What is the solution to the inequality 2n 5 1

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Central Michigan University

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Describe the steps you would use to solve the inequality. $$11-2 n>-5$$


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Video Transcript

11 minus two n. All right, eyes greater than negative five. And we're describing the steps we would use to solve this. We're not actually solving it, but all right, so to solve this and get Anil by itself, I would subtract 11 from all sides and divide all sides. I negative, too. And gotta remember to flip the sign. Thanks. Inequality. Sign What flipped the inequality when dividing I a negative, which we are doing here.



Grade 8 · 2022-01-07

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What is the solution to the inequality What is the solution to the inequality |2n+5|>1 �� - Gauthmath
n<-33 or n>-2
n<2 or n>3


University of Chicago

Master's degree


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(2n+5) > 1
2n > -4
n > -2

-(2n+5) > 1
2n+5 < -1
2n < -6
n < -3

Think of the shape of |x| -- it is a V-shape. So, if |x| > n, it will be where the graph is above the line y=n. That means there will be two intervals, not one. See


Absolute value inequalities

We think you wrote:

This solution deals with absolute value inequalities.

Step by Step Solution

Absolute Value Inequality entered :


Step by step solution :

Step  1  :

Rearrange this Absolute Value Inequality

Absolute value inequalitiy entered
      |2n-5| < 1 

Step  2  :

Clear the Absolute Value Bars

Clear the absolute-value bars by splitting the equation into its two cases, one for the Positive case and the other for the Negative case.

The Absolute Value term is |2n-5|For the Negative case we'll use -(2n-5) 

For the Positive case we'll use (2n-5) 

Step  3  :

Solve the Negative Case


 -(2n-5) < 1 

      -2n+5 < 1 

     Rearrange and Add up
      -2n < -4 

     Divide both sides by 2
      -n < -2 

     Multiply both sides by (-1)
     Remember to flip the inequality sign
      n > 2 
     Which is the solution for the Negative Case

Step  4  :

Solve the Positive Case


 (2n-5) < 1 

     Rearrange and Add up
      2n < 6 

     Divide both sides by 2
      n < 3 

     Which is the solution for the Positive Case

Step  5  :

Wrap up the solution

    2 < n < 3

Solution in Interval Notation


Solution on the Number Line

One solution was found :


    2 < n < 3

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