What should i eat when my blood sugar is low

Your Hypoglycemia Action Plan

If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia, it’s important to take action. Start with these steps:

Test your blood sugar. If you recognize any of these symptoms and believe your blood sugar may be too low, the first step you should take is to test your blood sugar with your glucose meter, Tan says. Anything less than 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) is considered low blood sugar, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM). However, target levels are often individualized, so talk with your healthcare provider about your optimal numbers, Tan adds.

Eat or drink fast-acting carbs. If you have low blood sugar, you need to take action right away. Your best bet is to consume about 15 grams of carbohydrates, the NLM says. Some options include:

  • ½ cup or 4 ounces of orange juice
  • ½ cup or 4 ounces of regular soda (not diet)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar dissolved in water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup
  • 5 or 6 hard candies, jelly beans, or gumdrops
  • 1 tablespoon of cake frosting
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins
  • ½ cup of applesauce

You can also take three to four glucose tablets or a tube of glucose gel. “Everyone who takes medications for diabetes should always have glucose tablets with them,” Galindo urges.

Wait, then retest. The next step is to wait 15 minutes, then test your blood sugar again. If blood sugar has reached 100 mg/dl or greater, you’re fine. If not...

…Repeat. If you’re blood sugar is still low, eat another 15 grams of carbohydrates, wait another 15 minutes, and retest, the NLM recommends. “You need to repeat these steps until your blood sugar is corrected,” Galindo says.

When your blood sugar is back to normal. Once you feel better, it's important to eat some protein to keep your blood sugar within normal range, Tan says. Smart options include a handful of peanuts, some peanut butter, or cheese. “A sandwich with ham or turkey is a good choice, too,” says Bruce Evans, NRP, a board member of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and chief of the Upper Pine River Fire Protection District, located outside Durango, Colorado. But otherwise, you can resume your activities, Tan adds.

When to call your doctor. If you’re having trouble normalizing your blood sugar, call your doctor and ask to be seen immediately. Untreated hypoglycemia could cause you to seize or become unconscious, the NIDDK says.

How to Help Others Help You  

Knowing the signs of low blood sugar, having an action plan, and being prepared with your glucose meter and glucose tablets are vital, but sometimes you might need to rely on other people to help when you’re blood sugar drops too low. Take these additional steps so you’re prepared — and they are, too:

Teach your loved ones. If you’re unable to help yourself, friends, family, or colleagues may need to treat you with an injection of glucagon, a hormone that tells your liver to release stored glucose, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) says. For this reason, it’s a good idea to teach those close to you what to do. If they don’t know how to give you the injection or if glucagon isn’t available, they must call 911 and get you the help you need, Evans says. Low blood sugar that’s sustained for a prolonged time can lead to irreversible brain damage, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Wear an ID bracelet. Evan suggests that everyone with diabetes should get a tattoo or wear a medical ID bracelet. The bracelet should say “diabetes” and whether you’re on insulin or take other medications, the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston recommends.

Talk to your doctor about your low blood sugar risk. If you have frequent bouts of hypoglycemia, be sure to talk with your doctor. The solution may be as simple as changing how much or the kind of diabetes medicine you take. However, never make any changes to your medication regimen without your doctor’s approval.

Check out this Diabetes Daily story to read about one woman's experience managing diabetes!

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Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar that can cause headaches, weakness, and anxiety. What foods should a person with hypoglycemia eat to reduce symptoms?

In this article, we list meal plans for people with hypoglycemia, as well as other tips for managing the condition.

Share on PinterestHypoglycemia is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms including fatigue and confusion.

People with persistent low blood sugar may have hypoglycemia. Having low blood sugar is often associated with diabetes, but it is possible to experience hypoglycemia without having diabetes.

Other common causes include hormonal deficiencies, critical illnesses, and excessive alcohol consumption.

When blood sugar drops within 4 hours of eating a meal, a person may be experiencing reactive hypoglycemia. This condition is caused by excessive insulin production after eating.

Hypoglycemia symptoms including:

  • trembling
  • feeling weak or faint
  • headache
  • feeling mentally sluggish
  • confusion
  • anxiety and irritability
  • feeling tearful
  • heart palpitations
  • turning pale
  • blurred sight
  • tingling lips

A person should always try to eat breakfast as soon as possible after waking up, as blood sugar levels may have dropped during the night.

It is advisable to limit intake of fruit juices in the morning and stick to juices that do not have added sugar, as these may cause blood sugar levels to become unstable.

Some ideal breakfast choices include:

  • hard-boiled eggs and whole-grain toast
  • oatmeal with berries, sunflower seeds, agave, and cinnamon
  • Greek yogurt with berries, honey, and oatmeal

Cinnamon is thought to help reduce blood sugar levels and can be sprinkled on many breakfast foods.

