Why didnt itachi take his fathers eyes

Fugaku Uchiha was a fictional character in the beloved manga and its anime adaptation, the Naruto series, written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. Fugaku was the father of two fan-favorite characters in the series, Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. Even though he was presented as an overbearing father in the series who solely focused on his and his clan’s status in the village, fans came to realize he had a certain depth to his character. He was not actually the cold-hearted person that he showcased to the world.

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this article will contain detailed information revolving around Fugaku Uchiha and his role in the series. Proceed with caution as this article will contain spoilers.

The Uchiha clan's head, Fugaku, felt deeply responsible for the welfare and interests of his clan. He frequently prioritized the needs of his clan mates before his own. He was a powerful and skillful shinobi who possessed the Will of Fire. He was a kind and patient man who wished to keep the peace in the village.

Although it seemed like he was planning to jeopardize the village at some points, it turned out to be the opposite. He always had the welfare of the village at heart, but he had to fulfill the wishes of his fellow clan mates.

Fugaku died at the hands of his elder son, Itachi Uchiha, in the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Even though he was perfectly capable of engaging in a battle with his son and maybe could have won with ease, he simply chose not to fight as he did not want to engage in a death match with his own son.

In their last moments, he told Itachi that even though their views did not match, he was still proud of him, and they asked Itachi to promise he would take care of his younger brother, Sasuke, before killing them.

All About Fugaku Uchiha

Name Fugaku Uchiha
Alias Wicked Eye Fugaku
First Appearance in Anime Naruto Episode 84
Japanese Voice Actor Dai Matsumoto (Episode 84)

Kanji Hamada (Episode 129+)
English Voice Actor Wally Wingert (Episode 84)

Doug Stone (Episode 129+)
Birthdate August 16
Sex Male
Status Deceased
Affiliation Hidden Leaf Village
Team Konoha Military Police Force
Clan Uchiha Clan

Fugaku Uchiha’s Background

Fugaku was a shinobi of the Uchiha Clan of the Village Hidden by Leaves. He was also the leader of the Uchiha clan and captain of the Hidden Leaf Military Police Force. Fugaku was a world-renowned shinobi and during the Third Great Ninja War, he was feared across the shinobi world.

With the fearsome display of his abilities, he had gained the nickname, Wicked Eye Fugaku. At some point in the war, Fugaku took his young boy, Itachi, who was just four years old at the time, to the battlefield. Fugaku wanted to familiarize his young offspring with the horror of war. He wanted to show Itachi what awaits him as a shinobi and introduce him to the cruel life of a shinobi.

In the Third Great Ninja War, a dear friend of Fugaku died in battle, which caused Fugaku great pain and supposedly became the reason behind the awakening of his MangekyoSharingan. As he did not want to misuse this newly acquired ability of his, he kept this a secret.

After the Third Great Ninja War had ended, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, decided to shoulder all the responsibility for the war and stepped down from his post as the Hokage. During the funeral in memory of the lost souls in the war, Fugaku was informed by one of his fellow clan mates that Fugaku was being considered a potential candidate for the position of Fourth Hokage.

The clan members also asked him about how should they deal with Kakashi Hatake, who was not an Uchiha but had a Sharingan. Fugaku stated that that eye was a gift from ObitoUchiha who fought bravely in the war and they should respect his wishes.

When his wife, Mikoto Uchiha, gave birth to their second son, with Hiruzen’s blessing, Fugaku named him Sasuke, after the Third Hokage’s father, Sasuke Sarutobi. Fugaku hoped that his son would become strong and kind just like Sasuke Sarutobi.

The relations between the Uchiha clan and the village were deteriorating. The clan believed that they were being treated unfairly and differently. When Minato Namikaze was appointed as the Fourth Hokage, the clan members were not happy about that decision. Uchiha clan members believed that the higher-ups did not appoint Fugaku as Hokage as they did not want to put a member of the Uchiha clan in a position of power.

When the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox attacked the Hidden Leaf Village out of thin air, except Hiruzen, the higher-ups of the Hidden Leaf suspected the Uchiha clan to have orchestrated the attack and kept them on the sidelines under the orders of Danzo Shimura. They were given the task to conduct a safe evacuation of the citizens of the village instead of getting to fight on the battlefield, fearing that they may use their Sharingan to control the chakra beast. After the attack, the village was left in shambles.

Danzo used this opportunity to relocate the Uchiha Clan farther away from the village. This worked as fuel to the ongoing rift between the clan and the village. Uchiha clan was also put under 24x7 surveillance in secret, which the clan knew about. Uchiha clan also had become a community to be hated as they were the enforcers of law in the village. Dissatisfied with their status in the village, the Uchiha clan started planning a coup d'état to overthrow the current hierarchy and bring the Uchiha clan into power.

