can be present in the pelvis, any part of the abdomen, or under the ribs,” says Dr. McDonald. “Evaluation of persistent pain under the ribs is especially important to rule out preterm labor, gallstones (inflammation of the gallbladder), or preeclampsia, which can cause liver swelling and can be painful.” She recommends that you discuss any severe pain with a healthcare provider. These are the preeclampsia signs every pregnant woman will want to know.

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Braxton Hicks contractions

Named after the doctor who first described them, John Braxton Hicks, these perfectly normal and harmless “rehearsal” contractions often occur as early as the second trimester. “Unless you have a history of preterm labor or other high-risk factors where your doctor needs to know about any contractions, Braxton-Hicks contractions are normal and nothing to worry about, unless they are exceptionally painful or occur more than occasionally,” says Rebecca Levy-Gantt, MD, OB/GYN, Premier ObGyn Napa Inc. Discover more birthing truths no one tells you.

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Preterm labor

In approximately 10 percent of pregnancies, real labor contractions begin before 37 weeks—a sign of preterm labor. “Symptoms include frequent and regular uterine contractions, lower-abdominal and back pain, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, and breaking your water,” says Dr. Ross. “Hydration and medications to relax the uterus can be helpful in preventing and treating any of these symptoms occurring prior to 37 weeks.” If any of the symptoms persist, you should contact your healthcare provider.

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Actual labor

Sometimes abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a sign of labor—you might also feel like you’re having menstrual cramps that get stronger and longer. “If a pregnant person is beyond 37 weeks pregnant, there’s nothing to worry about; this may be a sign of labor,” says Dr. Levy-Gantt. “If you’re under 37 weeks and you have the cramps more than four times in an hour, these contraction-type pains should be evaluated.” Read about these surprising reasons you’re not getting pregnant.

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Constipation is certainly not an uncommon complaint among pregnant women. “Fluctuating hormones, a diet that’s short on fluids or fiber, lack of exercise, iron pills, or general anxiety can all lead to constipation,” says Dr. Ross. “The pain may even be fairly severe, often described as sharp cramping or stabbing pain.” If you’re suffering from constipation during pregnancy, she recommends you drink plenty of water—eight to ten glasses a day—stay physically active, up your dietary fiber, and consider stool softeners and bulk-forming supplements such as Metamucil and MiraLAX. “It’s always best to discuss any painful bowel changes with your healthcare provider,” she adds. Discover 12 additional things that can cause constipation.

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Jarva Jar/Shutterstock

Gas pain

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can also stem from gastrointestinal issues. Gas or diarrhea can often be relieved through dietary changes or some good nutritional advice, explains Dr. Levy-Gantt. “Any abdominal pains that do not go away or are associated with fever, bloody stools, watery diarrhea, or vomiting should be addressed by a healthcare provider, because they can be signs of food poisoning, gastritis, diverticulitis, or another problem with the GI system that could affect the pregnancy,” she says. Don’t overlook these unexpected reasons why you’re so gassy.

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Although pregnancy won’t cause this condition, an infection in the appendix can still happen to pregnant women. If you have severe pain in the right lower abdomen and you’re nauseated or vomiting, get to a doctor immediately, explains Dr. Rebecca Levy-Gantt. Appendicitis occurs in approximately 1 in 600 to 1,000 pregnancies. It generally requires surgery. Whatever you do, don’t ignore these serious symptoms of appendicitis. If it is not treated, your appendix can rupture, which can be life-threatening for you and your baby.

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Ovarian cyst

Severe pain on either side of your lower abdomen may indicate that you have a ruptured or twisted ovarian cyst, according to Dr. Levy-Gantt. “It’s less common during pregnancy than in non-pregnant women, but it can happen, so any severe pain that is getting worse on the right or left side, low in the abdomen, should also be evaluated in an emergent setting,” she says.

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Kidney stones or kidney infection

Sometimes urinary tract infections develop silently during pregnancy, and then spread to your kidneys, causing back or side pain. Kidney stones can also trigger similar pain: “A kidney stone that is traveling down the ureters [tubes that connect the kidney to the bladder] may hurt in the back or on the right or left sides and be accompanied by fever and chills,” says Dr. McDonald. “Kidney infections can be dangerous to mom and baby and should be treated immediately, often with IV antibiotics.” Be in the know about these kidney stone warning signs.

Originally Published: March 08, 2019

What does sharp pain on left side mean when pregnant?

Round ligament pain is a sharp pain or jabbing feeling often felt in the lower belly or groin area on one or both sides. It is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy and is considered a normal part of pregnancy. It is most often felt during the second trimester.

Is sharp pain normal at 37 weeks pregnant?

As the cervix stretches and fits around the baby's head you will experience some sharp pains - this is normal. Some of these pains can be quite sharp or even feel strong however they do not mean that labour is about to start – they are known as Braxton Hicks contractions.

Can contractions start one side?

You may also have localized contractions that cause a bulging on only one side of the uterus. This type of contraction does not cause equal pressure within the uterus and does not cause your cervix to change. If you feel uterine tightening, try to determine how often it is coming and how long it lasts.

When should I worry about left side pain in pregnancy?

There are different causes for mild achiness or pain in the abdomen during the different stages of pregnancy. Some women have low, period-like pain or cramps early in pregnancy. But if pain is severe or felt on one side, call your health care provider right away.


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