Why cant i see my featured viewers on facebook

Everyone loves Facebook, and they use it to socialize and post their photos and video with their friends and family. The Facebook app introduces new features regularly, and you must learn about these features to stay relevant and keep up with the changing trends. One of such features is Featured Photos on Facebook. You can add them to your profile so people can view them. 

If you’re wondering who viewed your featured photos, then you came to the right place. However, before discussing how to check views on featured photos, let’s look at what Facebook featured photos exactly are.

A collection of featured photos on Facebook is slightly equivalent to Instagram’s story highlight feature. It allows you to upload a collection of pictures and videos to your Facebook profile for others to see. It is important to note that featured photos are public, and anyone is who is anybody can view them. 

Initially, featured photos were shown in a 3×3 grid, but there has been a minor update. Now, they are in a “Featured Story” option instead. This change annoyed some people, but sadly there is no way to switch it back. 

We can see who viewed our featured photos on Facebook, but how? Let’s find out.

How To See Who Viewed Your Facebook Featured Photos? 

When you check your featured photos views, you must know that you will see two categories, “viewers” and “others.” “Viewers” include your Facebook friends who have viewed your features photos.

In contrast, “others” are public users who have viewed your featured photos but aren’t your Facebook friends. If someone, not your Facebook friend, has viewed your featured photos, their identity remains anonymous

Here is a step-by-step guide for how to check your featured photo viewers on Facebook.

Step #1: Log On to Your Facebook Account

The first thing to do is open your Facebook app and log in to your Facebook account if you haven’t already.

Step #2: Go to Your Profile

The next step is to go to your profile. You can do that by tapping your profile picture next to the “What’s on your mind?” box.

Step #3: View Your Featured Photos Collection

On your profile, you will see your profile information, including your name, where you study, where you work, where you live, etc. Scroll down till you find your Featured Collections and tap on the one you want to check the viewers off.

Step #4: Tap on “Viewers”

After you have selected and tapped on the collection you want to see, it will be expanded to full screen like “Facebook stories” or “Instagram stories.”

At the bottom left corner, you will see the number of viewers with a few names shown. To see the complete list of the viewers, tap on the arrow beside “viewers.”

Step #5: Check Your Collection Views

After tapping the arrow, you will land on the “Insights” page, where you will see a complete list of your viewers who are your Facebook friends. Their names and display pictures will be visible. 

Keep scrolling down till you reach the bottom of that page, where you may see the “Others” category. This shows the people who are not on your Facebook friend list but have viewed your featured collection. However, you cannot see their names or display pictures and will only see the total number of other viewers. 

And that’s it. This is how you check who has viewed your featured photos on Facebook!


Adding featured photos on Facebook is a great way to incorporate your life updates and aesthetics into your Facebook profile. In this guide on how to see who viewed your Facebook featured photos, we have discussed how you can access your viewers’ list of featured photos and other frequently asked questions regarding featured photos. 

We hope we have answered your question regarding who viewed your featured photos on Facebook.


Yes, you can see who has viewed your Facebook featured photos. However, only those names will be revealed who already are your Facebook friends. People who are not on your friend list will be classified as “Others.”

This could be because the features photos section is not available in your country or geographic region. 

No, if you upload a featured photos collection on Facebook, it does not appear on your timeline. People will have to access your Facebook profile to view your featured photos.

Facebook has recently redesigned the layout of featured photos on Facebook, where the photos were displayed in a static display, and now, they are in a “story form.” However, Facebook has completely gotten rid of the old layout, so you cannot restore it. 

Unlike Facebook stories which come with an expiration period, featured photos do not have a time limit. 

Why I can't see who viewed my featured photos on Facebook?

You can find out who has seen your Facebook featured photos. But, only those who are your Facebook friends will have their names and profile pictures revealed if they browse your featured photos.

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