What is the life expectancy of a bernedoodle

Bernedoodles are a designer dog breed recently gaining popularity as the adorable cross between the intelligent, hypoallergenic Poodle and the big, cuddly teddy bear of the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Bernedoodles are loving, affable dogs that are highly attached to their families. Smart, goofy, and devoted, Bernedoodles get the most out of both imposing parent breeds. They have a broad range of sizes depending on the size of the Poodle parent it is bred to Toy, Miniature, and Standard. 

How long do Bernedoodles live? [Bernedoodle Lifespan Guide]

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look on:

  • How long do Bernedoodles live
  • What are Bernedoodles like? 
  • Factors that affect a Bernedoodle lifespan
  • How you can help your Bernedoodle live longer

  • How Long Do Bernedoodles Live?
  • What Are Bernedoodles Like?
  • Factors That Affect A Bernedoodle Lifespan 
  • How You Can Help Your Bernedoodle Live Longer?
  • Final Thoughts 

Of course, you’ll want to know the average lifespan of your canine best bud. Good news! Bernedoodles have a relatively long lifespan of 12 to 15 years, and some have been known to live till 18! While there are exceptions to every rule, smaller dogs typically live longer than larger ones. 

Hence, crossing the relatively short 8 to 10-year lifespan of the Bernese Mountain dog and the long 15-year lifespan of a Toy Poodle results in a Bernedoodle that can outlive many other larger breeds. 

While the Bernese Mountain dog is only recognized in one size, the Poodle is recognized by the clubs in three different sizes: Standard, Miniature, and Toy. 

Cross them both, and you’ve got the Bernedoodle, a designer dog hybrid that comes in a wide variety of sizes. The Bernedoodle is currently not recognized by the clubs yet but is recognized by several other organizations such as the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, the Designer Breed Registry, and the American Canine Hybrid Club. 

Bernedoodle puppy lying on the grass.

What Are Bernedoodles Like?

Active, versatile, and cuddly, Bernedoodles are highly intelligent and have moderate to high energy levels.

Smaller Bernedoodles might do well in an apartment, while larger ones crossed with a Standard Poodle will be better off in a household with a yard. 

Their loving, affectionate nature makes them ideal family pets. Depending on which parent breed it takes after, a Bernedoodle can also have a hypoallergenic coat, making them suitable pooches for folks with allergies. 

Despite their happy-go-lucky, love-the-world nature, early socialization is always required to ensure that they are calm, friendly, and remain unfazed in the face of overstimulation and unfamiliar environments. 

They are unlikely to have any aggressive tendencies and will suit most households, especially those with active owners or young children to wear them out exercising or playing. 

Sadie the Bernedoodle by Chris Michel on Flickr. CC-by-SA 2.0

Factors That Affect A Bernedoodle Lifespan 

The cool thing about hybrids is that they often take after the best of both parent breeds. That being said, like any dog, Bernedoodles can come with their share of health issues depending on a few factors. 

Genetics Of The Bernedoodle 

The way the Bernedoodle is bred will significantly impact its lifespan. While many breeders, unfortunately, prioritize aesthetics over sound structure and temperament, there are many ethical breeders that seek to better the breed. 

Most people think of dog breeding as simply choosing two cute dogs and letting them have puppies. While it’s true that looks are important in dog breeding, there is a lot more to it than that. In order to produce healthy, well-adjusted puppies, breeders need to have a deep understanding of canine genetics. 

By carefully selecting which dogs to breed, they can avoid passing on genetic diseases and defects. Furthermore, by studying the pedigrees of potential breeding stock, they can choose dogs with the desired characteristics for their specific breed. In other words, genetics plays a crucial role in dog breeding, and without a thorough understanding of the subject, serious health problems can result.

Despite having more Poodle genetics, F1b Bernedoodles still often have the distinctive tri-color markings (Jet black, clear white, and rust)


Bernedoodles have moderate to high energy levels and need plenty of exercise to stay balanced and healthy. 

Exercise helps to keep their muscles and joints strong, and it can also help to prevent weight gain. A daily one-hour walk is a great way to start, but you can also try higher-intensity activities like playing fetch or going for a swim. 

The F2b Berendoodle generation can have that distinct Bernese Mountain Dog color coat


As any pet owner knows, a dog’s diet is essential to their overall health. Just like humans, dogs need a balance of nutrients in order to stay active and healthy. Unfortunately, many pet owners don’t realize the importance of a healthy diet for their furry friends. 

Processed foods that are high in fat and low in nutrients can cause a host of problems for dogs, including weight gain, joint pain, and digestive issues. In extreme cases, an unhealthy diet can even lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart disease. 

By contrast, a healthy diet can help dogs live longer, healthier lives. Foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can boost a dog’s immune system, improve their coat and skin health, and increase their energy levels. In addition, a healthy diet can help to prevent common health problems such as obesity and diabetes. 

Natural organic dog food with vegetables and meat.