Fugaku recognized that his elder son, Itachi, was very perceptive and a prodigy. One time, he took young Itachi to teach him about the Uchiha clan’s signature jutsu, the Great Fireball Jutsu. To his surprise, Itachi grasped the jutsu just by looking at Fugaku perform him once and performed a massive Great Fireball Jutsu, which was on par with the Fireball Jutsu was skilled shinobi was the clan.

Witnessing his talent, Fugaku focused his attention on Itachi’s progress as he saw him as his successor, the future leader of the Uchiha clan. His undivided on Itachi negatively affected his younger son, Sasuke, as he felt that Fugaku just cared about Itachi and had to live under his shadow.

When Itachi became the youngest member of the Anbu Black Ops in its history, Fugaku was proud of his son’s achievement. Itachi was assigned to Team Ro, directly under the command of the Hokage of the village.

Keeping the clan’s interest in mind, he appointed Itachi as a spy and stated that Itachi was the Uchiha clan’s pipeline in the hierarchy of the village. Little did he know that Itachi was in fact, working as a double agent and was spying on the clan for the village.

After the death of Shisui Uchiha, Itachi was accused of murdering Shisui. Itachi got pissed off and attacked the accusers, and revealed how he had lost hope in the clan. After witnessing Itachi’s outburst, they had a falling out, and Fugaku shifted his attention to Sasuke instead.

Just like he did with Itachi, he took Sasuke to teach him about the clan’s fire style technique but was somewhat disappointed when Sasuke could not match the skill set of his elder brother. After working hard for an entire week, Sasuke learned the technique and got his father’s affection. Fugaku advised Sasuke not to follow in the footsteps of his elder brother.

Following one of their clan gatherings about the coup d'état, Fugaku brought Itachi to the Naka Shrine. He then displayed the Uchiha Clan Stone Tablet there, which has been handed down through the Uchiha Clan's generations. He stated that the tablet contained clues to a better world, but that reading them required an advanced Sharingan.

He then revealed his Mangekyo Sharingan to his son. He emphasized his wish to terminate this conflict without any bloodshed or death of any kind, knowing that his son was a pacifist. According to the anime, Fugaku believed that if the clan knew about his Mangekyo Sharingan, they might have compelled him to assault the village and take the Nine-Tailed Fox from its Jinchuriki, Naruto Uzumaki.

During the Uchiha Clan Massacre, also known as the Uchiha Clan Downfall, Fugaku figured out that Itachi was behind the attack. Fugaku approached his son with a shadowclone to know his reasoning for betraying his clan. When Itachi reached home to confront his father, Fugaku and Mikoto did not resist.

Fugaku stated that he did not want to engage in a death match against his own son and respected the path he had chosen. In their final moments, they told Itachi that even though their views differed, they were still proud of him and that he was indeed a kind child. They asked him to promise he would take care of his younger brother before killing them. Fugaku was later found dead, his corpse laying on top of Mikoto.

Fugaku Uchiha’s Personality

Fugaku Uchiha is a very complicated character with a complex personality. As the leader of the Uchiha Clan and Captain of the Hidden Leaf Military Police Force, he was a stern leader. Even though he was strict at times, he was also fair. In his early appearance in the anime, he appeared to be a cold-hearted man. He would often neglect his children and focus on the well-being of the Uchiha clan.

Due to his distant nature, he appeared to be an uncaring man to Sasuke. Meanwhile, he played served as a perfect father figure to the rest of the clan. In the anime, Mikoto once stated that when they were alone, Fugaku would often talk about how proud he was of his children, suggesting that he cared deeply about his children.

In his lifespan, Fugaku was unattentive, strict, and often neglected both his children, Itachi and Sasuke. Acknowledging the skillset Itachi possessed, Fugaku would often look after Itachi’s progress and training. He monitored Itachi’s progress because he considered him to be his successor who would lead the Uchiha clan in the future.

After his fallout with Itachi, he shifted his attention to his younger son, Sasuke. He even warned Sasuke to not follow in the footsteps of his elder brother. Because he cherished both of his kids so much, he gave Itachi the benefit of the doubt when he slaughtered their clan. When he realized that Itachi was behind the massacre of the Uchiha clan, instead of going against him, he approached Itachi with his shadow clone to understand the reasoning behind such violent path he had chosen.

He and his wife gladly let Itachi to execute them in exchange for ensuring Sasuke's future and just requested Itachi to look after his youngest child after realizing that they were acting to protect Sasuke's life rather than resisting death because they did not want to harm their eldest son.

Itachi may have been the first Uchiha Hokage, and Fugaku expressed regret for the direction Itachi's life had taken, condemning himself for the suffering Itachi had to experience and bitterly acknowledging that by making Itachi carry out the Uchiha Clan's purpose, he had stolen his son's future from him.

Much of the Will of Fire was passed down to Fugaku in the anime. He was also far wiser and more patient than his clan, really wishing to keep Hidden Leaf Village peaceful, and he overruled the Uchiha Clan's objections to the move in order to gradually alleviate Hidden Leaf higher-ups’ skepticism of them.

