What was to the person sitting in darkness apex

  • School High School Summer Program
  • Course Title US HISTORY 101
  • Pages 7
  • Ratings 78% (9) 7 out of 9 people found this document helpful

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9.3.4 Practice: Evaluating ImperialismPractice AssignmentU.S. History (S3139726)Karaline FritcheyPoints possible: 30Date: ____________Your Assignment1.Using the primary sources provided, create a three- to five-paragraph essay. Youressay should contain the following elements:2.3.A description of the historical context surrounding the debate over Americanimperialism, specifically discussing the Spanish-American War.4.A comparison of Albert Beveridge and Mark Twain's views on American imperialism.5.A personal conclusion about which of writer's argument about American imperialismis strongest. You must support your conclusion with evidence from history and thesources.What You Turn InFor this assignment, you will submit your completed essay to your teacher.

With Imperialism people have believed to go far, through exploration and new ideas ofthe mind. Bringing goodwill and new technology to better these uncivilized countries. To themother countries their world grew and expanded showing people what could onlybe dreamed of.that was not the case for all who experienced imperialism. For some their world did not better,grow or expand butwas caged instead. Imperialism was like a parasite for countries coming onlyto take but never to give anything in return.He is direct in what he wants to say and to the point not going around but straight to it.“He rules of liberty that all just government derives its authority from the consent of thegoverned, applies only to those whoare capable of self-government. We govern the Indianswithout their consent we govern our children without their consent.”He saw them as not ready torule so the answer to that is to rule for them until they can govern themselves. He did not see ascaging a culture but as reforming the cultures.Mark Twain was sarcastic in his views claiming one thing but meaning amother thing just as hethought imperialism was. He believed that imperialism was not what people believed it to be orwhatwas presented to the people. “Extending the Blessings of Civilization to ourBrother whoSits in Darkness10has been a good trade and has paid well, on the whole; and there is money init yet, ifcarefully worked — but not enough, in my judgment, to make any considerable riskadvisable. The People that Sit in Darkness are getting to be too scarce —

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What was to the person sitting in darkness answer?

"To the Person Sitting in Darkness" is an essay by American author Mark Twain published in the North American Review in February 1901. It is a satire exposing imperialism as revealed in the Boxer Uprising and its aftermath, the Boer War, and the Philippine–American War, expressing Twain's anti-imperialist views.

Which point is Mark Twain making to the person sitting in darkness apex?

Which point is Mark Twain making in "To the Person Sitting in Darkness"? Imperialists preach values they do not practice.


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