Some of these products are available to purchase online, including sunflower seeds, agave syrup, and oatmeal.

Lunch should be a small meal but packed with protein, healthful fats, and complex carbohydrates that will continue to release energy slowly.

Some good lunch ideas for hypoglycemia are:

  • tuna, chicken, or tofu sandwich on whole-grain bread with salad leaves
  • chickpea and vegetable salad
  • grilled fish, a baked sweet potato, and a side salad

It is necessary for a person with hypoglycemia to be aware of the glycemic index or GI of the foods they eat. Some foods that appear to be healthful may have a high GI. Fortunately, there is often an alternative that has a lower GI.

For example, sweet potatoes have a relatively low GI and are full of antioxidants, making them a better choice than other types of potato, such as white russet potatoes, which have a high GI.

While it may be tempting to eat more in the evenings, a person with hypoglycemia should keep their evening meals small. A good dinner choice will include protein and complex carbohydrates.

Dinner ideas include:

  • chicken or tofu with brown rice and vegetables
  • salmon with steamed vegetables or salad
  • a bean stew with lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, and tinned tomatoes

People with hypoglycemia should try to include small, nutritious snacks in between meals to keep blood sugar levels constant and ensure they are having enough vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, proteins, and fibrous carbohydrates in their diet.

Eating one snack mid-morning, another mid-afternoon, and something small close to bedtime can help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout both the day and night.

Some healthy snack options are:

  • a small apple with a few slices of cheddar cheese
  • a banana with a handful of nuts or seeds
  • a slice of wholegrain toast with mashed avocado or hummus
  • whole-grain crackers topped with a small can of sardines or tuna
  • carrots, peppers, and cucumber dipped in hummus
  • a vegetable smoothie

It is important to remember that people who exercise regularly may need to eat more frequently, as strenuous or sustained physical activity can cause blood sugar levels to drop.

A person should eat a small snack that includes carbs and protein before a workout. Good choices include:

  • a piece of fruit or handful of berries and whole-grain crackers
  • Greek yogurt mixed with berries
  • an apple with a spoonful of peanut butter and a slice of cheese
  • a small handful of mixed dried fruit and nuts
  • a no-sugar peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole-grain bread. No-sugar peanut butter may be purchased online.

Exercising on a full stomach is not advisable, so keeping pre-exercise snacks small and remembering to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water are important.

A person experiencing a minor case of low blood sugar can consume 15–20 grams (g) of fast-acting carbohydrates, such as a small glass of fruit juice or a few crackers.

If a person is still experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar after 15 minutes, they can eat another 15–20 g portion of carbohydrates.

Following a hypoglycemia diet will help to manage symptoms and prevent blood sugar from dropping.

Reducing simple sugars and increasing complex carbohydrates can help control blood sugar levels throughout the day and prevent any sudden spikes or dips.

A person with hypoglycemia can try the following lifestyle considerations:

  • eating frequent meals
  • avoiding high sugar foods, including sweets, sugary drinks, and fruit juices with added sugar
  • choosing foods with low GI scores
  • reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption

Eating or drinking a small amount of fast-acting carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit or fruit juice, can treat minor cases of hypoglycemia.

However, anyone experiencing more severe or regular symptoms should see their doctor, as soon as possible. Hypoglycemia is a manageable condition, and getting an early diagnosis means the symptoms can be controlled.

Left untreated, the symptoms of hypoglycemia can become more frequent and dangerous. The symptoms also mimic other conditions, so it is important for a doctor to diagnose the condition and rule out other possible causes.

Severe symptoms of hypoglycemia, including loss of consciousness, require immediate medical attention.

What is the best food to eat when your blood sugar is low?

Fruits that provide the appropriate amount of carbohydrates include half a banana, 15 grapes, two tablespoons of raisins or a small apple or orange. Fruit juice can also boost blood sugar levels. Norton suggests half a cup (4 ounces ) of your favorite fruit juice, such as apple, orange, pineapple or cranberry juice.

How can I raise my blood sugar quickly?

Your doctor may tell you to have really sugary foods or drinks (like regular soda, orange juice, or cake frosting) or might give you glucose tablets or gel to take — all of these can help to raise your blood sugar level fast, which is what you need to do when it's low. Wait about 10 minutes to let the sugar work.

What is the best food to eat when your blood sugar is high?

Healthy foods to help manage blood sugar include whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes. Olive oil and spices can bring additional health benefits for people with diabetes.

How do you feel when your sugar is low?

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia can include:.
feeling hungry..
tiredness (fatigue).
blurred vision..
trembling or shakiness..
going pale..
fast pulse or palpitations..


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