What is 8 5/6 as a fraction

Fraction Calculator is a free online tool that displays the arithmetic operation for the given fraction. BYJU’S online fraction calculator tool makes the calculation faster, and it displays the arithmetic operations in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Fraction Calculator?

The procedure to use the fraction calculator is as follows:
Step 1: Enter the fractions and the arithmetic operator in the respective input field
Step 2: Now click the button “Submit” to get the result
Step 3: Finally, the result for the arithmetic operation of fractions will be displayed in the new window

What is Meant by Fraction?

In maths, a fraction represents a part of the whole number. It consists of a numerator and denominator where numerator represents the number of equal parts and denominator represents the total amount that makes up a whole.
For example, 5/6 is a fraction where 5 is the numerator and 6 is the denominator. Fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided like all other numbers.
By using the algebraic formula for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, this calculator will add, subtract, multiply or divide fractions and gets you an answer in a reduced fraction form.
(a/b) + (c/d) =(ad+bc)/bd
(a/b) – (c/d) =(ad-bc)/bd
(a/b) . (c/d) = ac/bd
(a/b) / (c/d) = ad/bc

Input fractions

This calculator performs basic and advanced fraction operations, expressions with fractions combined with integers, decimals, and mixed numbers. It also shows detailed step-by-step information about the fraction calculation procedure. The calculator helps in finding value from multiple fractions operations. Solve problems with two, three, or more fractions and numbers in one expression.

The result:

5/6 * 8 = 20/3 = 6 2/36.6666667

Spelled result in words is twenty thirds (or six and two thirds).

How do we solve fractions step by step?

  1. Multiple: 5/6 * 8 = 5 · 8/6 · 1 = 40/6 = 20 · 2/3 · 2 = 20/3
    Multiply both numerators and denominators. Result fraction keep to lowest possible denominator GCD(40, 6) = 2. In the following intermediate step, cancel by a common factor of 2 gives 20/3.
    In other words - five sixths multiplied by eight is twenty thirds.

Rules for expressions with fractions:

Fractions - use a forward slash to divide the numerator by the denominator, i.e., for five-hundredths, enter 5/100. If you use mixed numbers, leave a space between the whole and fraction parts.

Mixed numerals (mixed numbers or fractions) keep one space between the integer and
fraction and use a forward slash to input fractions i.e., 1 2/3 . An example of a negative mixed fraction: -5 1/2.
Because slash is both signs for fraction line and division, use a colon (:) as the operator of division fractions i.e., 1/2 : 1/3.
Decimals (decimal numbers) enter with a decimal point . and they are automatically converted to fractions - i.e. 1.45.

Math Symbols

SymbolSymbol nameSymbol MeaningExample
+ plus sign addition 1/2 + 1/3
- minus sign subtraction 1 1/2 - 2/3
* asterisk multiplication 2/3 * 3/4
× times sign multiplication 2/3 × 5/6
: division sign division 1/2 : 3
/ division slash division 1/3 / 5
: colon complex fraction 1/2 : 1/3
^ caret exponentiation / power 1/4^3
() parentheses calculate expression inside first -3/5 - (-1/4)

The calculator follows well-known rules for the order of operations. The most common mnemonics for remembering this order of operations are:
PEMDAS - Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
BEDMAS - Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
BODMAS - Brackets, Of or Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.
GEMDAS - Grouping Symbols - brackets (){}, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
MDAS - Multiplication and Division have the same precedence over Addition and Subtraction. The MDAS rule is the order of operations part of the PEMDAS rule.
Be careful; always do multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. Some operators (+ and -) and (* and /) has the same priority and then must evaluate from left to right.

Fractions in word problems:

  • Using money
    Out of 550,000.00 given to a school, an amount of 325,000.00 was used. What fraction of the total amount was used?
  • Children 9
    There are 11 children in a room. Six of the children are girls. What fraction of the children are girls?
  • One Saturday
    One Saturday evening there are 40 girls, 25 boys, 18 women and 17 men at a cinema. What fraction are girls?
  • In fractions
    An ant climbs 2/5 of the pole in the first hour and climbs 1/4 of the pole in the next hour. What part of the pole does the ant climb in two hours?
  • Max has 2
    Max has 13 pairs of socks. From this, six pairs are blue, three pairs are brown, two are black, and two are white. What fraction of Max's socks are either brown or black?
  • Babies
    There are two adults, two children, and four babies on a bus. What fraction of the people are babies?
  • Marry
    Marry had 1 1/2 dozen eggs in the refrigerator. She used 1/3 of the eggs. What part of the eggs was used?
  • Evaluate expression
    Calculate the value of the expression z/3 - 2 z/9 + 1/6, for z = 2
  • A farm 6
    A farm has 20 animals. There are four chickens. What fraction of the animals are chickens? Express your answer as a fraction in the simplest form.
  • Value of Z
    For x = -9, what is the value of Z, where Z equals fraction numerator x minus 17 over denominator 6.5 end fraction Give your answer to 2 decimal places.
  • Mathew
    Mathew has eight pencils. Three of them do not have erasers on end. What fraction of the pencils do not have erasers on end?

more math problems »

What is 5/6 as a fraction?

Decimal and Fraction Conversion Chart.

What's 8 5 as a fraction?

Answer: The value of 8 divided by 5 as a fraction is 1⅗. As 8/5 is an improper fraction so when we divide the 8 by 5 we'll get 1 as quotient and 3 as remainder.

How do you solve 5 6 * 8?

5/6 * 8 = 203 = 6 23 ≅ 6.6666667 Spelled result in words is twenty thirds (or six and two thirds).

What is 5 and 6 8 as a decimal?

So the answer is that 5 6/8 as a decimal is 5.75.


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