Day 21 of cycle symptoms if pregnant

In this new blog series we’ll be taking you week-by-week through each stage of pregnancy, from conception to birth.

Read below for the first instalment on becoming pregnant:

Getting Pregnant

The first day of your period will be the date that everything began!

The average menstrual cycle below may help to explain the timeline from your last period to your positive pregnancy test, but not everyone has a 28-day cycle:

Day 1:             Firstday of your period

Day 7 – 15:     Intercourse

Day 14:           Ovulation

Day 14-15:      Fertilisation

Day 21:           Implantation (with possible bleeding)

Day 28:           Period due, positive pregnancy test, and 4 weeks pregnant

You can see from the above that if you have a delayed ovulation by even a few days it will delay everything, including your period. Ovulation itself can be delayed by many things; illness, stress, anxiety, so a late period may just be down to that.

To confuse things further, sperm can last for up to seven days in the womb, easily waiting up to a week in your fallopian tube for the egg. So the day that you had sex may not be the date you conceived; it’s all to do with when your body released your egg, and the egg will usually only live for 24-36 hours.

How & When to Track Your Cycle

Using ovulation sticks or cervical mucus will help you to pinpoint when you may be due to ovulate and therefore when are the best times to have sex. You’re usually advised to start tracking ovulation around 7 – 10 days following the first day of your period.


With what we know about sperm and their journey; it’s the best swimmers that reach the egg, and of those elite few only one will make it through the egg to fertilise it.

It therefore stands to reason that you don’t want to give any advantage to those sperm that aren’t in that elite bracket.

For many couples who are trying to conceive, the notion that they need to help sperm on their way by lying flat after sex can be overwhelming. However, there are infertility specialists who theorise that avoiding any assistance to the sperm (so standing soon after sex) will only allow the healthiest of sperm to fertilise the egg.

The Journey – 1 second pregnant!

Once your egg has been fertilised it then has to travel through your fallopian tube, into your womb, and burrow into the lining of your womb, or ‘implant’, and this stage usually takes around seven days from fertilisation. 

The rule of thumb is that ovulation occurs around two weeks after the first day of your last period, and fertilisation around 24-36 hours after ovulation. As with everything in nature, very few of us follow the textbooks and some of us may well release our egg days before or after day 14.

How Do I Know If I'm Pregnant - The 2 Week Wait

For most couples this is a combination of the most exciting time and the most worrying. Every possible symptom is analysed, but here is a list of the most common:

  • Inordinate tiredness
  • Possible implantation bleeding (a few days before your period would be due and extremely light). We’ve discussed how to tell the difference between implantation and a light period in an article for Mother & Baby. 
  • Feeling ‘full’
  • Tingling or sore breasts
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Pica (desire for strange tastes and foods)

When to Test

Most home pregnancy tests are extremely sensitive and can be used up to four days before your period is due.

If you have a negative test, keep testing every few days until you either have a positive test or your period arrives.

If you’ve had a positive test, congratulations! You can now make arrangements to book an appointment with your midwife

What's Next?

4 - 8 weeks of pregnancy is the next instalment in this blogs series.

If you’re thinking about pregnancy, you’ve probably come across the term implantation in your Googling. You may have heard folks mention implantation cramping or implantation bleeding, but maybe you haven’t felt anything yet. Early pregnancy can be really confusing, especially when may not even know for sure whether you’re pregnant yet or not. So what is implantation and when does it take place? Here’s everything you need to know about implantation.

What is implantation?

Though you won’t really know you’re pregnant until you see those two pink lines, your body has been hard at work from the moment conception occurred. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and it all starts with implantation.

“Implantation is the beginning of the development of the placenta and embryo as the fertilized egg burrows into the thickened lining of the uterus to establish a blood supply to both,” explains Dr. Kim Langdon, OBGYN.

Although the egg may have been fertilized over a week before, it’s only after implantation that your body starts producing hCG—human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as the hormone that’s picked up by pregnancy tests.

When does implantation occur?

Sperm meets egg, and 40 weeks later, boom—it’s baby time! Sounds simple, right? Let’s back things up a bit, Biology 101 diagram-style.

Your ovary will release an egg into your fallopian tube, and ideally, sperm will be waiting in your fallopian tube. If fertilization is successful (yay!), the egg will begin to divide and travel down your tube toward your uterus. This process usually takes about a week; after that, implantation happens.

“[Implantation] usually occurs about 5 days after fertilization,” explains Dr. Langdon, but of course, every body is different. On average, implantation occurs about 8-10 days after ovulation, but it can happen as early as six and as late as 12. This means that for some women, implantation can occur around cycle day 20, while for others, it can be as late as day 26. This is part of the reason why counting your pregnancy weeks can be confusing.

How long does implantation last?

Although most pregnancies are 40 weeks, the process of implantation represents only a fraction of that time. Implantation typically lasts only a few days.