A well-trained dog is a happy one that isn’t constantly getting yelled at! Dogs need guidance and leadership, and inadequate training or neglect can result in an unhappy dog which might exhibit various behavioral problems.

Untrained dogs will also get into everything and possibly into trouble. Trash cans often contain foods like onions and chocolates that are toxic to dogs, especially in large quantities. 

In addition, understimulated or unhappy dogs can also try to escape and run away, risking injury due to other animals, traffic, and many other hazards. 

A close up portrait of a F2 Bernedoodle


A dog’s size has a significant impact on its lifespan. While of course, there are exceptions to every rule, smaller dogs live longer on average than larger dogs. This is because they have a lower metabolism and don’t experience the same wear and tear on their bodies. 

For example, a large dog’s heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout its body, which can lead to problems over time. Additionally, bigger dogs are more likely to develop joint problems, which can cause pain and mobility issues. Finally, large dogs are more likely to suffer from heatstroke, as they cannot pant as effectively to cool down. 

However, it’s important to remember that every dog is different, and there are many other factors that affect a dog’s lifespan. Nonetheless, size is an important factor to consider when estimating a dog’s expected lifespan.

An F2bb Bernedoodles enjoy snow (just like all Bernedoodles!)

How You Can Help Your Bernedoodle Live Longer?

Bernedoodles are loving, affectionate dogs that bond strongly with their hoo-man families. We love our pooches and of course, we want to spend as much time as we can with them! While not exhaustive, here are some ways that you could potentially prolong your Bernedoodle’s lifespan. 

Feed A Healthy, Nutritious Diet 

Feeding your dog a high-quality diet is one of the best things you can do to help them live a long and healthy life. Look for dog foods that are made with high-quality ingredients and avoid those that are high in sugar or cheap fillers such as grain or corn. 

Dogs need plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats in their diets. Avoid feeding your dog processed foods, artificial additives, and unhealthy fats.

Whether cooked or raw, choose unseasoned ingredients with no additives

Give Plenty Of Exercise

Another important part of keeping your dog healthy is making sure they get plenty of exercise. Dogs need to be active to maintain their health and prolong their life. 

Bernedoodles are moderately active dogs that could use a vigorous one-hour walk a day to keep them happy and tired. In addition, you can add playtime and other intensive sessions like:

  • A daily game of fetch or frisbee
  • Agility training 
  • Interactive dog toys
  • The occasional run or long hike 

Not only will your Bernedoodle thank you, but your own body will too! 

Spay Or Neuter Your Bernedoodle

Spaying or neutering your pup can greatly improve life expectancy, with desexed dogs showing to live 1.5 to 2 years longer than unfixed dogs. 

Desexing is a common surgical procedure performed on millions of animals each year. For dogs, it involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus in females, and the removal of the testes in males.

There are many benefits to desexing, including health benefits and behavior benefits. Perhaps the most well-known benefit of desexing is that it can help to increase a dog’s lifespan.

Desexed dogs are less likely to develop certain types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer or testicular cancer. In addition, desexed dogs are less likely to roam in search for a mate, which reduces their risk of being hit by a car or getting into fights with other animals. 

As a result, desexing provides numerous health benefits that can help your dog to enjoy a longer and healthier life.

An F1BB Bernedoodle is 87.5% Poodle – but still retain the Berner personality

Regular Vet Visits 

Prevention is better than cure! Going to the vet yearly is important for your pet’s health, as the vet can help to identify health concerns that might be missed by the untrained eye and provide treatment before the problem becomes more serious. 

By going to the vet yearly, you can help ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy for many years to come.

Final Thoughts 

Dogs are almost perfect. The one flaw they have is that they don’t live as long as we do! 

However, regardless of breed, they will give you many happy years of life and with proper care, they can defy the odds and live even longer!

My name is Chris and I am the co-creator of Oodle Life. My wife and I love playing with our active miniature Labradoodle Max. We want all Oodle puppies to be healthy and happy, have lots of fun and be part of the family.

What health issues do Bernedoodles have?

Health. There are, however, some conditions that Bernedoodles may be predisposed to, including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye problems, and skin issues such as allergies and hot spots. All breeds may be affected by any number of health concerns, but the Bernedoodle is generally a healthy breed.

Is a Bernedoodle high maintenance?

Cons: High Maintenance However, the Bernedoodle is high maintenance, needing regular grooming sessions to keep it healthy and happy. Regular trimming and brushing prevent the fur from tangling. Neglecting the coat leads to tangled hair that can lead to skin irritation and health problems for your little one.

At what age does a Bernedoodle calm down?

A common question about Bernedoodle puppies is when will they start to settle down. Most owners say that their Berniedoodle pups started to settle down around 6 to 8 months, which is sooner that a lot of breeds.

Do Bernedoodles like to cuddle?

Bernedoodles are highly affectionate and love being around their human families, especially kids. They love attention and crave regular cuddle sessions. ​ Believe it or not, many of these cuties are trained to become therapy dogs! This affectionate breed makes excellent therapy dogs, and for a good reason.


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