Even though Kakashi is not of Uchiha bloodline, he even went so far as to tell his fellow clan members to leave Kakashi alone after Kakashi had recently received a Sharingan implant from Obito out of respect for Obito's "dying" decision. Additionally, he requested that Hiruzen name his second son after Hiruzen’s father, Sasuke Sarutobi.

Fugaku soon gave in to his clan's thirst for revolution, though, as they grew angrier and restless towards the higher-ups of the village. However, he emphasized his regret for causing the deaths of civilians and hoped to put an end to it as soon as possible. In order to prevent his clan from turning to unethical measures to gain more power, he even made the decision to keep his Mangekyo Sharingan a secret from them.

He believed that if he let the clan members know that he possessed the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan, they would force him to extract the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox from the young Jinchuriki, Naruto Uzumaki and attack the village. To prevent this outcome, he never told anyone that he possessed the legendary Dojutsu except his son, Itachi.

Fugaku Uchiha’s Appearance

Fugaku had dark eyes and short brown hair that extended to his shoulders. When he wore a serious expression, the creases beneath his eyes became more noticeable. When not on duty, he wore a straightforward kimono with grey slacks that featured the clan's emblem on the back.

He wore a black shirt with the Hidden Leaf Military Police Force symbol on the shoulders, shin guards, and a black, open-front apron with white diamonds on the bottom while on duty. He also wore the usual flak jacket, a symbol of his Join status.

Fugaku Uchiha’s Abilities

A prodigy of his time, Fugaku was one of the most powerful shinobi. Shinobi from enemy nations used to shudder at the mention of his name on the battlefield during the Third Great Shinobi War. The Great Five Nations feared him and referred to him as Wicked Eye Fugaku. His shinobi prowess and power were on par with Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash of the Leaf. He was even seen as a strong contender for the Fourth Hokage post.

Fugaku, an Uchiha, had a potent chakra and an affinity for Fire Release. He was one of the select few Uchiha clan members that were capable of using the clan's hallmark jutsu, Great Fireball Jutsu, at extremely high levels.

In the anime, Fugaku was the wielder of both Sharingan and the Mangekyo Sharingan. Although very little is known about the capabilities of his Mangekyo Sharingan, he was confident he could control the Nine-Tailed Fox with it.

Fugaku Uchiha in Other Media

Fugaku plays a significant role in the Naruto series' novels and video games, in addition to the manga and anime adaptations. With the publication of Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light, Fugaku makes his literary debut in the novel category. With Naruto: The Broken Bond, Fugaku Uchiha made his video game debut.

Fugaku Uchiha Quotes

  1. To Itachi - Do not fear. This is the path you have chosen. Compared to you, our pain will be over in an instant. Even though our philosophies may differ, I am still proud of you. You truly are a kind child.
  2. To Itachi - Itachi, just promise me that you will take care of Sasuke.
  3. To Sasuke - I will say one thing… From now on walk your own path, not in the footsteps of your brother.

FAQs about Fugaku Uchiha

Q. Was Fugaku Uchiha evil?

A. No, Fugaku Uchiha was not evil. He was a kind man with a great feeling of responsibility for his clan's interests and well-being. He always wanted to preserve peace in the village. He desired that the rift between the Uchiha Clan and the village be resolved peacefully and without bloodshed.

Q. Was Fugaku Uchiha strong?

A. Yes, Fugaku was one of the strongest shinobi of his era. His skills as a shinobi were comparable to Minato Namikage, the Fourth Hokage. He was even considered a prime candidate for the position of Fourth Hokage.

Q. Why didn’t Fugaku stop Itachi?

A. Fugaku clearly stated that he did not want to engage in a deathmatch with his own son and decided to sacrifice himself instead. In his final words, he told Itachi that even though their philosophies may differ from each other, he was still proud of him.

Why didn't Itachi take his father's mangekyou?

As for the reason why he did not use his father's Mangekyou, it could be because Itachi knew that he was dying and saw no point in achieving Eternal Mangekyou, just to die to an incurable sickness. He probably knew he wouldn't have enough time to reap the benefits of the Eternal Mangekyou.

Why didnt Itachi implant fugaku's eyes?

As for EMS, he probably didn't take Fugaku's eyes because there was no need for it. He always planned to die by Sasuke's hand a few years later, and for Sasuke to take. He also already had Shisui's eye in case of a need for more power.

Why didn't Itachi use Kotoamatsukami on fugaku?

The reason why Itachi wasn't able to use it was because the ability wasn't ready at that time.

Does Itachi have Shisui's eye?

We all know that Itachi had the left eye of Shisui which had the Kotoamatsukami. This was planted as the eye of one the crows of Itachi and the crow was planted inside Naruto, to counter Sasuke's Mangekyō, if ever, he turned against the village.


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