100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

A Transformative Learning Experience—Online and in Real Time

Learn software development and transform your career with Fullstack Academy live online coding bootcamps.

In 17-28 weeks, you’ll gain the skills and experience you need to get hired as a web developer. Our bootcamps offer industry-experienced instructors, professional career coaching services, in-depth projects, and more–all within an immersive virtual classroom experience.

We’re Bringing Our Flagship Online Coding Bootcamp to You

With our custom video conferencing platform and immersive digital tools, you’ll get the instructor-facilitated experience of traditional education alongside the flexibility of online learning.

Watch Live Instruction

Learn coding concepts from our awesome instructors in a fun and engaging session. Stream the sessions live, and then access the replays anytime.

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

Solve Coding Challenges

At Fullstack Academy, we believe the best way to learn is by doing, so you’ll spend the majority of class time actually coding–whether you’re troubleshooting, solving problems, or creating independently and as part of a team.

Get Real-Time Support

Contact your Instructors or Mentors if you get stuck and receive real-time support to help you formulate a solution.

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

Review Your Code

Once you’ve solved each coding challenge, you’ll watch a video to see how your instructor would have done it.

The Fullstack Academy Experience

Top-Rated Coding Bootcamp

Fullstack Academy is a highly rated coding school in the US, and our student reviews reflect that.

Professional Results

Get hired with the support of built-in, professional career coaching designed to optimize your interpersonal skills and build the ideal tech career for you.

Industry Experienced Instructors

Learn from passionate programmers with tech industry experience. From large open-source libraries to quantum computer simulators, they’ve programmed it all.

In-Demand Curriculum

Graduate job-ready with a rigorous curriculum built by working tech professionals and industry experts.

Real World Coding Tools

Use popular developer tools like Git, Github, Bash, VS Code, and Chrome Dev Tools.

Culture of Collaboration

Work with others to improve your code and learn how to present it at the same time.

How it Works

The Full-Time Web Development Bootcamp is intended for beginner coders, while intermediate coders may qualify for the Part-Time Software Engineering Immersive or the Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive.

All Fullstack Academy Coding Bootcamps are divided into 3 phases. The first phase, Foundations, varies in both content and duration between the bootcamp offerings.

Upcoming Dates

Build a Portfolio of Apps

By the time you graduate from a Fullstack Academy online web development bootcamp, you’ll have 3 projects in your coding portfolio: a group e-commerce website, a personal hackathon project, and your final team capstone project. All your code will be housed on Github and built out with real-world libraries and methodologies–demonstrating your technical, practical, and creative skills to future employers.

Check out some of our past coding student capstone projects.

Pair Programming

Throughout bootcamp, you’ll program alongside a partner. Together, you’ll assume defined roles to solve programming challenges and double-check each other’s work.

Some things are better when they are shared

Employers love to see ample pair programming experience on your resume because it demonstrates practical knowledge as well as creative problem-solving skills. Plus, pair programming helps you get a feel for real-world remote work environments while building lasting, meaningful professional relationships.

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

Prepare for a Career in Coding

Upon graduation and for a full year beyond, you’ll opt into Career Success to receive the guidance and tools you’ll need to power your job search and land the ideal web developer role for you.

Portfolio of Apps

The projects and prototypes you build throughout bootcamp come together to form a comprehensive web developer portfolio.

LinkedIn Profile

We’ll help you write and optimize a profile to jumpstart the networking process and demo your web applications for employer visibility.

Github Profile

Tech employers across the board want to see a strong Github profile—and that is exactly what you will have by the end of the program.


You’ll work with our Career Success team to craft an elegant resume that shows off your skills as a full stack web developer.

Our career coaches will also help you prepare for standard and technical interviews with group sessions, events, presentations, and more!

Fullstack Academy Grads Get Hired By Industry Leaders


With an in-depth curriculum spanning computer science fundamentals to front-end and back-end web development, Fullstack Academy coding bootcamps are best for motivated students who are passionate about tech.

All our coding programs are designed to engage and challenge students throughout their coding journey in standard, accelerated Fullstack Academy fashion. That’s why we’ve developed a thoughtful, comprehensive application process to ensure prospective students are a good fit for the program–and vice-versa!