Once it’s complete and the fertilized egg—now called an embryo—is burrowed snugly inside your uterine wall, it will begin to produce hCG. Your body’s progesterone levels will also begin to rise, nourishing your uterine lining and preventing your period from beginning.

When to take a pregnancy test

Congratulations are in order, because now you’re officially pregnant! But don’t start peeing on a stick quite yet.

At the very earliest, the most sensitive of pregnancy tests will begin to show a positive result around 10 days past ovulation. Remember—ovulation, fertilization and implantation all work together in a perfect storm to result in a viable pregnancy. Each process has its own timeline, and each timeline differs for every body, so what’s the norm for one pregnant person may be different for another.

Even after an embryo successfully implants and begins producing hCG, it still takes a few days for the hormone to build to a high enough level to be detected by a pregnancy test.

Bottom line: save yourself time and money (not to mention nerves!) and do your best to wait until the first day of your missed period to take a home pregnancy test in order to get an accurate reading.

Your Pregnancy, Week by Week

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What does implantation feel like?

There are a lot of misconceptions around whether or not someone can actually feel implantation, so let’s set the record straight.

For most people, implantation feels like nothing and some report feeling a few symptoms. “[Implantation] can lead to cramping, spotting and abdominal pain,” Dr. Langdon tells us, but some people may not notice any symptoms of implantation at all. Do you best to stay cool, calm and collected during that two-week wait—just because you’re not feeling any implantation symptoms doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Implantation symptoms

Since there’s no real correlation between when implantation happens and actual implantation symptoms, it’s best to think instead about implantation symptoms and how they relate to early pregnancy.

The most common implantation symptoms of early pregnancy include:

  • Implantation cramps. Some people may notice some minor cramping right around the time implantation is taking place. Though there’s no way to know for sure what’s actually going on, what we do know is that this cramping is due to the rise in progesterone that occurs during the second half of your cycle, whether you’re pregnant or not.
  • Implantation bleeding. “Implantation bleeding is thought to be light bleeding that occurs about 10 days after ovulation,” says Washington, D.C.-based OBGYN Dr. Cordelia Nwankwo. This type of bleeding isn’t heavy enough to even fill a panty liner, stops on its own and doesn’t require treatment. It’s experienced by about a third of all pregnant women, though keep in mind that “there are no studies that actually confirm early bleeding as being caused by implantation,” says Nwankwo.
  • Nausea. Often some of the first tip-offs that something might be up, nausea and vomiting are popular—and unpleasant—symptoms in early pregnancy. You may also start noticing changes in your appetite or that you’re suddenly getting grossed out by foods you previously loved.
  • Tender breasts. As your hormones change, you may start to notice your breasts starting to swell and feeling a lot more sensitive than usual. This also happens to many people before they start their period.
  • Constipation and bloating. Things feeling like they’re starting to slow down? You can thank those pregnancy hormones yet again for constipation, a common early pregnancy symptom. You may also notice you’re looking extra bloated during this time, again, due to hormones.
  • Fatigue. Growing a baby is hard work! If you’re feeling more tired than usual, that’s often a symptom experienced around the time of implantation, caused by a rise in progesterone and increased blood volume.
  • Headaches. Another side effect of your increased blood volume during pregnancy, headaches are a common implantation symptom.
  • Mood swings. Notice yourself getting extra bothered by even the smallest of things? Mood swings are a common symptoms during early pregnancy. Blame it on those hormones.

While implantation can be a bit of a mystery, a positive pregnancy test is the only way to be sure that you’re pregnant. We know it’s hard, but waiting few days until after the day of your missed period to take it will give you a much more accurate result.


  • University of Michigan Health: How Pregnancy (Conception) Occurs: //
  • Dr. Kim Langdon, OBGYN: //
  • Dr. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, OBGYN: How early can home pregnancy tests show positive results?: //
  • US Food & Drug Administration (FDA): Pregnancy: //
  • Mayo Clinic: Symptoms of Early Pregnancy: What happens first: //
  • Dr. Cordelia Nwankwo, OBGYN: //
  • Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press): Vaginal bleeding in very early pregnancy: //

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What happens on 21st day of cycle if pregnant?

Day 21 is about the time that a fertilized egg will implant in the wall of the uterus (for most women who have 28 day cycles, this is 1 week before they expect their next period)

What cycle day do pregnancy symptoms start?

Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week or two after conception, while others will start to feel symptoms closer to four or five weeks after conception. Some women may not feel symptoms until their period is noticeably late, or even farther into pregnancy.

How soon can you feel symptoms of pregnancy after ovulation?

Some women may start experiencing mild symptoms as early as 4 days after ovulation but you will most likely need to wait a few weeks. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy include: Lower abdominal cramps. The early days of pregnancy can include cramping or cramping.

Can I test at cycle day 21?

How early can you take a pregnancy test? Some home pregnancy tests are sensitive enough to detect pregnancy hormones up to six days before a missed period. That means if you have a 28-day menstrual cycle, you can test around days 22–23, which is 8–9 days past ovulation if you're pregnant (FDA, 2018).


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