Why did the photo go to jail joke

Joke #3227

Why was the picture sent to jail? It was framed.


Joke has 59.09 % from 45 votes. More jokes about: cop

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Q: Why did the picture end up in jail?
A: It was framed!

Explanation:  Pictures are often put into frames, the wood or metal box that goes around the picture with glass or plastic, to keep the picture safe.

“To be framed” means to be blamed for doing something that you did not do.  It could be a crime and you are framed when the evidence points to you and you did not do the crime. A person who is framed can end up in jail for a crime he or she did not commit.

The premise of The A Team was a group that was framed for a crime they did not commit:

About stfleming

Reader, writer, teacher, thinker and dreamer. Lector, escritor, profesor, pensador y soñador. I teach in Lima, Peru. Enseño en Lima, Peru.

This entry was posted in ELL, ESL, humor, Joke and tagged A Team, crime, ELL, English, ESL, framed, funny, humor, jail, joke, jokes, kids, kids jokes, Mr T, Picture, picture frame, reading, the picture, to be framed, writing. Bookmark the permalink.


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