Here’s what we look for in prospective students.

100 days of code: the complete web development bootcamp 2023

What Are We Looking For?

Passion for Coding

You’ve demonstrated your passion and are determined to become a developer.

Culture Add

We look for students who are considerate, collaborative, and driven.

Growth Mindset

No matter where your interests take you, you’re always continuing to learn and grow along the way.



  • No matter where you are in your coding journey, you can hone the skills, knowledge, and practical experience of a professional web developer with Fullstack Academy. As a trusted trailblazer in tech education, we’ve helped over 5,500 students graduate job-ready with the skills, drive, and portfolio to build lasting, thriving careers in tech.

  • There are a great number of online resources available and we encourage you to try them. Particularly for beginners, tools like Codecademy, Code School, and Team Treehouse can help you learn and practice in-demand coding concepts.

    At Fullstack Academy, learning and practicing coding concepts are only part of the equation. Our bootcamps are built around ensuring students have everything they need to build a thriving career–all within an accelerated, supportive, and career-focused environment for learning.

    Learn more about the Fullstack Academy difference.

  • We love Ruby on Rails and Python/Django. However, the web industry waits for no developer or technology.

    The future of web development has moved toward sophisticated, responsive, and dynamic “single page” applications running in the browser. Apps like Gmail, Asana, Trello, Facebook, and Google Maps have redefined what users expect from “web applications” and what developers need to deliver.

    After observing these trends, plus conducting lots of research and conversations with industry experts, we’ve come to the conclusion that full stack JavaScript is the future of web development. Consequently, it is what we primarily immerse our students in at Fullstack Academy.

  • When we first discovered Rails in 2005, developers were coming from an age where PHP back-end sites were getting increasingly complex and were becoming difficult to manage and scale. Rails excelled in this world, where the goal was still to develop HTML/CSS-centric web interfaces with heavy back-ends. Rails consolidated many best practices in back-end web development and made it easier for developers to build large sites in an organized way.

    A lot has changed since 2005, however. Companies today want to give users highly interactive and responsive experiences that don’t require a page refresh at every step. As a result, the web is dominated by “single page” applications or SPAs written in JavaScript using frameworks like React or Ember.js–making JavaScript one of the best programming languages to learn. Increasingly, the role of Rails has shifted to serve as an API layer to the back-end of web applications.

    JavaScript also offers professional advantages over other languages. Fullstack Academy graduates are well-rounded coders with both a thorough understanding of the full stack and programming concepts in general. We’ve learned through years of tech education that students may more easily understand and master other coding languages once they’ve learned full stack JavaScript. This gives them a more in-demand skill set that separates them from the competition and widens the range of coding job types they’re qualified for.

  • We recommend applying at least two weeks prior to your desired cohort start date - the earlier the better. This will allow you time to take the no-risk admissions assessment, receive your admissions decision, and complete your enrollment materials.

  • All our coding bootcamps are thorough, comprehensive, immersive, and rigorous. We’re backed by multi-year experience in online tech training to deliver consistent, in-demand coding curricula and digital learning tools in a remote environment.

    Learn more about online learning with Fullstack Academy.

  • Most importantly, you’ll need to bring an open, well-rested, and hungry mind ready for learning. For tech specifications and requirements, click here.

  • We're happy to answer any other questions you might have about Fullstack Academy. Email us at and we’ll get back to you with the details you need.

Is Angela Yu course worth it?

Yes, Angela Yu's Web Development Udemy course is worth it. It has comprehensive learning material for beginners who want to learn the ins and outs of web development. This online course will give you the essential skills to become a full-stack web developer.

Is Angela Yu outdated?

The course is extremely outdated. Outdated as in created in 2018, making it 4 years old.

How long does it take to finish the web developer bootcamp?

Web development bootcamps typically take about 3-4 months to complete and teach HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Full-stack bootcamps may also teach SQL, Python, or other back-end coding languages. Coding bootcamps typically also cost less than a four-year degree program, but there is little financial aid available.

How long is Angela Yu web development?

Course Highlights.